Jewish Soldier Killed While Fighting For Ukraine

A Jewish soldier has passed away after he was mortally wounded fighting against Russian forces occupying the Donetsk region of Ukraine.

Maxim Schwarzman was a father of 2 who worked as a photojournalist until war broke out, when he immediately enlisted in the Ukrainian military. He was killed on July 15, with his death only being made official late last week.

His friends told local media that Schwarzman joined the Ukrainian defense forces when Russia occupied his hometown Kalanchak, in the Kherson region, and was determined to root the Russians out of the country.

“War has a special kind of torture for those who wait,” his wife wrote on Facebook. “I have waited for my Protector. Now he will defend us from Heaven.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. fighting for the country that killed 1 million Jews in the holocaust. And YWN expects us to bravo him protecting the most antisemitic country on earth

  2. How can a jew fight for a country that is full of Jewish blood on their hands?
    Dont tell me that it was only their grandparents, because we know from history, whenever the Ukrainians had a chance, they killed jews.

  3. This time Hitler’s on the otherside, it was Hitler that invited the Ukrainians to kill the Jews. We don’t want a world where Putin’s, Xi Jinping’s, Kim Jong-Un’s, & Ali Khamenei’s are in charge. We’d rather have Dopy Biden & a free Ukraine anyday.

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