ARE THEY RIGHT? Trump Voters Say Anti-White Racism Is A Bigger Problem Than Anti-Black Racism

A recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll sheds light on the differing views regarding racism in America, particularly among Trump voters and Republicans. The survey, conducted from July 13-17 and involving 1,638 U.S. adults, highlights a striking divide in perceptions of racism against White and Black Americans.

Despite President Joe Biden’s decisive victory in the 2020 election, with repeated confirmation of the results by state officials, the poll showcases the contours of support for former President Donald Trump. Notably, Trump won a majority of White voters, and the survey reveals the distinct perspectives among this group.

According to Yahoo’s Marquise Francis and Andrew Romano, a slim majority of all White respondents in the poll acknowledged that anti-White racism is a problem. However, a significantly larger proportion of White respondents recognized anti-Black racism as a problem faced by Black people.

Specifically, among 2020 Trump voters, 62% acknowledged that racism against Black Americans is a problem in society today, while 73% stated that racism against white Americans is also a problem.

When asked to assess the magnitude of the problem, only 19% of Trump voters described racism against Black Americans as a “big problem.” In contrast, twice as many (37%) Trump voters considered racism against white Americans a significant issue.

Interestingly, Trump voters and self-identified Republicans were the only demographic groups identified by Yahoo News and YouGov who were more likely to view racism against white Americans as a problem than racism against Black Americans. Although a majority (51%) of white Americans recognized racism against people who share their ethnicity as an issue, a far larger number (72%) acknowledged that racism against Black Americans is also a problem.

The poll also revealed a striking contrast in perceptions among Black respondents. A significant 82% of Black participants stated that racism against Black people is a problem. However, only 27% believed that racism against Whites is a problem.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. The fat Albert gimmick with the medallion pic never gets old for me. Personally I prefer the file pic of him in the jogging suit. The triple threat of C Vernon, Alton Maddox and fat al were a legendary tag team with legendary press conferences. I really miss those “pin your yalmuka back” days.

  2. 1) the constant battering of white society and proliferation of the word racism in western countries that lead to all sorts of nonsensical laws, and
    2) Black people (mainly males) being able to time-and-time-and again hide behind their trump card called racism, using it as a pathetic excuse to rape, rob, murder, pillage like a bunch of wild boars can hardly be called anything but racism against non-whites. They can literally get away with murder and nothing, if someone stands up for himself, or a policeman stands up against him, they’ll be called racists.
    I’ve been waiting for something like this to come out.
    Just look what goes on in some USA states (Americans correct me which ones please), as far as i know in San-Francisco and others (maybe someone can say), these animals can run into a shop and literally rob it up until $1000, at which point the shop is “permitted” to contact police. Imagine that!! Dor Hamabul! S’dom!
    these animals should never have been freed from slavery, just like Rav Avigdor Miller said!!

  3. They are comparing apples and oranges (and if you throw in anti-Semitism, add yet other fruit) to the metaphor.

    Racism against whites is directed against “deplorables” rather than the elite (so it is in part, class based). It expresses itself in the feeling of African American criminals (themselves a small part of that community, but a visible one) that they are morally justified to attack whites (and probably non-blacks in general). It also expresses itself as significant discrimination in terms of employment and access to higher education (under the guise of affirmative action, but also in class based discrimination, with white elites using “affirmative action” as an excuse to discriminate against working class whites – an excuse they also use to justify anti-Asian discrimination).

    Racism against Blacks takes the form of non-Blacks believing that any Black accomplishments are the unmerited result of affirmative action, and in the belief that Blacks as a group support criminal activity directed against non-Blacks (data suggests most Black criminals prefer Black victims, since it increases their chance of not getting prosecuted, which in itself suggests anti-Black racism). Blacks suffer from the perception that they prefer welfare to work (statistics suggest otherwise, including that the stereotypical “welfare queen” is more likely to be from a white deplorable background than an African American background).

    Anti-semitism is only an issue for Orthodox Jews, and Hareidim in particular. Assimilated Jews are now part of the white elite. Anti-semitism takes the form of non-accommodation of religious practices and a general view that those who dress in an un-modern manner should be excluded (which in particularly the view of assimilated Jews, who are a major part of the ruling elite in cities with large Jewish populations). Sabbath observant Jews who manage to hide their identities (e.g. no head coverings, dress and groom to pass as goyim, eat “cold” items in treff restaurants relying on dubious heterim, etc.), generally can avoid discrimination; someone with a beard and pe’os and wearing a kapote might as well be looking for job in czarist Russia.

    Note that the vulgar violent racism (e.g. the Ku Klux Klan, Black Hundreds, etc.) are so marginalized in the United States as to be seen more of as a mental health problem of a handful of individuals (similar to those arguing for a “flat earth”), though they make great “straw men” for those who wish to avoid addressing the real forms of racism and prejudice that still exist.

  4. * NOI. Lois Farakkhan fan of A.H. (ym”s) is aill popular at the non White-puboic.

    * The butcher of Chanukah in Monsey was another non white, that one was of the black-israelite cult..

    * The guy Mr. “Ye” was on the top of the list of last year’s antisemites.

    * Many of BLM activists are anto-Israel. (No such a thing as “pro Palestinian,” they are just a tool, no one really cares about their well being).

  5. “Despite President Joe Biden’s decisive victory in the 2020 election, with repeated confirmation of the results by state officials, the poll showcases the contours of support for former President Donald Trump. ”

    Huh????? Despite that Biden won, people still support Trump? Huh? Was it expected they would stop supporting Trump because Biden won?

  6. Sorry about above post. It showcased the “contours of support”, not the amount of support. Still has no connection with the first part of the sentence.

  7. In the secular world, white people, especially straight white men, are being deleted from advertisements for all products and services.

    The typical advertisement will include: one white woman, one Asian woman, one Muslim woman, one gay Hispanic, and one black man — but no white men.

    If you carefully examine enough advertisements, you will see for yourself that this is true.

    In most television shows and movies, straight white men are shown as villains and idiots, while blacks and women are shown as wise and virtuous.

    If you carefully examine enough television shows and movies, you will see for yourself that this is true.

  8. my opinion is that fear and love don’t go together… besides by god, so overemphisis on creating an environment of systematic racism awareness and propoganda only backfires making people afraid and gives them the feeling like they are walking on eggshells with every encounter with minorities ect. so i ask everyone out there: How does all this cause the UNITED states of america as apposed to making it the DEVIDED states of america?

  9. Fear and love are polar opposites so all this “minority hype” is causing this country to be the “DEVIDED” states of america!!!

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