TONIGHT – Lakewood Chaveirim to Offer Free Car Inspections

lkwd chav.jpgAs many families take their vehicles on vacations this summer, the Chaveirim Volunteer Organization, along with the Lakewood Civilian Safety Watch will be offering free car inspections – open to the public – this evening in Lakewood, NJ.The event will take place at the Yeshiva Orchos Chaim parking lot, at 410 Oberlin [corner of Cedarbridge Ave] from 6:00PM – 9:00PM.

YWN spoke with the founder of Lakewood Chaveirim who told us that many people have safety issues with their vehicles, and by getting a simple, few minute inspection may save them the heart-ace of breaking down on a highway. “An item as simple as having too much air in a tire can result in a blow-out after loading the car with your summer belongings”, he said.

Additionally, there will be four volunteer neighborhood mechanics on hand to advise folks how to proceed with any serious issues found.

More than 30 items will be checked on each vehicle – in under a few minutes, and brief instruction and safety tips will be given to each driver. For example, many people do not know where their spare-tire is located in many new minivans.

To reach Lakewood Chaveirim’s 24hr hotline please call 732-370-2229.

(NOTE: This is not a DMV inspection, but a safety inspection.)

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Lakewood News Desk)

3 Responses

  1. What a chesed !!!… I am so moved by this action to prevent a yid from (Hasve Shalom) being stuck out in the road in no-where land that I’ll be sending a check to them. And, I hope you join me in this great mitzvah of prevention of sakana…..

  2. This is a fantastic idea and chesed. I sincerely want to say a very important follow-up would be reminding drivers to apply defensive driving techniques along with reviewing driver education behind-the-wheel techniques we all were taught in driving classes. A safe car is only as good as a safe driver. Again, I mean this sincerely as too many dangerous driving situations happen in Lakewood due to careless driving.

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