Rav Aharon Schechter zt”l

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Klal Yisroel mourns the tremendous loss of a remarkable Rosh Yeshiva and tzaddik, who genuinely took achrayus – responsibility for Klal Yisroel. He passed away early this morning.   Perhaps more than any other Rosh Yeshiva in the 20th and 21st century, he knew, understood, and felt the pain of the repercussions of communism to Russian Jewry and did whatever he could to undo that damage.

Most of Ashkenazic Jewry in America and elsewhere had grandparents and great-grandparents that lived in Tsarist Russia, Poland and Lita, what is called the Pale of Settlement.  There were well over six million Jews that lived there.  Communism destroyed what Nazi Germany left over.

Rav Aharon Schechter zatzal did whatever he could to save the remnant of Russian Jewry that came to America.  He supported every Mossad that was mekarev them and that educated them.  He supported kiruv camps, high schools and Yeshivos.  It was not only Russian Jews, but others as well.  Every Kiruv worker knew that Rav Aharon was the address for assistance in this crucial area.

But Rav Aharon zt”l went above and beyond this.  He ensured that they became Tamidei Chachomim as well.  And not just talmidei Chachomim – but outstanding ones too.  Rav Aharon Schechter zt’l chose the outstanding Russian bochurim as his chevrusos as well – to prepare his shiurim with him, as well as to learn with them.  It was a tremendous kavod for them too.  The peiros of his actions can be seen now. Many of the outstanding Talmidei Chachomim in virtually every Yeshiva are the fruits of his hard work.

Many of the Seforim that we learn now from heintiga Roshei Yeshiva were put together by the facts on the ground that Rav Aharon Schechter zt”l had built.  Rav Aharon inspired numerous people and his work with Vaad l’hatzalas Nidchei Yisroel still inspires those who assisted in these endeavors.

Rabbi Yaakov Bender shlita recollected how he was a role model of how a Rebbe should be concerned about his talmidim.  “Even a talmid from fifty years ago, he would look out for and show love and concern.”

He had remarkable middos and such ahavas Yisroel that anyone that came in contact with him was thoroughly inspired.  And that is how he was able to accomplish so much.

This author’s family had taken in an NCSY girl that wanted to deepen her commitment to Yiddishkeit.  She dated one of Rav Aharon Schecter’s chevrusos and before their engagement – Rav Aharon gave me a large hug and his remarkable warm smile, and said, “I will split the costs of the wedding with you and am glad to be your new mechutan.”  For the next few years at any chasunah he warmly hugged me and said, “Ahh mein mechutan!  How are you?”

Rav Aharon was born in Brooklyn in the 1920’s.  Chaim Berlin was the Yeshiva to go to even years before Rav Hutner arrived.  Rav Hutner had learned in Slabodka in Europe and followed the Alter to Eretz Yisroel.  Rav Hutner zt”l was close to Rav Kook in Eretz Yisroel and when he developed Talmidim in America, the focus of his Mussar mehalech was combined with learning and deriving insights from Maharals.  In the early 1980’s after davening at the Yeshiva, two of my chaveirim and I had asked the Rosh Yeshiva why Rav Hutner  had thought to change the approach from that of Slabodka.  He invited us to his home for Shalosh seudos to further discuss it.  At the table, he explained that Rav Hutner felt that American bochurim were not ready for the mussar mehalech of the Alter.  But he noted that it was not a change – rather it was an adaptation of what the Alter would have done in America.

Rav Hutner built his talmidim just like the Alter had built his.  He encouraged Rav Aharon to write a sefer on the Rambam’s hilchos Bi’as Mikdash – and he even suggested the name to him, “Avodas Aharon.”  It was published in 1967.

The Sefer has 19 simanim and aside from the halachos of Beis HaMikdash further deals with such eclectic topics as inebriation in davening and ruling halacha (Siman gimel) to the mixture of a kzais in kdei achilas pras to kavod habrius, osaik baMitzvah patur min haMitzvah and the nature of Aninus.

Shortly after Rav Hutner passed away, Rav Schechter was asked to join the nesius of Agudas Yisroel and helped lead it since then.  Rav Schechter’s loss in incalculable.   Nafla Ateres Rosheinu.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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