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TRAGEDY: 12-Year-Old Suddenly Niftar On Shabbos In Camp Arugas Habosem

A terrible tragedy occurred in the Catskills on Friday night, with the sudden Petira of a  young boy in camp.

Sources tell YWN that Shia Singer, 12-year-old, had finished the Shabbos Seudah at Camp Arugas Habosem in South Fallsburg, when he suddenly collapsed. Catskills Hatzolah did everything they could to save his life and rushed him to the hospital. Unfortunately, despite their life-saving efforts, he was R”L Niftar at the hospital.

The family are Mispallelim at HaRav Binyonim Eisenberger’s Shul in Boro Park.

There were more than 1,200 children at the camp, and the Chai Lifeline Lifeline Crisis Intervention Team was at the camp until the wee-hours of the morning on Sunday, ensuring that all the children were ok, and providing support and guidance to the staff,

The Levaya will be held in Boro Park at 11:30am, at 1650 57 Street.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Yatzmech: Cause death cannot be determined without an autopsy. Speculation regarding vax status has no bearing on this unfortunate death.

  2. @amil, NYS has virtual autopsies where they scan the body, they also draw blood for toxicology report both 100 muttar, there was a lot of effort to come up with this when you have a sudden death.

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