RATS? Michael Cohen Says He’s Certain These Key Trump Allies Have Testified AGAINST Him

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

In an appearance on CNN on Wednesday night, former Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen said he’s sure that key allies of the former president have spilled the beans about him to prosecutors – including his own son-in-law Jared Kushner.

“Jack Smith is not allowing anybody to escape. So each and every one of them knows that this is me that they’re talking about. And I think it’s necessary for me to have my attorneys reach out to Jack Smith and his team to ensure that at least I have an opportunity to provide information if they haven’t already. Like, I’m a firm believer that Rudy Giuliani has already spoken,” Cohen told host Alisyn Camerota.

“What makes you think that?” Camerota asked.

“Because I understand Rudy. Rudy has no interest in spending his remaining days on this planet behind bars for Donald Trump,” Cohen said.

In fact, you know, I think the more important thing in this indictment to look at are not who the six coconspirators are, but rather who is missing from this indictment. Like, for example, you don’t see any mention of Mark Meadows. You see nothing of Jared Kushner. Jared Kushner was the secretary of everything. How is it possible that he is not listed here? He was there. He was on Donald’s lap the entire time from the day Donald entered the White House to the day that he left,” he added.

“So how do you explain it?” the anchor questioned.

“I believe he’s probably a cooperating witness,” Cohen replied.

“Jared Kushner, that’s interesting, because people have pointed out that Mark Meadows is conspicuously absent from the indictment. But, Jared Kushner’s his son in law. You think that his son in law would cooperate against Donald Trump?” a clearly stunned Camerota asked.

“Oh, in a heartbeat. Do you think Jared is any different than Donald? Do you think that Donald wouldn’t throw Jared under the bus in order to save himself? The answer is an emphatic yes,” Cohen said.

“And you think the same is true of Mark Meadows?” Camerota pressed.

“Absolutely. Well, what’s the one thing that Bill Barr said that I totally agree with, that Donald doesn’t care about anyone or anything other than himself. He’s a one way street. And if that means that Jared has to go down or Mark Meadows or Rudy Colludy or Eastman or any of them, he doesn’t care. That’s just who he is,” Cohen concluded.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Michael Cohen may be Jewish but he doesn’t have a gemorah kop. Trumps sons are also absent from this indictment. He doesn’t accuse them of being the rats so what proof does he have now that Kushner was the rat?

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