Massive Crowds Turn Out To Greet Gedolim At Annual Torah Umesorah Shabbat of Chinuch in Deal

T’nu Kavod LaTorah! The Torah Umesorah Annual Shabbat of Chinuch on the Jersey Shore, held in Deal, NJ, was an amazing display of kavod haTorah, of the tremendous respect and adoration of the Sefardi community for Torah leadership.

Well over a thousand people came to the various events and telfillot in both Deal and West Long branch to meet the Gedolim and hear divrei Torah.

The Shabbat was also a celebration of the flourishing bond between Torah Umesorah and the Sefardi community in developing and strengthening Torah chinuch.

An honored international guest, HaRav Shlomo Kanievsky shlita, was obviously in high demand, as he attended three private receptions on Friday, soon after his arrival.  His hosts were Rabbi Saul Kassin, Ronnie Moyal and Victor Hakim.  At each venue, people posed questions to Rav Kanievsky, and he shared with the audience personal stories about growing up in the home of his father, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, stressing the close and very normal relationship he enjoyed with his father. He relayed how Rav Chaim spent time with them, telling them stories on Friday nights when they could not learn from the light of candles, according to halacha.

Friday was a very busy prelude to a rich program on Shabbat.  A grand reception was held at 4:00 pm, hosted by David Aboksis, at which all the Roshei Yeshiva in attendance were present – HaRav Reuven Feinstein, HaRav Elya Brudny, and HaRav Kanievsky.  Rabbi Yechiel Spero, noted author and lecturer, inspired the audience, and introduced Rav Feinstein and Rav Brudny.

Roshei Yeshiva spoke at various shuls throughout the community. Two spirited Oneg Shabbos gatherings were hosted on Friday night. Mr. Eddie Esses at which Rabbi Yechiel Spero introduced the Rav Feinstein; and Rabbi Meir Yedid, where the audience sat enthralled as Rav Brudny and Rav Kanievsky spoke.  Many people then spontaneously lined up to receive their brachos.

It was quite moving to witness Rav Kanievsky’s aliyah – the entire congregation stood up and sang a special song as he walked up the bimah, and remained standing throughout his Aliyah (though their custom is to ordinarily sit).  Following his aliyah, every single person in shul walked over and kissed his hand (though usually only children of the person receiving the aliyah do so).  It was an inspiring and moving display of T’nu Kavod laTorah!

There were close to 400 bochurim and guests in the yeshiva at the Sephardic Torah Center on Shabbos afternoon, for Rav Kanievsky’s shiur.  Rabbi Aaron Kagan of TU translated the shiur to English, as he did for all the events with Rav Kanievsky. It was clear that a deep impression was left, as on Sunday morning, when Rav Kanievsky came to the Kollel to daven, many boys had questions for him on the content of the Shabbos shiur. Rabbi Spiro spoke at the Synagogue of Deal, and kept his audience enthralled with his inimitable style.

Motzei Shabbos there were receptions in private homes, Jack Kassin & Rabbi Cohen for Rav Reuvain, and Jack Safdeye for Rav Kanievsky.

Sunday morning a grand reception for the entire community, was held at the home of Rabbi David Nakash, at which the invitees were honored with the presence of HaRav Dovid Schustal, Rosh Yeshiva of BMG, Lakewood, and HaRav Yosef Eichenstein, Rosh Yeshiva of RJJ Edison, both members of TU’s Vaad Roshei Yeshivah, as well as the Roshei Yeshivah who had been present for the entire Shabbat. Hundreds of people went from room to room getting brachot from the rabbis in attendance.

Rabbi Binyomin Holland of TU introduced the program, Rabbi David Ozeri spoke passionately about the work that TU does for the entire Jewish community, specifically the Sefardic community, and encouraged all to support the work of TU.

(YNW World Headquarters – NYC)

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