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Monticello: Man With Knife Burglarizes Staubers Bungalows

monticello.jpgMonticello Police are looking for a teenager who attempted to burglarize a bungalow in Staubers Bungalow Colony on Carpenter Avenue this past Wednesday night.

Sources tell YWN that the Frum resident awoke at approximately 2:00AM and found the suspect inside his bungalow about to steal his wife’s purse. Without hesitating, the man confronted the thief – who pulled a knife on the man.

A scuffle broke out, but the man was Boruch Hashem able to wrestle the knife and purse away from the thief – who quickly fled on foot.

Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich tells YWN that Monticello Police Chief Doug Solomon is personally involved in the investigation, and ensured us that detectives are hard at work on the case.

To make matters a bit easier for detectives, the knife – along with one of the mans shoes are in the hands of police.

This is not the first burglary this summer at Staubers Bungalows, including incidents of stolen money, digital cameras, credit cards and cell phones.

Anyone with any information is asked to please call the Monticello Police at 845-794-4422.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

5 Responses

  1. i always wondered how women feel safe being away in the bungalow all week without their husbands.

    in this case the husband was there and with Hashems help he was able to fight off the burgler.

    most bungalows and bungalow colonies are not properly secured….Hashem watches over all of them…since al pi derech hatevah there are suprisingly very few stories B”H.

  2. B’H this person was able to stop this guy from stealing and now have some solid clues to help the police catch him. However, the fact that the owner confronted him was a very risky move and something we need to think about if Chas v’sholom we are ever put into a similar circumsatance. On one hand, he saved himself from a significant loss as well as the hassle of canceling his credit cards and checking accounts, Plus this person might not come back (and hopfully will be caught) saving others from theft as well. On the other side there is something that you can’t put a price tag on. This man’s life. Is it worth the risk of his wife becoming a almanah/widow or for their kids to go through the rest of their lives not having a father? In short I’m not out to get the victim for standing up for his rights, I am more pointing out that a little heroics can b every dangerous.

  3. I believe we all know what motivates these ganovim. They are breaking into bungalow colonies to steal some bread and milk.
    How many pieces of crack can you buy by selling a stolen loaf of bread?
    These bums are into drugs and drugs and drugs.
    Boruch Hashem for the man who protected his family! He didn’t run and say, “Hashomer achi anochi?”

  4. Nice to see that some men still have the guts to fight and protect their families. so sorry for those too scared to get hurt.

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