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EXPLOSIVE: Biden Was Tipped Off About FBI Interviewing Hunter, Had It Cancelled

Startling revelations have emerged from a transcribed interview under oath conducted by the House Oversight Committee, as a retired FBI supervisory special agent disclosed that the Biden transition team and Secret Service headquarters were informed about an impending interview with Hunter Biden in December 2020. This revelation ultimately resulted in the cancellation of the interview with the son of then-President-elect Joe Biden, even as he remained the prime subject of a long-running federal investigation, according to a report from Fox News.

The veteran agent, who had served in the FBI for over two decades and retired last year, provided his testimony behind closed doors to congressional investigators. This testimony comes against the backdrop of whistleblower claims that the decision-making process during the investigation into Hunter Biden, led by U.S. attorney David Weiss, had been influenced by political considerations. Notably, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley asserted that the Biden transition team and the Secret Service had been “tipped off” regarding the intended interview of Hunter Biden, a statement that the FBI agent corroborated.

These revelations further compound the scrutiny around the investigation into President Biden’s son, who had faced two misdemeanor tax charges and a felony gun charge. A negotiated plea deal with the Justice Department had fallen apart in federal court due to constitutional concerns, leading to a cloud of controversy around the case.

Addressing these concerns, Attorney General Merrick Garland recently appointed David Weiss as a special counsel to oversee the Hunter Biden investigation and any related matters. This decision, however, has ignited criticism from Republicans and other critics of Garland, who question how the same prosecutor accused of permitting political influence on the investigation for over four years could suddenly lead the probe with newfound independence from the Biden Justice Department.

According to transcripts obtained by Fox News Digital, the investigation, initiated in November 2018, had reached a juncture where it was time to interview Hunter Biden. The agent outlined that the “initial plan” had been to approach multiple witnesses, including Hunter Biden, on December 8th, 2020 – several weeks after the presidential election.

However, on the eve of the planned interview, December 7, 2020, the agent received a notification that FBI headquarters had contacted Secret Service headquarters about the planned interview.

Then, on the day of the proposed interview, the agent testified that he was informed by his assistant special agent in charge that their team was barred from approaching Hunter Biden’s residence. Instead, the plan involved passing the agent’s information to the Secret Service, without specifying the recipient. He was explicitly instructed to keep his distance from the house and to wait for further instructions.

The interview never happened.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. “Instead, the plan involved passing the agent’s information to the Secret Service, without specifying the recipient.”

    Is this the same secret service that can’t/won’t figure out how cocaine got into the White House?

    The FBI is corrupt thru and thru. Chris Wray should be forced to resign. This white boy thinks that if he keeps lecturing black thugs that all their problems in life are because of WHITE supremacy Republicans, everything will be perfect in this Nation.

  2. Rt,

    I’ll remind you

    It was trump and that the fbi was collaborating with Biden before he became president shows the FBI and the Democratic Party was a shadow government

    Hardly unbelievable but we’re not that much different than China and russia

  3. by this point, december 2020, biden was already elected, so who cares? if anything, why didn’t the biden transition team have the sense to just let it play out, without getting their hands dirty?

    the real crux of the matter is, who ordered the investigators to drag their feet and make sure that nothing happened until safely after the november election? it doesn’t take more than 2 years to start interviewing suspects.

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