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Machzikei Hadas Says Kol Korei Was A Forgery

The Machzikei Hadas Beis Din in Antwerp is reporting that the “Kol Korei” that circulated around the world in its name is a forgery, explaining the beis did not publicize the p’sak.

Quoting a Ladaat report, YWN reported (HERE) the beis din instructed travelers not to accept packages from people and to be extremely careful traveling with large sums of money, citing concerns of money laundering and other illegal activities, particularly the case of a yeshiva bachur sitting in jail today because he innocently took a package and found himself a courier for an illegal substance.

Chadrei Chadarim now reports, quoting a senior unnamed official in the beis din, that the proclamation was a forgery, stating the beis din is not addressing such issues, acknowledging the importance of the matters at hand.

One avreich explains that a proclamation from the beis din usually appears in the weekly Shabbos B’Shabbato and it is distributed throughout Antwerp. In this case, the residents of Antwerp are unaware of the so-called proclamation of the beis din.

Officials are now trying to find the source of the forged proclamation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. “…beis din is not addressing such issues..” Really? So how are we the public, supposed to figure out which issues they ARE addressing?
    Also, more importantly, how easy is it to forge ANY of their documents and how are supposed to be sure their work has not been compromised in the past?
    Also, could drug money have reached one of the members of the beis din!!!!!?????

  2. Forgery or not, the content penned in the document was very sound, in my opinion. After numerous people have unfortunately gotten “burned” while trying to do a favor (or getting a free ticket etc.), it behooves us to take on a level of care to ensure we aren’t being exploited by unscrpulous individuals.

  3. there’s a gemara in kesubos (or maybe it was kiddushin) that has a machlokes if an untrue kol that spreads about a person and he doesn’t protest means that either he agrees or disagrees (either he’s shtikah kihodah or according to #1 no point in it at all)

  4. #5 A favour to get a free ticket???????? that dosnt raize ur anntennas???????? u must be a bjick!!FREE TICKET????

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