MOVING PHOTO: How HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman Spent Tisha B’av

The following is Via Sparks of a Nation:

He lived a pure humble life, learning Torah constantly in his room, hardly eating or sleeping. He became renowned as one of the greatest gedolim of our day, influencing hundreds of thousands the world over.

Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman zt”l was a throwback to a bygone world. He derived no enjoyment from olam hazeh. His life was Torah, his being was Torah, and he lived a simple life in a simple apartment. All he did all day was learn Torah, perform mitzvos and help people. What negius can a person like that have? It is no wonder that he had siyata diShmaya.

The gentle man who had lived his life far from the headlines was propelled into a leadership position after Rav Elazar Menachem Man Shach felt that he was unable to continue carrying the burdens of Klal Yisroel.

Rav Aharon Leib sought no earthly pleasures for himself. He ate the most meager portions of food and sat on chairs without backs.

And so we come to the photo seen above, depicting the rosh yeshiva on Tisha B’Av when he was approximately 100 years old. At that time, and at that age, it was difficult for him to sleep on the floor, which had previously been his custom on Tisha B’Av. Thus, he requested that a stone be placed on his bed, so that he can “rest” his head on the uncomfortable, cold, unforgiving surface, his expression of mourning for the churban evident to those fortunate to witness the surreal scene.


13 Responses

  1. With all due respect, i wonder why he is sleeping on his back, which would seemingly be inconsistent with shulchan aruch?

  2. Frankly, although it’s important to learn from the actions of gedolim, I think it’s a chutzpah to have taken this picture and certainly to have posted it. How many people do you know who would have no problem with a picture of them sleeping being sent around to thousands of people?

  3. Many poskim hold as long as one is not completely flat on their back it is permitted. Rav shteinman has a pillow beneath his head, so this “brick” is furthermore lifting his head. If you want all the mara makomos I wrote extensively on this topic. [email protected]

  4. Taking a picture of someone while they are sleeping is Vouyerism at its worst. That one can do it to an Adam Gadol, and post the picture online when he is no longer alive to protest is exploitation, and the highest level of chutzpah and disrespect. Is “Sparks of a Nation” the charedi version of the national enquirer?

  5. Ememc,

    I just couldn’t agree more! I don’t know why YWN allows this! Where’s the outrage? I bet you (not to get involved politically, PLEASE), that if they did this with any of the satmar rebbes, Bobover rebbes, viznits rebbes: the ones from olam hames, I’m afraid many people would join that olam haames!!!

    I’m not justifying but where is our lack of outcry? Aren’t we showing our kids that a Godul of that stature can be exposed like this. And worse, I’m sure YWN has software to disallow comments. What’s next, in pajamas!!!???

  6. CCB: Just as there is no halacha prohibiting sleeping on one’s back, there is no assur against sleeping in pj’s or anything like that. I find this whole article and discussion disrespectful of the Rav Z’L.

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