Karl Rove TEARS APART DeSantis For Ridiculous Comment About RFK Jr. [SEE THE VIDEO]

Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a campaign event on Monday, July 17, 2023, in Tega Cay, S.C. (AP Photo/Meg Kinnard)

Recent developments have seen some individuals on the right advocating for conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a surprising Democratic contender against President Joe Biden. Adding to the controversy, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis raised eyebrows by suggesting the possibility of placing Kennedy at the helm of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), two government agencies he seemingly seeks to dismantle.

These events sparked an engaging discussion on Fox News, with host Bill Hemmer posing probing questions, and political strategist Karl Rove countering with not one, but two whiteboards to debunk the claims.

In the televised exchange, Hemmer questioned the viability of a Republican collaborating with a Democrat, to which Rove responded, “There’s nothing inherently wrong with that.” However, Rove swiftly clarified his stance on Robert F. Kennedy Jr., expressing that appointing him to lead the CDC or the FDA would be an eccentric and ill-advised idea.

“He has incredible conspiracy theories that are just outrageous,” Rove said, pulling out a whiteboard. “Vaccines cause autism because they have Mercury preservative, and they are worse than the diseases that they say they are going to save you from. We haven’t used Mercury since 2001 in children’s vaccines. It was never used in the three most common vaccines on children. And no scientific evidence supports this theory. AIDS is not caused by HIV, he said. Wifi causes cancer and what he calls “leaky brains.” No evidence whatsoever for that. Chemicals in water cause transgender kids. It causes kids to become transgender. Antidepressants cause school shootings. And the U.S. has labs on which we have lavished dollars in Ukraine to develop genetic targeting to kill Russians and Chinese. This is just nutty stuff. It is not just healthcare that Robert Kennedy is a conspiracy buff on. He’s got lots of conspiracies.”

Rove went on, using a second whiteboard to illustrate his point:

“2004 election was stolen as computers switched nearly a quarter million votes in Ohio from John Kerry to George Bush and thereby gave him the election. 5G is a mass surveillance tool and the telecomms, the telephone companies are in on it. CIA killed his uncle. Sirhan Sirhan didn’t kill his father. And he defends Russia in Ukraine, it’s all Ukraine’s fault Russia invaded them and killing its people. I mean, this guy’s a nut.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Seems like the hard-earned truths behind the politicalization (and monetization) of science that have been uncovered by RFK, Jr. are lost on Rove. Too bad. None as the blind who refuse to see.

    Search some of the articles on Kennedy’s extremely informed and popular website: ‘Children’s Health Defense’ and draw your own conclusions. Kennedy is thankfully dangerous for the many odious and swamp-infested politicians and industrialists bought by greed in this country (and abroad) who have pushed unhealthy regulations upon the populace, and who threaten to continue to do so. More power to him and to those like him who actually care about responsibility in science.

  2. Desantis said that he agrees with RFK Jr. regarding vaccines and will even consider putting him on the FDA or CDC! Really?! The biggest anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist of the past twenty years?! Desantis cannot be trusted. It’s a major Chilul Hashem that any Jewish people support him.

  3. “We haven’t used Mercury since 2001 in children’s vaccines. It was never used in the three most common vaccines on children.”

    Such evil and sheker. Notice how he doesn’t explain why they did use it prior to 2001. He also doesn’t clarify that mercury is still used in other vaccines, like the flu vaccine which is recommended for both adults and children. Finally, he doesn’t mention that children today are mandated to be given tens of vaccines, not just the “three most common” ones.

  4. Many of the foolish comments forget that President Trump did exactly that SAME thing. He appointed RFKjr to head the commission on childhood vaccine safety. What he uncovered was a big lie by NIH, FDA & big pharma on the safety studies which was built on a house of cards or as known by pundits as “Turtles all the way down”. What happened after and how they ousted him, is what’s indeed conspiratorially bizarre.

    Nothing wrong with demanding the same QoS standards & intergrety for vaccines to be in line as the rest of pharmaceuticals:
    1. Demand equal RCT testing against placebos (saline vs other similar adjuvant laden jabs)
    2. Remove the excemption of liability (get rid of the Regan act.)

    After the covid jab farse, the sence of urgency for someone like RFK bacame a lot more pressing. I personaly don’t like the guy, but I find what he’s advocating for is one of the most important issues of our time.

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