MAILBAG: Addressing The Controversy Surrounding JEM’s Tribute To Lubavitch

The recent release of the high-budget video production by JEM seeking to commemorate and celebrate the Rebbe’s monumental leadership and global impact over the past 70 years has certainly sparked robust and passionate discussion within broad segments of the Lubavitch community. This sincere discourse and debate reveals an opportunity for further in-depth dialogue on critical matters of spiritual sensitivity and religious tradition.

First, providing proper context is important. The team of creative professionals behind this video invested what was clearly tremendous time, effort and financial resources into the research, writing, filming and editing required to produce this expansive documentary-style project. Their intensive labor was undoubtedly pursued as a sincere labor of love and devotion aiming to inspire and educate both current followers and the broader Jewish public about the Rebbe’s life work in founding and guiding the Chabad-Lubavitch movement to become a dynamic worldwide network.

The video utilizes impressive high-end Hollywood production value, with artistic cinematography, an emotional musical score written specifically for this film, and impactful archival footage conveying the drama and scale of the Rebbe’s global activities. Given the polished quality and scope of this ambitious undertaking, the motivations behind it were leshem shamayim without question. The goal was to share the Rebbe’s light with Jewry worldwide.

At the very same time, various thoughtful concerns, critiques and objections have been substantively voiced within the Lubavitch community regarding the video production’s adherence to traditional Chabad standards of modesty, discretion and reverence for sacred matters on numerous fronts. As is well-known, sensitivities around upholding the highest levels of refinement, dignity and sanctity in both public and private realms are paramount within Chabad culture, based on the Rebbe’s own well-documented teachings and code of conduct.

Two of the most sensitive areas of controversy have been the video’s inclusion of recorded female voices speaking inside a synagogue after prayer services have concluded, as well as the musical accompaniment incorporated during clips of the Rebbe delivering his legendary scholarly talks and discourses on Torah concepts. These artistic choices have deeply disturbed some traditional Chabad followers, who felt the broadcasting of women’s voices from within the sanctified space of a synagogue violated norms of modesty and sanctity, while overlaying any form of background music or soundtrack during excerpts of the Rebbe’s holy words, especially music not of Jewish nature, was religiously inappropriate and showed a lack of deference.

Additionally, more fundamentally, some have objected to the very notion of excerpting small portions of the Rebbe’s usually very extensive and philosophically sophisticated talks, speeches and discourses – which the Rebbe would frequently prepare, craft and deliver both extemporaneously and methodically over the course of several hours – and repurposing brief snippets outside of their full, nuanced context. This part has troubled some in the community who felt isolating short clips divorced from the Rebbe’s wider, intricate message neither accurately reflected the depth of the Rebbe’s wisdom nor comported with the traditionally reverential manner in which Lubavitcher chassidim study and engage with the Rebbe’s lectures and writings.

Furthermore, the casting of an actor to dramatize and portray specific biographical scenes from the Rebbe’s younger life and upbringing – even with noble artistic intentions – has struck some as uncomfortably crossing the line away from how Chabad chassidim would typically relate to the Rebbe’s persona and legacy based on their own relationship with him during his decades of leadership. Some feel depicting any living tzaddik, especially one of the Rebbe’s preternatural stature, through the convention of a biopic risks reducing a transcendent spiritual figure to material artistic sensibilities.

Are these sensitivities and critiques expressing valid concerns? Are issues of religious tradition and continuity being raised thoughtfully and in good faith? Absolutely and unequivocally. The voicing of respectful dissent demonstrates the love and passion our Torah community holds for the Rebbe and his legacy. Ignoring these concerns could risk driving segments of Anash to feel unheard or alienated, which itself could constitute the greatest chillul.

At the very same time, in fairness it must be emphasized that the video’s producers were surely not intending any deliberate disrespect in the choices they made. Likely they were so focused on the immense scope of the production that certain details slipped through the cracks without conscious deliberation. Dismissing likely sincere intentions and tireless efforts through harsh rhetoric benefits no one. Channeling dissent into constructive dialogue is the nobler path.

Perhaps the most ideal resolution is to pursue exactly this type of thoughtful and in-depth conversation within the broad Lubavitch community on how to most effectively continue spreading and sharing the Rebbe’s universal teachings and inspiration in a sophisticated manner thoroughly congruent with tradition and mesorah.

With mutual understanding, empathy, good will and refinement of approach on all sides, creative communication innovation and timeless custom can harmonize. Chabad’s great diversity is also its unique strength. No PR or Kabbolas Ponim, however slick, can ever replace the power of an earnest Chossid or Frierdige Tochter pursuing avodas hatefilah, limud haChassidus or hafatzas hamaayanos l’toeles haKlal with simplicity, devotion and ahava.

If we nourish that sincerity within ourselves and in our children, we may merit to finally bring all Jewish hearts together closer to their collective Father in Heaven, ushering in the complete Geulah Sheleimah speedily and peacefully in our days. The Rebbe’s love and brachos surround us eternally.



NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

30 Responses

  1. אני מאוד מרוצה לראות שעמדו מאנ״ש חב״ד להיות מן המזהירים והנזהרים מכל חשש פירצה בחומת הצניעות.

  2. “Some feel depicting any living tzaddik, especially one of the Rebbe’s preternatural stature…”
    “The Rebbe’s love and brachos surround us eternally.”

    Do you accept idolatry op-eds from anyone, or just from Chabad?

    Their Rebbe has not been among the living now for decades. As well, he did not have a “preternatural stature” but rather was a controversial figure who was a leader of a large number Jews.

  3. Is YWN aware that only a small number of readers here even heard of this ‘controversy’? It’s not like YWN ever wrote a single word about this video production before. Seemingly, YWN realized the probable tepid interest in this story, and in that case, perhaps they should have steered Mendel’s mailbag write-up toward websites where the readership would be more interested.

    Now that we’re talking about it, I am gratified to hear that there are still some members of the Chabad Chassidus that have the sensitivity to be upset by this video. But I really wonder about the producers of the video as to what motivated them. Do they perceive, perhaps, that the general Jewish population does not appreciate how wonderful the impact of Chabad has been for the world at large? If so, they are right on target in that respect (except, perhaps, as regards those who revel in the availability of kosher food and what-have-you for the occasional far-flung traveler), but they surely missed the boat with the concept of a high-end video as the solution. Maybe they are, as Mendel posits, fully l’shem shomayim, and produced the video in honor of the Rebbe z”l. In that case it has no purpose at all other than to make those l’shem shomayim guys feel good, and any discussion about whether it is blasphemous or honorable is irrelevant.

    I wonder who they think is watching this video. Most likely not the average YWN reader. Probably no one. Where is it available anyway?

  4. Maybe just maybe maybe maybe the Chabad websites don’t have the guts to publish this letter? because they are all “owned” hook, line, and sinker by the chabad machine (JEM)

  5. Why is Chabad obsessed with this one Rebbe? Chabad had 7 rebbes. The Alter Rebbe was a “veltz gaon” who is quoted (shulchan aruch harav) by all poskim from every community in the Jewish People. The Tzemach Tzedek was also a ‘first tier” posek and gaon. The other Rebbes had much to give and helped shaped Chabad teachings for over 100 years before the last Rebbe. Why are they so obessed with this one and ignore the others?

  6. The Rebbe is the one that is ממשיך all the חסידות that was taught throughout all the generations for us to be able to have a chance to be able to grasp the Tanye and all the Chassidus thst was taught throughout the generations and to fulfill the mitzvah of לדעת את ה and it is a mitzvah that every single person can fulfill through learning Chassidus no matter how much. And finally it was the Rebbe that set out the Map and gave us the tools and the mission to “spread the teachings of chassidus outwards”. And WE are the ones showing the world the Greatness of HaShem through Chassidus. Also We are the ones that are choosing the hardest lifestyle. We have to raise money for us to stay in our chabad house and homes. So I don’t want to hear anything against Lubavitch for anyone because WE ARE WORKING TO BRING MOSHIACH FOR EVERY SINGLE YID IN THE WORLD. WE ARE THE ONES THAT ARE GOING OUT OF THE BUBBLE OF WHERE YOU SEE FREINDLY FACES.

  7. “Some feel depicting any living tzaddik, especially one of the Rebbe’s preternatural stature,” –

    This article is just more subtle missionary propaganda attempting to indoctrinate Orthodox Jews into a new sect of Xtianity.

    In Judaism, unlike some other religions, the authentic moshiach must be a living Jewish king in Jerusalem.

  8. since when is a disembodied female speaking voice a tznius issue?
    And before anyone claims “sensitivity”, please point to any classic halacha source (not the modern chumra books) that state this is an issue.

  9. I don’t know what community has tzniuse or not, first the hashkofa that hashem is not a slave to his will that God is the only existence and even the desires of God have no essence to himself and his mind is the right hashkofa but to say not only is God a slave to his desires but also to those of people he created is heresy.
    Person can make miracles doesn’t mean he has the correct hashkofa shabtie zvi knew how to do at least twice with half the propaganda goyim can burn down 770 with only thier eyes miracles don’t mean anything when it is the wrong hashkofa, and to say that he said he is sure of himself that he is good and not a sinner is also wrong for Moshe rabbenu not just some college professor that didn’t go solivechik on us cause he has allot of friends that lived amongst the goyim and discussed the Noah commandments with them not necessarily the case with all rabbonim some of them great lomdim the Rebbe was a person and not the mashiach and if you say that you want him then it means that you do not want the real geulahs hashem with the body

  10. @Vaad HaTemimim…
    You should reread your comment. You sound quite a bit cultish.
    I for one don’t deny the merits of taking the Chabad mehalech- but it is not the only hashkafa in yiddishkeit or the only mehalech.
    Anyone who claims to have the only correct mehalech in yiddishkeit is cult-like.
    Yiddishkeit existed well before “modern” chassidus. And many gedolom past and present have shunned going “out of the bubble where you see friendly faces”, including followers of the chassidishe mehalech.
    I too hope and daven for Moshiach (along with the other Ani Maamins), but have a different mehalech for accomplishing that, based on the teachings of my rebbeim.
    On that note… I do appreciate having a Minyan and food when I travel!

  11. I’m Chabad & I haven’t a clue what this is about. Not even interested.

    Yussel… your ignorance is showing. Perhaps ask Satmar why they are “so obsessed” with Rav Yoel Teitelbaum zt’zl. You should have listened to your mama when she told you that the quickest way to show your stupidity is to speak (in your case, type.)

  12. This article is another offshoot of the ‘personality cult’ , unequalled and unheard of in any other Jewish community in any generation since matan torah .

  13. Yawn. The Rebbe zy”a was all for using modern media if that’s what is effective to spread yiddishkeit. There is clearly no halachic infraction involved and whilst some shpitz Chabad will always be uneasy with aspects of modernity, it is what it is — a storm in a tea cup (and an opportunity for anti CHABAD to chime in)

  14. @rightjew. You definitely never learned the Rambam fully because he says quite clearly that it is possible for someone to become moshiach after being bgashmius dead. Now with that maybe you should learn shlosha perokim and maybe also the Chumash which corrospondes to the day and also same with tehillim and Tanye so you know how every YID should be treated. Also it is not necessary to be right rather the better thing is to be smart. Now don’t tell me what the Torah doesn’t say if you don’t know כל התורה כולה.

  15. @yossel. If you learn Chassidus of all the rabbeim and then see how clearly the Rebbe shows us how to do it and leads and guides, them we can have a discussion. And also for the fact that you don’t even know how to learn Chassidus and shoot baseless accusations, and the way that I know that is how you are showing your ignorance by saying that we disregard the other rabbeim and only pay attention to The Rebbe. What happened to you learning Misilas yisharim and you understanding what is Yiras hashem?

  16. @Vaad HaTemimim

    There is no obligation to “bring moshiach”.
    אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא
    That’s all.

    No Jew is obligated to learn Tanya.


    Satmar doesn’t push The Satmar Rov on the world. It’s a personal thing for those who knew him amongst themselves. Nobody is standing outside doing “hafatzas hama’ayanos” ad nauseum.

    @Chasidei Chabad b’chol asar v’asar

    How you educate your children and your hashkafas hachayim is your personal business. Leave the rest of us alone. Your Rebbe is YOUR Rebbe. My Rebbe is MY Rebbe.

    ונהר יוצא מעדן להשקות את הגן ומשם יפרד והי’ לארבעה ראשים

    After the Mezritcher Maggid was niftar on 19 Kislef 5533 his primary students including the Baal HaTanya each chose their own mehalech. Nobody has a monopoly on Chasidus. Chabad is one of many.

  17. Amazing lessons:
    The work of a Tzadik of the level of The Rebbe continues stronger and stronger to bring Mashiach speedily in our times.
    As they say in Hollywood “Let them talk good, let them talk bad, but let them talk”.
    Keep on talking a bout Mashiach, keep on doing Mitzvoth, learning Tora and doing acts of kindness.
    Even if you allow some level of shtus (foolishness) to enter you.
    Blessings and Shabbat Shalom to all.

  18. Vaad: “You definitely never learned the Rambam fully because he says quite clearly that it is possible for someone to become moshiach after being bgashmius dead.”

    Now you’re just lying, because he certainly does not say that. The most you can squeeze into his words is that he doesn’t explicitly rule it out.

  19. If messiah was not him would you not go and see him, you can not tell God what kind of geulah you want and to say that he was this is to say that he is the one kind of geulah you are wanting it doesn’t matter what the rambam said it didn’t say a person can not say that he is pure and people that the redemption already came this is to say that really you don’t want any moshiach only this person also the chabad people do not act according to the will of the Rebbe himself if he wasn’t his own melamed he didn’t want to be main stream judiasim never had more then a basement didn’t visit another shul or take any vacations and told them all to smash the hat so his chassidim aren’t acting to what was taught

  20. Doesn’t matter what the rambam said or didn’t say but to say that to make kingdom from a person in the bies medrash where there is a toras emes and to tell children sheker is also not something that goes down the drain no person in there right mind will tell you he is the Messiah if he was that cause it only means bad things to the phycologist

  21. Read literature of ‘old habad’ .
    read literature of ‘modern habad’
    Differences are striking .
    Old habad was ‘normal’
    Modern habad is totally different .
    Between the lines it is geared towards one main underlying issue .
    Blowing up their leader out of any proportion whatsoever .
    this is the root cause of all controversies re habad.
    Any neutral ,non shallow observer will readily agree .
    Stop, observe , reflect and think …

  22. It means only that you want to use him for sheker after his death and not for toras emes and he is supposedly still suffering

  23. Every person that can learn gemora knows that what chabad doing is not bringing no moshiach maybe him but certainly no geulah

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