DISASTER: Kosher Meat Prices To Skyrocket By Up To 79%

Prices on kosher meat products are expected to skyrocket next week due to a “drastic” price hike by a large wholesaler.

In a message sent to stores, Springfield Wholesale Meat Distributor wrote: “Regretably, we have been informed by Solomon’s of a drastic price increase on domestic beef that will be implemented beginning this week.”

This will result in significantly higher prices on meats with shipping dates on and beyond Monday, July 24th.

The email included a list of meats and their respective wholesale price increases, which can be seen below.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

48 Responses

  1. 1. All meat prices are rising. It has nothing to do with anti-semitism, and a great deal to do with rising food costs (including the global impact of disruptions to food chains caused by the Russia-Ukraine War) and rising costs of labor (caused by falling birth rates since the mid-20th century, and restrictions on immigration).
    2. Beef is hardly a necessity of life. Buy less of it and eat other foods.

  2. The DISASTER is that people are eating way too much red meat. The DISASTER is that people’s cholesterol SKYROCKET. Maybe it’s time to drop the meat instead of expecting the prices to drop.

  3. OK, so don’t buy meat. The only way prices will come down if people stop paying the price and the sellers will be left with inventory

  4. What a shande . Need to do what Ger Rebbe did (if polish shtreimel goes up in price (more than normal inflation), he’ll come in with his week hat).

  5. According to The Wall Street Journal, wholesale prices are up by only 20%.
    The price hikes listed here seem to be nothing more than price gouging using inflation as an excuse.
    We find he same thing throughout food prices. Go into the local Shoprite in Brooklyn and you’ll find prices up by 30-100% on almost everything.
    Even at the “frum” groceries prices are up way above the inflation rate. “Inflation” is being used all the way up the food chain from the wholesalers through the distributors on to the retailer. At each step prices are hiked simply because they feel they can get away with it by saying “inflation”. The customer is being shafted, while the sellers are making record profits.

  6. I’m sick and tired of these kosher racketeering companies who make handsome profits while the working class suffer. Time to stop buying meats. Everyone should extend the 9 days and not consume meat until prices go down. That’s the only language they understand.

  7. Rabbosai,

    Did you see the meat boards that everyone just must have? It’s not enough to buy just meat for Shabbos, you have to buy a whole tray that feeds 2 1/2 people for $360!!!

    Perhaps when this meaty microboard reaches $700, people will come to their senses….

  8. There’s a cabal that’s ripping off Jews. It’s not inflation. Some yukel from toms river shows off that he grills a $500 steak so everyone follows.

  9. The “frum” stores are ripping us off shamelessly. Inflation has little to do with it. They raise prices and blame it on “inflation” when in fact it’s only their greed that is to blame. I went to a “frum” store in the 5 Towns area and saw a Tuna wrap (small enough to eat in 3 bites) going for $10. It’s outrageous. What is more outrageous is that we go along like sheep and don’t protest.

  10. Springfield is known for price gouging and price manipulation. They are not unique. Have you shopped in any of the Kosher stores lately?

    On a recent visit to Crown Heights, I stopped in the local Supermarket and was shocked to see their prices.
    A pack of 6 regular bagels is now $8.50, that’s a whopping $17 a dozen.
    Now I am not talking about fancy bagels or even kettle bagels, I am talking about the plain simple bagel. And I am talking about the main Supermarket, which I am told is priced for every day shoppers.
    This is by no stretch a fancy store.
    Now compare this to Trader Joe’s 6 pack of Kosher bagels at $1.99.
    I asked the manager why is his store perpetuating this community wide rip off, he said that the Bakery Department is rented out to a ‘Heimishe Yid’ from Williamsburg and he decides the prices…
    I then went to the cereal isle and regular Corn Flakes is selling for $8.99 for an 18 Oz box.
    And the list of insane prices go on and on.
    A cursory look at stores on Instacart that deliver in Brooklyn shows that 18 oz Corn Flakes is being sold from $3.35 to $4.99, none higher.

    Now Please explain the reason for this absolute rip off, total distortion of what it means to support your local ‘community’ business…
    Not to mention the stores in the Catskills.
    This is an absolute Shanda!

  11. Keyword is domestic beef , most meat in krm and the like is international beef ..he can’t raise it unless alle and everyone does..most of these raises are fancy stuff that most have no shaychus to

  12. This is why people buy cheaper products with a supposed weaker hechsher. Will a hechsher get involved with price gouging or will they toe the party line and enforce their hashkafah on ambience.

  13. Working in retail I can tell you there are many factors to to why a price is set. However, I believe the ultimate reason why kosher prices are so high is the previous generations were very retail price sensitive. The millennials don’t seem to care that much about pricing. Ill give you a few of many reasons why.
    They make more money and they receive more financial help than their parents did.
    More of the community has access to food stamp and other programs.
    It has become very stylish to eat “Gourmet Type Foods”.
    So whether your a rich or poor millennial your buying more prepared foods.

  14. Boycott is the answer.
    Let’s extend the 9 days for another month, or just buy poultry instead. Prices will drop as fast they came up.

  15. How will i make my chulent without Flanken and Marech bONES.?
    As long there is consumers who buy anything at any price wholesalers will try to make as much profit they can.
    There is such a demand for Meat that wholesalers can not meet supply in demand.
    Starting from lavish chasenes with the most expensive steaks being served, every day another siyem mesechte
    nine days Yoma Tuveh Lerabunim , grills every sunday , and Meat boards for shabbos kiddish, and shmoges boards at every occasion…The fress in America had become a real pandemic. Speak to and Cardiologist, internal medicine, or Oncologist they will tell you how many yidden in the age of 40-70 suffer from High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Heart disease , clogged arteries, stents, and Vascular disease. Not to mention Colon cancer and other machles r”l ….
    Wake up Rabossy and change your diet and consumption of all those foods maybe the meat wholesalers will have to change their pricing structure to keep their plants operating in full swing…

  16. Hey everyone, just a heads up about the potential kosher meat price disaster mentioned in the article! It seems like kosher meat prices might skyrocket by up to 79%. 😱 That’s quite a jump! To save ourselves from the impact, I suggest we consider ordering directly from the ranch at l’chaimmeats.com. They are offering a fantastic deal of 50% off, which could really help us manage our budgets while still enjoying kosher meat. Let’s support l’chaimmeats.com and make the most of this opportunity! 🥩🤩 #KosherMeat #SaveOnMeatPrices #OrderFromTheRanch #LChaimMeats

  17. Attention all meat lovers! 🥩 Looking to stock up on top-quality kosher meat and save big? Check out lchaimmeats.com for their amazing half and full cow order options! 🐄🛒 Not only will you get a variety of delicious cuts, but you’ll also enjoy significant cost savings compared to buying individual pieces. 💰💯 Plus, with the potential disaster in kosher meat prices looming, this is the perfect time to secure your meat supply at a reasonable price. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to support lchaimmeats.com and indulge in mouthwatering kosher meat all year round! 🍽️🤤 #KosherMeatLovers #StockUp #OrderFromlchaimmeats

  18. The same people who are saying who cares, just eat something else, let the meatpacking companies do whatever they want vechulo vechulo would think it’s the end of the world if, say, the government imposed a 79% excise tax on cow-based meat.

    BTW, this is not going to age well in two weeks, but I think it’s just a ploy to be able to sell off their inventory in the nine days.

  19. @lchaimmeats:
    Aside from the cynicism of your spamming this article which has people concerned regarding their standard of living/financial situation, I just took a look at your website and your prices are bloody expensive.
    You are part of the problem not the solution.

  20. “I feel this is a punishment for the backyard bbq Siyum poolside craze in middle of the nine days”
    “Lets extend the 9 days to 9 months”
    “Blame it on the shidduch crisis”
    “This is a message from shamayim that the Ebeshter wants his yidden to become vegans”‘

  21. We are eating too much red meat which is causing huge health problems for the overall Orthodox community. If anything our Rabbanim should be promoting a healthy eating lifestyle.

    Gd did not put you in this world to eat like a pig. If we just put aside half of the trash we eat we would not need to have such a big list of people who need a Refuah shelimah.

    If you want the price of meat to go down eat more white meat like Chicken or better fish.

  22. I think this is a supply and demand issue.
    All of the groceries in the 5 towns had very little to no inventory on some meats this Sunday.
    Interesting to see that the price of whole and 1st cut brisket are not going up. These cuts have much lower demand than other cuts.

  23. Raboisai, we’re getting machine made meat very soon. It’s already on the market and will be in kosher stores even sooner now. Prices are gonna drop. Relax….

  24. Oy vey, klal Yisroel
    What have we become?!
    we are obsessed with food and it is consuming us. Remember when a parlor meeting for a mosad was a simple event with fruit and cake? now it must be an extravagant event with carving stations and sushi trains.
    my friend says that the food industry is basically pornography for fat people. he is right. let us try to save our souls and get back to the basics
    My Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Elya Svei, used to eat a straight black coffee and a hard-boiled egg for breakfast every single day for decades. simple, simple, simple
    Our endless lust for more physical pleasures is a sad demonstration of how spiritually unfulfilled we are

  25. Market manipulators! We also need to stop advertising their increase so as not to create a frantic rush to buy meats before increase. Oylam Hasheker!

  26. So let’s make it even harder to stay religious.

    First it was the price gouging for chagim, then it was the matzoh, then the tuition became impossible, now the meat. Next the chicken. Add in the shidduch crisis. Nauseate the masses by the wreckless spending on Instagram posts. How much did your yacht cost, cuz mine was a bargain… lastly add in rabonnim who never cared and continued to stay silent, unless its daylight savings time or a need for a new hasgocha to break a monopoly. Ever wonder why bingo can’t open up in the 5 towns? Take a guess.. Judaism had become the new mafia. Salaries can not compete with our needs to keep a religious life style. Take a minute to think about where this ends? It doesn’t end well, that’s for sure

  27. It’s amazing how many stupid comments we can have on here from people who don’t know their hind quarter from their elbow but yet they have a place where they can talk.

    Among the funniest things was The comment by Rif @July 19, 2023 9:16 am. Talk about a hind quarter you were to look up the definition, you would see a picture of this person. I’m so happy they know more than everyone else. This person is probably walking around with cholesterol through the roof, probably almost touching the moon so therefore everyone else has to follow person’s diet. Sorry it’s not about everyone, it’s only about you !

  28. would non-glatt be cheaper?

    we abandoned non-glatt meat because the previous generation became too rich. If this generation earns less while learning more – maybe those who have mesorah that allows non-glatt can do hatarat nedorim (you did not know the prices will be so high that you need to work more instead of learning).

  29. Sadly, people are blind that during Covid to the intentional food shortages, intentional inflation and high prices of food and now meat. Why are people so blind – they don’t even look at the sky and see how they are spraying the solar geo engineering chemicals and cloud seeding, they announced but people ignored, that is increasing heat and changing the weather. This weather modification they say is conspiracy theory but is 100% a fact and was even in the Federal Budget Funding Bill. This affects rain, crops, livestock. They have intentionally overturned hundreds trains that have spewed chemicals into our water supply. They have injected people with dangerous chemicals in Covid shots that is causing increased heart attacks snd cancers and pains

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