TIME FOR JUSTICE: Dr. Fauci Potentially Facing Criminal Charges After Explosive Covid Email Revelations

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

Senator Rand Paul announced an “official criminal referral” to the Department of Justice concerning Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and medical adviser to the president. The referral is based on an email exchange from February 2020, which Paul contends contradicts Fauci’s statements regarding COVID-19 gain-of-function research.

In the email, Fauci detailed a call with British medical researcher Jeremy Farrar, expressing concerns about mutations in the virus that seemed unusual to have evolved naturally in bats. Fauci noted a suspicion that this mutation may have been intentionally inserted, especially considering gain-of-function experiments being conducted in Wuhan University, the city where the outbreak originated.

Sharing a screenshot of the unredacted email, RealClearPolitics White House reporter Philip Wegmann highlighted Fauci’s acknowledgment of the concerns raised during the task-force call.

Rand Paul took to “X,” formerly known as Twitter, to state, “This directly contradicts everything he said in committee hearing to me, denying absolutely that they funded any gain of function, and it’s absolutely a lie. That’s why I sent an official criminal referral to the DOJ.”

This follows a heated exchange in July 2021 between Paul and Fauci during a congressional hearing. At that time, Paul reminded Fauci that lying to Congress is a federal crime, suggesting Fauci may have done so with regard to the NIH’s funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

During the July hearing, Paul cited a journal article titled “Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses” as evidence of NIH funding. Fauci denied that the NIH funded gain-of-function research, stating that the article in question had been deemed not to meet the NIH’s definition of such research. However, Paul argued that the lab-created viruses in Wuhan were designed to replicate in humans, indicating gain-of-function characteristics.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. The senator is wasting his time, under the filthy TREASONOUS Marxist DemonRat gangsters, there is no more a justice dept.
    Those filthy sewer rats under Garland,don’t go after DemonRats only Republicans.
    Doctor Mengele Fauci is a mass murderer who directly caused the death of millions, only a future Republican administration would go after him.
    This filthy swine needs to be dangling from the gallows, after being convicted for mass murder, exactly as that other mass murderer doctor Mengele.
    If you want justice, make sure the next administration is REPUBLICAN

  2. Chugi: You will probably be freezing in your version of gan aden before you see any criminal indictment of Dr. Fauci.

  3. chugibugi: 100%, but AG Garlic would never go along. It’s a buddy system. You cover my back and I’ll cover yours. Anyway, Mengele Fauci is no spring chicken, being in his eighties, older than Presidentish Briben. If he is ever tried and convicted, his attorneys will successfully argue that his poor health mandates merely house arrest.

  4. “This filthy swine needs to be dangling from the gallows, after being convicted for mass murder, exactly as that other mass murderer doctor Mengele.”

    Are you even a real person?! I’m absolutely shocked that someone can be this insane.

  5. Hellloooo! We’re in Galus. By Republicans and democrats alike. Reserve ur words. A yid doesnt mince such words even if its true.
    Oh my!

  6. Could someone please take it upon themselves to fill chugibuggis perscriptions and stand there while he actualy swallows the pills…
    And while you are there, change the channel and lose the remote for him

  7. He deserves to be charged with murder for every Covid death as well as for all the suicides that occurred due to the lockdowns. He cannot he let off the hook.

  8. To the YWN editors: chugibugi’s equating Dr. Fauci and Mengele is horribly defamatory. If you leave up the post, at least delete Mengele.

  9. Huju: The Mods have apparently made a decision to allow this nutcase to continue his mindless rants which always use the same string of pejorative and adjectives and made-up nouns in a different order. Perhaps its YWN’s commitment to free speech.

  10. @huju, @Dan The..whatever …et al.

    No other physician (not be confused with clinician) has been responsible for more death an misery ON THE WORLD STAGE than Dr. A. Fauci since Dr. J. Mengele, both Yimach Shemom v’Zichram.

    I’m not even talking about his latest covid muderous fiasco with Remdesevir and denying early outpatient treatment. He started way ealier with the exact same game play in the ’80s with AIDS and AZT.
    As far we Jews are concerned, Mengele fills the role of Dr. Evil, but as for sheer worldwide death numbers, Fauxi takes the cake. At lesat post WW2 we had the Nuremberg Trials and pharma paid media & politicians were not an issue.

  11. If you understand what is going on, you know that this is just another attempt from Senator Paul to show that he doesn’t know what he is talking about. I like how strong he is about his opinions and values. But somebody has to let him know that he is in way over his head with scientific research.

  12. There is an extremely small chance that covid came from a lab. There’s a ton of evidence pointing AGAINST that conclusion and the only evidence for it is that the virus originated in the same city as the lab. But this city is one of the biggest cities of China. Pandemics start in big cities. If a virus came out of Bejing I’m sure that there will be a lab in that city where people can point at. But this is a ridiculously childish argument.

  13. “At lesat post WW2 we had the Nuremberg Trials and pharma paid media & politicians were not an issue.”

    The US’s most powerful ally is the UK. The US’s ambassador to the UK was Woody Johnson. That’s obviously an extremely important position in government. Woody Jhonson runs one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. But when the scientists detected a SLIGHT risk of blood clots they IMMEDIATELY shut it down (though other scientists thought that this was a bad idea since the risks were so low and the pandemic was so dangerous). I honestly cannot understand how the conspiracy theorist thinks that Moderna, which was a small start up company (Bio N Tech was also a start up but big Pfizer distributed it), was able to control the world’s media and politicians but powerful Jhonson and J&J failed. This makes no sense!

  14. Did I miss something? I read this twice. Where does this email say he denies “absolutely that they funded any gain of function”? He said the Chinese were working on this, not the US. So regardless of how you feel about him or Rand at least ask Rand to come up with some evidence that mentions on his accusation.

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