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HATE: NYPD Investigating Hate Crime At NYC Synagogue

The NYPD has issued an appeal to the public for assistance in identifying a suspect involved in a hate crime incident targeting the Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun Synagogue, located in Manhattan.

According the NYPD, the incident occurred on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at approximately 7:00 PM. An unidentified male approached the Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun Synagogue situated at 125 East 85th Street. The individual proceeded to deface a display screen attached to the Synagogue using a marker, leaving behind anti-Semitic graffiti.

The suspect quickly fled the scene on foot, heading westbound on East 85th Street. The individual is described as a male with short black hair, a slim build, and believed to be approximately 25 years old. At the time of the incident, he was last seen wearing a white tank top, camouflage shorts, and white sneakers.

The NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the incident.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. “The individual is described as a male with short black hair, a slim build, and believed to be approximately 25 years old. At the time of the incident, he was last seen wearing a white tank top, camouflage shorts, and white sneakers.”

    You’ll never catch him with in incomplete description like that. You left off the most obvious point – he was wearing white socks!

  2. Our community has done more than any other to help them, house them, degree them and prop them up. In hindsight, it was our greatest error in judgment. We should have minded our own business and not turn this great and blessed nation upside-down for their sakes. It just so happens that civil rights were NOT the endgame. They are angry and they want vengeance. They also want to be the ones in charge. They want to be in a position to oppress others as they now do in South Africa. The more we deny it, the blinder we make ourselves to the truth.

    Read “And the Walls Came Tumbling Down” by Ralph Abernathy. When you see MLK unmasked–his dishonesty and plagiarism, his serial unfaithfulness, his longtime solicitation of white filles de joie (he was having a private clerical conference with one such personage at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis the evening he was shot), and the fact that it was the Jewish labor lawyer and communist Stan Levison who actually wrote the “I Have a Dream” speech–you begin to realize that it was all a fake, a feint, a house of cards.

    And our community bought it, hook, line and sinker. That is, until they started to commit unprovoked acts of violence against us, our parents and our children. Stirred up by rabblerousers like Farrakhan and Sharpton, we were suddenly the evil landlords, the seedy diamond merchants and the profiteering slave traders who had it coming. Any visibly religious Jew who has lived in an American city knows exactly what I’m talking about.

    He who achieves great things automatically reminds them of their own inferiority and is therefore an enemy. Because they are extremely dull and self-unaware, they always fail to notice the copious amounts of projection they commit when putting us down and attempting to appropriate our history and culture.

    Also, they simply love wilding for the fun of it. No matter what you do for them, they will always turn you into the villains. They hate us like poison and will never change. What is more – and experience proclaims this loud and clear – they lack the capacity to do so.

    As a classroom teacher, administrator and consultant in yeshivot for decades, I have seen too many shiners, busted lips and torn shirts to ignore the truth. Equality is a prettified word that has entranced well-meaning and otherwise intelligent people for a hundred years. Maimonides, it turns out, was right about them all along.

  3. “The individual is described as a male with short black hair, a slim build, and believed to be approximately 25 years old. At the time of the incident, he was last seen wearing a white tank top, camouflage shorts, and white sneakers.”

    Guess what’s missing from that description. An extremely important identifying feature, and one that can’t be mistaken or changed, and until the day before yesterday it was a STANDARD part of ALL descriptions of wanted people, but suddenly it has been deemed unmentionable. I’m only surprised that they’re still allowed to mention that he’s male. Next year that too will be forbidden, because after all how do the police know that he doesn’t identify as a woman?

  4. This is partially due to the welfare state in which the vast majority of inner city blacks live. They literally have nothing to do all day. They resort to looting, graffiti, etc. as an outlet for pent up energy. Normal people go to work.

  5. And that, boys and girls, is the result of 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, which I took an oath to uphold over one-half century ago.

  6. The peaceful 13% of this country at work.Truth be told if they would never have been unchained we’d be living a much more peaceful life with much less crime. They’d be eating watermelon and singing duda all day and we’d be having a good life. They were never made to integrate with society after all look at the results. Call me a racist but it’s the truth. The Torah also doesn’t like Cham.

  7. Oy. I remind all the racists on this thread that Clarence Thomas is also black. Frederick Douglass was just as black as them, and so were Walter Williams, Seretse Khama, Benjamin Banneker, and so many more. So are Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, etc.

    This animal’s crime has nothing to do with his skin color. It’s entirely about his character, and there are plenty of white people whose character is just as bad. The only relevance his skin color has here is that it is a prominent and important IDENTIFYING FEATURE, which should have been highlighted in his police description. That it was not is evidence of the way the evil “black lives matter” movement has corrupted our entire society, and that should be resisted, but not at the price of forgetting that black lives do indeed matter, exactly as much as white lives, red lives, yellow lives, and green and purple lives, no more and no less.

  8. Ari Knobler,
    (willful ignorance or not I have no idea). Yes Jews helped more than any other group with Black Civil Rights but there was the other side as well. Big Civil Rights moves were few & far between but it was the day to day Black experience that really mattered. I’m big into history & from a city that had Segregation. The “Face” of Segregation were the department stores (80% Jewish owned). They all had 3 policies (in some fashion) that upset the Blacks more than anything else.
    1. Blacks could only be hired for the low level jobs (janitor, doorman, schlepper) while only Whites (& very importantly also Jews) could be hired for Sales, Manager, Marketing, Accounting, etc. A Black man with 10 years experience selling shoes at Macy’s in NY could not get the open job of shoe salesman here. That left the position open (during the depression) so who got the job? The Jew that left Germany & had no experience & barely spoke English. The Black with experience is making minimum wage as a janitor living in a rundown house (often owned by Jews) while the German-Jew is putting away money for a down payment on a home (which was passed down creating multi-generational wealth).
    2. The department stores had restaurants. Whites (& Jews) could work & eat there. Blacks could not.
    3. Blacks could not try on clothes & purchases by Blacks were marked “Final Sale”
    (Figure it out, you can’t try on clothes at the store & if you get home & it doesn’t fit you can’t return it). Blacks would take bus trips to the north just to be able to shop like “Whites” (& Jews).
    These companies ran summer vacation programs for their employees. Whites & Jews were invited, Blacks were not.
    There’s no question Jews profited financially & socially from Segregation. By “Selling” Whites “White Privilege” this created a lot of the wealth that fueled the growth & stability of the Jewish community. How much of the money that built the federation, JCC, Shuls, Schools etc. came from the big donors that earned their money by discriminating against the Blacks? (A lot)

  9. @milhouse

    yes, there are successful individuals among the 13%. which only proves that the systemic racism which they blame, isn’t as systemic as it is convenient.

    as for identification, how can we stop antisemitism, if we keep calling people like this “white supremacists”? so long as “progressive” racists keep denying the truth, and keep giving black antisemites a free pass, we aren’t going to see any “progress”.

  10. @kuvult
    vos iz dos far a zach ? mekatreg zain oif yidden in sofo hameduberes ? bifnai kohol vo aido ? vi iz dain farshtand ?

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