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OU Leader To Participate in DNC Interfaith Gathering

ou new1.pngThe Democratic National Convention Committee has announced that Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Executive Vice President of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, will be one of four keynote speakers from diverse faiths at an interfaith gathering on the eve of the Democratic Party’s nominating convention in Denver.

The interfaith gathering will take place on Sunday, August 24 (2pm MT) in the Wells Fargo Theatre of the Convention Center.

The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (aka “the Orthodox Union”) is the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, representing nearly 1000 synagogues throughout the United States and sponsoring a host of communal programs and services. Rabbi Weinreb has served as the organization’s Executive Vice President since 2002.

The UOJCA is a non-partisan, charitable, educational and advocacy organization which does not endorse candidates for political office. Rabbi Weinreb’s participation in the interfaith gathering is not intended to convey any endorsement – by Rabbi Weinreb or the UOJCA – of any particular candidate or policy position of the DNC.

In connection with the DNC’s announcement, Rabbi Weinreb stated:

“I am honored to participate in the Democratic Convention’s interfaith gathering because this gathering is, in my view, the Democratic Party’s ‘endorsement’ of the critical role religious faiths play in American life. Moreover, as it relates to my role representing the Jewish community, it is a historic statement about the role Jews and Judaism play in American life – with a degree of liberty and autonomy unknown to our ancestors in any other country.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. I just lost a lot of respect for the OU. They’re showing up at a convention for a party that detests religion and G-D.

  2. I would be wary of Rabbi Weinreb, because of his “track record” as a maverick, openly opposing Gedolei Yisrael:

    1. He continues — in personal appearances and in writing — to endorse the books of Natan Slifkin, which have been banned by HaRav Elyashiv SHLIT”A and other Gedolim, because they promote the theory of evolution.

    2. He currently engages in religious dialogue with Conservative and Reform “rabbis” and even a woman “rabbi” at the Web site of the Jerusalem Post, in spite of a long-standing Issur by HaRav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L, HaRav Yosef Dov Soloveichik ZT”L, and other Gedolim.

    Speaking of Senators Obama and McCain, I believe we should be wary of both: Obama because of his sympathy for Palestinians and other Arabs; McCain (like Bush) because of his support from Christian evangelicals.

    I recently wrote Sen. McCain, requesting that he repudiate the Bush administration harrassment of Yad L’Achim (a wonderful organization of anti-missionary Yidden in Eretz Yisrael). So far, I have not gotten a response. Please see:

  3. While it may seem odd(despite the disclaimer re:any implied endorsement) that Rabbi, Dr. Heshy Weinreb would give a keynote speech at the liberal convention rather than at the conservative one, here is an example of his leanings as reported by the Baltimore Jewishtimes:
    “Weinreb agreed, but with a caveat. He is “certain” that same-sex marriage is moving toward broad societal acceptance. Orthodox political opposition is “a rear-guard action,” he lamented.
    “Even in the Orthodox community it will be more accepted, because in truth we have same-sex couples also,” he added. “There was a time they were shunned, but now they are tolerated to varying degrees by shuts. You won’t find any Orthodox rabbi performing a same-sex marriage, but you will find a degree of tolerance on the level of the practice because it’s a reality.
    “Torah is clear, but you have to adopt a bi-level approach to life. That’s the reality, and what are you going to do when the person is sitting in front of you and you see them as a human being? In traditional terms, this is no greater an offense than driving on Shabbat or eating chametz on Passover. We don’t throw Jews out of Orthodox shuls because they violate Shabbat by driving.”

  4. this story has confirmed my suspetions about heshy’s deep rooted philosophy since his days in baltimore he is echoing the same anti tora hashkofos as others who studied under the same sitra achra now that he is putting his ou on gay ‘couples ‘ besides his association with other ” rabbis ” jepoerdizes any integrity he has left Toeva in the extreme

  5. So what? Am I suppose to hate Rabbi Weinreb because he may be supporting Obama or because he rightfully feels Obama will win the presidency and he is playing politics?

    We are no more righteous for supporting McCain, in light of the fact BOTH candidates support a palestinian state made up of Israeli land.

    How will you feel about McCain on the day he might be giving Israel ultimatums to cooperate on such a deal?

    Republican or Democratic party; we are in trouble. It’s either the untried, worry creator, young upstart, or the very well-known, lame and failure as a senator from Arizona, who has co-authored outrageous democratic bills.

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