CHAOS AT BEN-GURION AIRPORT: Protesters Block Traffic On Access Road


A protest began at Ben-Gurion Airport at about 3:30 pm. on Tuesday, with police limiting protesters to a designated area outside the airport.

However, hundreds of protesters showed up and as the area became crowded, protesters began breaking through the designated areas, blocking the road leading from Terminal 3 to Terminal 1, the road to Terminal 3, and a parking area.

Five protesters were arrested by the police for disturbing public order.

Many protesters left the airport toward the evening and headed to a protest outside the US embassy in Tel Aviv.

Police Chief Kobi Shabtai told Kan News that reports of overcrowding at Ben-Gurion are false and that there is plenty of room for protesters to move around if needed. Shabtai also reported that 71 protesters throughout the country have been arrested, of whom 45 were already released.

According to a full police report, despite the protests, all flights took off and landed as scheduled on Tuesday. “By 7 p.m., 71,707 passengers passed through the airport, and by midnight, 84,000 passengers are expected to pass through, arriving or departing on 510 international flights.”

“The Airport Authority and Ben-Gurion Airport prepared in accordance with the events with increased work teams during the hours the protests took place. Throughout the day, Ben-Gurion Airport managed to maintain high operational precision, especially in relation to the busy summer season and the existing congestion in European airspace.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. This coverage is very biased. There are thousands of reasonable and very intelligent people who are attending protests. I have a selfie of the heads of the maths and physics departments at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (who are both frum Jews who wear yarmulkes and have their tzitzis out) at the protest. They are obviously reasonable and intelligent people but are evidently uncomfortable with what the government is trying to do.

  2. Is there anything more ironic than a ”Democracy will win” sign being flown by those protesting the outcome of democracy.

  3. Seeing some of these filthy משכב זכר flags amongst these evil protestor, they simply should all ge purged על ידי סקילה before any more pillage being caused by these filthy מורדי במלכןח

  4. My parents were stuck in over 3 hours because they blocked the roadways. Is that what they call democracy? Isn’t that anarchy? They have every right to protest and make their voices heard but they do not have the right to disturb the lives of the law – abiding citizenry: that is not democracy.

  5. My parents were stuck in over 3 hours of non-moving traffic because they blocked the roadways. Is that what they call democracy? I call that anarchy? They have every right to protest and make their voices heard but they do not have the right to disturb the lives of the law – abiding citizenry: that is not democracy.

  6. What is the definition of terrorism if not attacking innocent bystanders in the general public? Does the fact that it is simply harassing them, delaying them and generally making them suffer as opposed to directly shooting bullets at them therefore make it okay??

  7. The charedim should do this next time.
    Maybe then, they will be treated with respect.

    2 million protesters show up at the airport screaming “gevaaaaaàld!”

  8. may all of the Chareidem reign…..strong, stronger and strongest against all this white washing of our Torah……insanity is the only word that is designed to label the left as is…..

  9. I passed by such a demo in Jerusalem yesterday in a taxi near the government quarter and it occurred to me afterwards that whatever we feel about the judicial reforms, it bothered me to see Jews (even though they might be described as being misled by politicians with whom I disagree, and there are few politicians with whom I agree) standing out in the heat for what they believe is right (even if mistakenly so) and I feel it would be a Kiddush Hashem to give them refreshments. What do others think?

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