MARK LEVIN: “This Is A Revolution, People Better Wake Up!” [SEE VIDEO]

Mark Levin was a guest on Hannity this week, and exploded into a fiery rant.

“This is about a political party that sees its opportunity to seize control and destroy the constitutional construct, to embrace these Marxists in their party, to push their equity agenda to control prosecutions, to control what is justice. We don’t have a justice system, America. You and others say we have a two-justice system. No we don’t. We have a no-justice system. We may have a judge. That looks pretty good. We called them your honor, they wear black robes, and we bow down to them.”

“Every part of our culture, every part of our society right now is under attack. This is a revolution. People better wake up.”


12 Responses

  1. C’mon. Stop with the hyperbole. This guy is ridiculous. The Democratic Party hates America? What? Is this a serious person? If America means white, patriarchal, and Christian then maybe they do hate America. But why does America mean that? These Evengelicals rewrite history that America was always how they envisioned. It wasn’t. And, even if it was the new immigrants who came since them, including the Jews, Irish, Italian, and Hispanics (all mostly Catholic or Jewish) can change their culture. That’s the point of the elastic “good and proper” clause of the Constitution.

  2. Levin is 1000% right, these filthy treasonous, dictatorial, Marxist America-hating DemonRats, are leading America to another unavoidable second CIVIL WAR.
    Over a hundred fifty million well-armed American patriots, will not sit by and watch their beloved America hijacked and destroyed by these filthy traitorous Marxist swines.

  3. UNFOURTUNATLY Over a hundred fifty million NOT well-armed American patriots, will YES sit by and watch their beloved America hijacked and destroyed by these filthy traitorous Marxist swines.

  4. @chugibugi You may be right. But who do you think would suffer the most in that scenario? It’s looking like a real possibility. But it’s something we as yidden should daven very hard to protect us from.

  5. What a rant! Why does YWN push this propaganda? The GOP is not part of our religion, they just happen to be more inline with our values than the Democrats. We can do better than Fox News.

  6. Mark Levin is 300% correct!!!

    The Democratic Party wants to transform the USA into a totalitarian dictatorship where the people have no rights, unless they prove their loyalty to the Democratic Party.

    And they have the complete support of:
    the Leftist-dominated mainstream new media,
    the Leftist-dominated academic world,
    the Leftist-dominated Hollywood entertainment industry,
    the Leftist-dominated social media industry
    (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Quora, etc, etc, etc).

    Like Stalin from the former Soviet Union (USSR), and like Chairman Mao from Communist China, and like the current government of North Korea, the Democratic Party uses government agencies to persecute and destroy their political opponents, including: the IRS, the FBI, and the Department of Justice, and any other government agencies that they can use as weapons.

    Since The Democratic Party does NOT offer policies that benefit the USA, the only way they can hold onto power by any means possible (which is the ONLY thing they truly care about) is to bribe the voters with “Free Stuff” that is not truly free, because the taxpayers eventually pay for it, one way or another.

  7. Square_root
    You left out the biggest supporters of the Marxist DemonRats, it’s the secular liberal Jews, who 80% of them vote for the treasonous Marxist DemonRats, and contribute almost 90% of their finances.

  8. How about a rephrase – DemonRANTERS – because that’s what they are. For crying out loud, has anyone ever taken a tally of how often this venue uses the derogatory term “rant” in connection with conservative voices? As in “Mark Levin exploded into a fiery “rant”?

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