Hundreds Attend Lev Chaim’s Early Cancer Detection Event In Manchester, UK

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A cancer prevention and awareness event that attracted more than 250 attendees was held this week in the UK’s Manchester community to educate local residents on the importance of early detection and prevention.

The event was organized by Lev Chaim and was sponsored by Berman construction. Lev Chaim supports the Jewish community in early diagnosis in cancer by fast tracking appointments with renowned doctors.

The event was emceed by R’ Eisenberg and commenced with opening words from R’ Wreschner Shlita, followed by a presentation from Dr. Joe Geraghty, a consultant gastroenterologist and an expert in the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy.

Dr. Geraghty was followed by a presentation from Dr. Gulamhusein, a consultant urological surgeon who specializes in complex open and robotic retroperitoneal surgery. He has a keen interest in medical education and was a previous lead for the urology module at the Sheffield Medical School

A member of the community then spoke about his own experience with Lev Chaim, how his cancer was caught in its early stages, and how this allowed him to he require surgery, but no additional difficult treatments.

The evening concluded with closing words from Dr. Hibbert.

The organizers of the event hope that it will help raise awareness of the importance of early detection and prevention of cancer in the community. It is their goal to help ensure that people know the risks and signs of cancer and have the resources they need to seek out the necessary treatments.

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4 Responses

  1. This is so important especially nowadays with all the Spikopathy (S-protein poisoning either via viral infection or injection) generetaed Turbo-Cancers (way faster than normal metastasis). Two terms in oncology never even heard of before 2 years ago.

  2. A Dr. Ahn of Univ. of Texas, in Dallas and his ERX-41 protein cured in the labs and in mice Triple Negative Breast Cancer and possibly lung, pancreatic and kidney cancers.

    Also, Dr. Silverman of Northwestern Univ. developed NU-9 protein which in the labs and in mice “cured” ALS.

    Everything I’ve learned on these discoveries is of great hope for all of us.

    A phase 1 testing by our gov’t (FDA) is well underway on both discoveries. With gov’t oversight there is a danger !! I.E. two Israeli scientists creates COPANSE a drug which eases symptoms of MS. It took 3-5 yrs for our gov’t to ok it use in USA —– FDA constantly requested more data — unjustly — if Monsanto Corp. or another USA Corp. requested approval of such a drug–guess ??? The internet confirm for me that when an FDA retired from the gov’t service — guess were many went for additional income ???

    As a goy and having befriended Rabbi Eli F. Beane zt’l of Lakewood, N.J. for many years; I’ve learned that corruption is rampant in the goy world (no Torah adherence !! )

    A goy,
    Gerry Mullen

    PS: May I suggest that all Jews do: More Talmud T_rah (MTT), More Davvening (MD) and More Chessed (MC) !! Toddah rabbah !!!

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