MIRACLE IN THE MAYHEM: Stony Point Shul Surrounded By Floodwaters But Suffers No Damage [VIDEOS]

The Monsey region was deluged with nearly a foot of rain on Sunday, as the area was battered with the amount of precipitation that normally takes a month or more to fall. The storm brought mayhem to the region, destroying dozens of vehicles, overloading dams, and burying roads under a sea of floodwaters.

The town of Stony Point was no exception to the chaos, with heavy rains and flash floods gushing through its streets, and a growing river slowly but surely making its way to Beit Hakneset Ohalei Yosef Yitzchak.

As a wall of raging water rose around the building, concerns grew that the shul would be terribly damaged, and perhaps worse, that those trapped inside would be consumed by the ferocious waters. Then, suddenly – inexplicably, miraculously – the water stopped rising.

Slowly, excruciatingly, but interminably, the waters began to recede. When the danger had passed, the miracle could be seen by all – the shul had not been damaged at all.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. You are missing some important parts of the story.

    The young Lubavitcher boy at the window wearing the yechi yarmulka in the video at this Chabad of Stony Brook, must have called in the assistance of the Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe shliteh, who performed a miracle to save his shtiebel.

    (real story, there was flooding, the water went its typical ways, to regular watercourses, and although it overflowed banks of streams for a while, approaching buildings, ultimately receded after a short time, as is typical in such events)

  2. Comment #1 is not nice! It borders on שנאה and poking fun. We’re in the 3 weeks now and we’re not in need of finding more קטרוג on other Yidin.

  3. To Lemayseh
    Your comment is disgusting. 1 person was killed others are still missing in this unprecedented deluge. I saw some of the news footage of this flooding this morning it definitely wasn’t as you write “as is is typical in such events”. 6-8 inches of rain in 2 hours isn’t typical.

  4. That amt. of rain isn’t usual for the area, but it was predicted and flood warnings were posted on the NWS. Perhaps even broadcast on local radio and certainly the weather band on some radios.

  5. @Yaapchik you’re right.
    @Lemayseh, if you’ve got nothing better to do say some kinot on your midot. seriously.
    what did you even mean by that stupid mark?
    I assume you think that’s what the Hailige Gaon had against Chassidim? huh? is that how he went about things?
    You know that Chassidim are probably closer to the Gaon’s way then you are. Do you go to mikveh every day?
    The Gaon did…….

  6. We need phony accounts of dubious alleged miracles, as much as we need a false messiah.

    What we need is אמת, truth.

    שקר does not bring people close to הקב”ה, whose seal is Emes.

    “You know that Chassidim are probably closer to the Gaon’s way then you are.”

    Yeah, sure. Who do you think you are fooling? Dream on.

  7. Emunah is not attained by fooling one’s self. It actually is very damaging because some people “wake up” and then throw the emes out with the delusional stuff.

  8. There has been an extraordinary amount of hatred in Rockland County aimed at two rabbis who INADVERTENTLY ignited a fatal fire while kashering a kitchen for Pesach. I can’t help but think the floodwaters are a double pronged warning from Hashem to both the hasidic-appearing criminals who have afflicted frum Monsey residents as well as the ant-Semites who are lashing out unfairly at two erliche rabbonim who are scapegoats for others who got away with murder.

  9. @Lemayseh,
    “Yeah, sure. Who do you think you are fooling? Dream on.”
    You know what?
    let’s put the cards on the table:

    1) I put it to you that you’ve (most likely) like most other ami-ha’aretz-“misnagdim” never even learnt a piece of Gra more than a sweet dvar torah from Peninim Mishulchan Hagra, or at best something from Bi’urei Hagra in Shulchan Aruch (without pointing fingers at anyone, everyone knows that Chassidim put an emphasis on halacha more than others).

    2) I put it to you, even if you are not one of those empty-minded fellows who are “against” kabbalah (aka a kofer B’Toras Moshe M’Sinai), you probably haven’t even delved far into the Gra’s sefarim on Kabbalah, which cover the majority of the Gra’s writings.
    In fact, there are barely any people (from the Litvish/Ashkenazi etc Olam) that even know of this, let alone learn it. there is no known clear mesorah (not made up by some lomdishe-yeshivishe-attention seeking yungerman right out of Mir who “found” or “he knows what the Gra REALLY meant🙄) for the Mehalach of the Holy Gra in Kabbalah. It is basically left to work on his writings.

    3) When i wanted to learn Nefesh Hachayim, I was told (not by a Chasid), to go to another local Rav (WHO IS CHASSIDISH), telling me that he’s the most knowledgeable in Nefesh Hachayim, and not like others I know, he didn’t/doesn’t learn it to “frayg-up” Nefesh Hachayim like other idiots might do. He actually lives by it!!

    4), I put it to you, You’ve probably never learnt Nefesh Hachayim or even opened it past the few places where he references the Gaon’s Hisnagdus against chassidim(e.g. Orot or Kelim in Avodat Hashem/Mitzvot/learning Torah being more important).

    5) I put it to you, you didn’t know that the Gra went to mikveh every day, and that you probably have either- never been, or maximum once a day.

    6), Finally, I put it to you, that you are TOTALLY ignorant in the Holy Gra and his ways/talmidim/sefarim etc, and only use his name to cover up for your jealousy driven hatred against Chassidim that is discussed in the Gemara that says the hatred from an am ha’aretz to a talimd chacham is worse than from a goy to a Jew.

    Go educate yourself before you open your mouth and make a total fool of yourself!

  10. CS: no problem on the mileage, I have driven that route to my brothers house in NY many a time. As I said prior, I still have family in the flooded areas (as well as Lkwd.and other parts of the East Coast Jewniverse.)

  11. In response to “pure yiddishkeit” – you happen to be very wrong in this case, as I have studied the Torah of the GR”A zt”l extensively, and it has greatly impacted on my life.

    It seems like you may be a follower of the sect led by a YU alumnus in the 5 Towns area of NY, who put on a shtreimel and started brainwashing Modern Orthodox kids with his warped ideas, which are often called “Neo-Chasidus”. Those are the types that have multiple kumzitzes in their congregations on Tisha B’Av, R”L, while posing as big mevinim on what they call “penimiyus haTorah”. Please reconsider your adherence to them, and return to traditional Yiddishkeit.

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