BORO PARK: Levaya of Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Sorscher Z”L

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Sorscher who was niftar in middle of the night Wednesday. Rabbi Sorscher was the first executive director of Yesha Derech Chaim, founded by his illustrious brother’s in-law, Harav Hagoan Reb Yisrael Plutchok ztl and Harav Hagoan Mordichai Reb Rennert ztl.

Dr. Sorscher was a well-known dentist in Boro Park for over thirty years. His patients included Rav Avigdor Miller ztl, the Novominkser Rebbe and Rav Binyamin Zeilberger ztl, the late Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Hatalmud.

Rabbi Sorscher spent his mornings learning in Derech Chaim and his evenings giving the daf yomi shiur at Beis Ahron Tzvi (Rabbi Felder’s shul) in Boro Park. He also gave the motzei Shabbos navi shiur in that shul. He gave these shiurim for close to thirty years.

The levaya will be held today at 11:00AM at Yeshiva Derech Chaim 1573 39th St, Brooklyn, NY (where 16th Ave intersects with 39th Street and Dahil Rd.)

He is survived by his children Nechama Sorscher, Mrs. Mindel Modes, Harav Hagoan Reb Ahron Sorscher, Mrs. Chaya Levi, Mrs. Soro Rothstein, Mrs. Tova Sperka, Mrs. Raizel Reit, Rav Moshe Sorscher, Mrs. Bassi Katz, Mrs. Russi Godfrey, Rabbi Shmuel Sorscher, Mr. Refael Sorscher, Mrs. Mirriam Scheiner, Mrs. Brochi Lomner.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. There’s an apostrophe in brothers of brother’s-in-law only when you are showing ownership, where something belongs to your brother-in-law.

    In this case since it is the plural of brother-in-law, brothers in-law, would NOT have an apostrophe.

    This is why education is important.

  2. Professor Jersey-

    I’m not sure this an appropriate place for a grammar lesson. A chashuve yid was niftar and his family is probably reading this article, followed by your nagging comment.

    Try to use some sechel before posting.

  3. Jersey Jew. You have failed to show why education is important. If you had received a poor education, you would never have known that YWN had mistakenly used an apostrophe, and would have probably been happier for it. יוסיף דעת יוסיף מכאוב.

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