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“COMPLETE EXONERATION”: Trump Vows To Show “Irrefutable” Proof 2020 Election Was Stolen

In the wake of Georgia prosecutors charging Donald Trump under RICO, a statute usually reserved from mobsters, over his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in the state, the former president said he will present evidence that the election in the state was rigged.


On Monday night, he wrote: “So, the Witch Hunt continues! 19 people Indicated tonight, including the former President of the United States, me, by an out of control and very corrupt District Attorney who campaigned and raised money on, “I will get Trump.” And what about those Indictment Documents put out today, long before the Grand Jury even voted, and then quickly withdrawn? Sounds Rigged to me! Why didn’t they Indict 2.5 years ago? Because they wanted to do it right in the middle of my political campaign. Witch Hunt!”

Then, on Tuesday morning, Trump announced a special press conference at his Bedminster, NJ, golf course next Monday.

“A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey. Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others – There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!”

Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Republican governor, wasn’t impressed by Trump’s announcement.

“The 2020 election in Georgia was not stolen,” Kemp wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “For nearly three years now, anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward – under oath – and prove anything in a court of law. Our elections in Georgia are secure, accessible, and fair and will continue to be as long as I am governor. The future of our country is at stake in 2024 and that must be our focus.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. He only needs to prove that he genuinely believed at the time that the election was stolen. And actually, it is the prosecutor who needs to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Trump new the election was NOT stolen.

    By making an offer to prove something that isn’t required Trump risks making it much easier for a court, that is already clearly biased against him and controlled by his enemies, to lower the standard for conviction (i.e. changing to the standard to “Did Trump prove the election was stolen, if not, he is guilty”).

    If it is “fraud” for a politician to lie, and RICO can be used against any politician who lies three times, it is likely that no legislative body will be able to get a quorum. Though in practice, the courts in the big cities will apply the principle narrowly (e.g. prosecuting only certain lies, such as denying that global warming is caused by big oil, or denying that marijuana is a health food, or denying that it is normal to be gay and perverse not to be, or claiming the the universe has a creator).

  2. What took this genius so long to finish this irrefutable REPORT? I’m no political strategist, but maybe it would have been smarter had he published it before January 6, 2021? or even a year or two ago? or even a few months ago?

  3. It is as clear as daylight, & so פשוט for anyone not burying their [if they even have one] head in the sand, that the 2020 election was 2 massive fraud & rig, clearly won by President Donald Trump שליט”א and stolen by crooked Joe Biden.
    Water pipes don’t just burst @2am, after which entire trajectory of results totally changed.
    So wake up evil leftists:- you stole the election from President Donald Trump שליט”א who DEFINITELY was duly reelected.

  4. Do we need this man as president? He is clearly fully burdened with all kinds of distractions! This atop his queen narcissistic behaviors! Is this the best America can put forward? The country has over 350 million people: are Trump and Biden the only ones? Hummmmmm

  5. Numerous henchmen have been saying every other day for almost 3 years that they will present irrefutable proof. In 60 court cases they didn’t. The pillow moron “presented” his proof and offered $5 million for anyone to refute it, and it WAS REFUTED. The court ruled Lindell must pay the money. Numerous Republican officials confirmed no meaningful voting fraud, and said so under oath.

  6. Trump can’t prove he genuinely believed that the election was stolen, because he stated to people that he lost, Christie, Barr etc

  7. If there’s one thing I learned during Trump, is the opposite. If he said the election was fair, and that there is really global warming, then the media will give us all the evidence we need of a stolen election, and that global warming is fake.

  8. His genuine belief at the time that the election was stolen is irrelevant to the case. It was illegal what he did no matter what he believed.
    There is no exemption in the RICO indictment for “if you believe that the election was stolen.”
    The prosecutor does not have to prove anything about what he believed.

    The reality is that the conference call to Brad Raffensperger and others was on January 2nd 2021. This was way past the point of “questioning” the count. Georgia had already done a recount. All the conspiracy theories were already looked into. The Secretary of State had already verified the voting anomalies and was completely confident that Trump lost. Georgia had already completed all the legal objections and proceedings and had sent the certified list of electors to DC. It was 4 days before VP Trump was scheduled to simply count the electors from each state.

    There was no other purpose in the call other than to pressure Brad Raffensperger to change the legal reality of the Georgia electors voting for Biden and to disenfranchise all the voters in Georgia.


  9. “What took this genius so long to prepare this IRREFUTABLE REPORT”?

    He wanted to wait until his genius lawyers and consultants were released from mental health programs so they could prepare this IRREFUTABLE REPORT that will show that all of the 67 prior court decisions were wrong and the election was stolen. Plus, the primary author of this report (Mike Lindell the Pillow Guy) was too busy selling his new line of fuzzy slippers and doggy beds to headline the news conference.

  10. What took this genius so long to finish this irrefutable REPORT?
    The same genius who appointed the Attorney General, FBI Director, Cybersecurity Czar etc as well as nearly 1/3 of the Federal Judges all of who said his “stolen election” meshugas was (as they say in Latin) pure BS?? Also, apparently Mike Lindell has been too busy marketing his MyPillow 2.0 and Crazy Rudy was too busy with trying to avoid disbarment to work on the “REPORT”.

  11. Much as I revere Trump’s policies, I am uncomfortable with his babyish loud reacting. This is what did him in. He is not the racist or other baseless accusations the Dems threw at him. All he needed to do was to softly retort that they were lying. Not a single MSM was able to provide evidentiary support for all the Dems narratives.

    If Trump gets elected, he will, and probably should, engage in the needed revenge to bring the lying Dems to their knees. He should reverse all the woke garbage that the Dems and Libs imposed on us. But he can do it all without screaming, whether in microphones or on social media.

  12. It’s not contradictory to believe the following statements:
    1. Trump lost the election.
    2. The Election was Stolen from him.

    Many as I believe both to be true, no different than many believe that it was stolen from Hillary when J. Commey announced a DOJ investigation on her private email server. There’s no way in the world Biden would’ve been president had the FBI treated Hunter Biden’s laptop the same way rather than trying to deliberately to supress the story. Half the country considers Biden or Trump illegitimate presidens.

  13. We’ve had 46 U.S. Presidents, and they’ve been indicted on a total of 91 felony charges. Here’s how it breaks down:

    1-44: 0
    45: 91
    46: 0

  14. @ Yaapchik

    Yes! We really do need this person as president. Look at how much of the mess from former President Obama he was able to clean up before President Bidens friends released the virus that killed millions of people.

    (All this while the pathetic Democrats were doing everything they could think of to hinder his success.) The Democrats are purposefully creating these disturbances out of fear that he may make them take responsibility for themselves. These distractions haven’t stopped him in the past and ב״ה they won’t stop him when he wins reelection.

    I don’t really care for his narcissistic behavior but after all the damage the Democrats have caused- the country (and the entire world) desperately needs the one person who can Make America Great Again.

    A couple more cycles of Democratic leadership ח״ו would create so many more takers than makers that it would be practically impossible for the country to recover.

  15. He doesn’t need to show evidence of fraud. He needs to show suspicion of fraud to require an honest investigation. So that’s the confusing point here. Honest people would say there’s enough circumstantial evidence to support fraud. 300k Biden only ballots showing up at 3 am rises to the level of suspicion in my opinion. Trouble here is that no one is being honest. Everything is political including this stupid governor of GA

  16. @ jackk

    That shows you how terrified the Democrats are of President Trump winning the election again and showing their able-bodied constituents how much better their lives would be if they took responsibility for themselves instead of relying on government handouts.

    I’ve asked you a similar question in the past but you didn’t give an honest answer so I’m going to ask the question again:

    Would President Trump have been indicted on all those charges if he was a Democrat?

  17. Dr Pepper,

    The answer is yes.

    Nobody gets a free pass to commit crimes by blaming democrats.
    They all knew what they were doing was illegal and they did it anyway.

  18. Soon they are going to print unreported dollars to the federal reserve cause da mocracy isn’t humanitarian the president is only a person of the country not the king

  19. @jackk

    Thanks for giving a straight answer. Even if it’s a blatant lie it’s still a step in the right direction.

    Now that you’re on a roll can you please answer the following?

    If the same prosecutors would be going after President Biden with the same amount of zeal would they have filed any charges (for taking bribes, lying about his business ties with his son’s partners…)? If so, where’s your outcry that no charges have been filed?

    While I’m at it- you’ve complained in the past about people not paying their fare share- I must have missed where you complained about Hunter getting away without paying his fair share. Can you please either point me to where you complained or explain why it’s ok for him to not pay his fair share?

    You’ve also been pretty vocal about gun control- I must have missed your complaint about Hunter (an admitted crack addict) lying on a gun application to get a gun and disposing of it irresponsibly- and the Democrats trying to get him out of any consequences. Can you either point me to where you voiced your complaint or explain why it didn’t bother you.

    Finally (still on the topic of gun control) – can you please show me where you voiced your concern with the Democrats giving up an international arms dealer? Or was it OK for who they got in return?

  20. Jackk you’re either dishonest or a moron if you think a democrat would have been indicted for similar crimes. We’ve seen presidents since time immemorial doing things a lot worse than these democrat and republican with no indictments. The justice system in this country was always careful not to prosecute former presidents for fear of looking like a totalitarian regime. Until now. Because they understand that Trump represents the end of their power so they’re willing to go even this far to do away with him. Even though between me and you it’ll probably backfire and look like one big miscalculation. You don’t even have to look far to see my point. What the Biden family so obviously has done is so much worse than anything they’re accusing trump of it’s a joke

  21. And if you don’t understand how Trump represents the end of their power then you have no clue as to what is going on here. This election of 2024 is the ultimate battle that will set the course of history for a long time and everyone knows it. That’s why there’s so much vitriol on both sides that we’ve never seen before

  22. When the Trump supporters on this thread all agree that Trump is guilty of committing crimes, I am very happy.

    All the other reasons not to prosecute him are irrelevant.

  23. Jackk
    I just decided the question I posed earlier. Are you dishonest or a moron? After your latest comment I have the answer. Moron. Because you just don’t get what’s going on here. You think this is all about the petty things they found Trump doing that they managed to squeeze out an indictment on? If you think that’s what this is about then you’re a moron. There’s so much more going on here on such greater levels it’s not even worth discussing. Go back to sleep

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