LONG VAX: Patients Experiencing Worrying Symptoms Long After Getting Covid Vaccines

(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)

A new phenomenon known as “long vax” is emerging, involving a small number of individuals who experience perplexing symptoms for months after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Although cases are extremely rare, medical experts are closely examining the data to unravel the potential causes behind these lingering symptoms.

Symptoms of long vax can resemble those associated with “long COVID,” such as persistent headaches, severe fatigue, abnormal heart rate, and blood pressure fluctuations. Patients have also reported tingling sensations, electric shock-like feelings, burning pain, and blood circulation issues that manifest weeks, days, or even hours after receiving the COVID-19 shot.

In some cases, individuals exhibit symptoms resembling postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), including weakness, fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure, fatigue, and cognitive fog. However, many healthcare professionals hesitate to openly discuss the possibility of a long vax syndrome, fearing that it might be exploited by anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists aiming to discredit a vaccine that has saved countless lives.

Dr. Harlan Krumholz, a cardiologist at Yale University told the New York Post that he is convinced something significant is happening with these side effects. Krumholz and his colleague, immunologist Akiko Iwasaki, have initiated a post-vaccination study called LISTEN (Listen to Immune, Symptom, and Treatment Experiences Now) to explore long COVID, post-vaccine adverse events, and related immune responses.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledge that vaccines can cause side effects, they emphasize that these are typically minor and transient, such as a sore arm or low-grade fever. Rare instances of side effects have been reported for other vaccines, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with the influenza shot and tiredness or muscle pain following the recombinant shingles vaccine.

Although the overwhelming majority of people experience safe and effective vaccinations with only temporary and minor side effects, intriguing reports of long vax symptoms have emerged from medical professionals and researchers worldwide. Of particular interest are cases where POTS overlaps with COVID-19 infection or, less commonly, occurs after vaccination.

The National Institutes of Health noted a slight increase in POTS cases following vaccination in a December 2022 report, as scientists explore potential links between COVID-19 vaccines and uncommon side effects.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. There is plentiful documentation from professional and credentialed research, though considered ‘alternative’ or ‘disinformation’ by much of the MSM, that since March of 2020, all covid cases are of a different type and are being caused by the covid shot itself.

    Much of this was initially brought to light by British embalmer Richard Hirschman, as well as by hundreds of nurses from around the US and elsewhere posting their own experiences with patients on social media back in ’20 and more recently.

    Earlier cases from December of 2019 are most responsibly treated when considered as radiation poisoning, contributable to 5g – which was rolled out three times in China corresponding to the first three epidemics, and the next was in Northern Italy – past Russia’s eleven time zones – where 5g was rolled out next. Glyphosate use in foods (the generic term for Bayer/Monsanto’s ‘Roundup’ pesticide) is also considered a very probable causal agent as it weakens the gut and the immune system.

  2. I agree with everything in this article, except with “are extremely rare”.
    I can attest suffering for over a year from nearly all that’s described in the 2nd paragraph among with many (otherwise low-risk demographic) in our support group who were foolish enough to take these jabs.
    The worst part was the physicians (that couragous enough to acknowledge vax injury) were mostly clueless on how to treat.
    BH I’m alive and seem way past that malaise. The thing I believe that helped me the most out of various detox therapies was (16hr+) Intermittent Fasting.

  3. Vaccine is not effective at all so why suffer the “very” “rare” side effects! How stupid can people be!

  4. This is too little, and too late!

    I hope ywn won’t delete this post as it can help another fellow yid!

    🤒 Feeling Unwell Since Your Covid-19 Injection? You’re Not Alone and Support is Available

    Many people are experiencing unexplained symptoms that include:

    • Headaches
    • Vision and hearing problems
    • Period problems, heavy bleeding
    • Heart attacks, chest pain, arrhythmias, palpitations
    • Blood clots and blood pressure issues
    • Movement and postural difficulties
    • Swelling, skin rashes and bruising
    • Fatigue and fibromyalgia
    • Joint and muscle pain
    • Muscle twitching, spasms, tremors and shaking
    • Numbness, paraesthesia, paralysis
    • Arthritis and autoimmune diseases
    • Stomach issues and weight loss

    If you suspect C-19 vaccine injury, ask your doctor to do a full blood count, cardiac panel and a D-dimer test.

    No one need suffer in silence—there is support available:

    📡 RealNotRare. com
    — Resource of real experiences and support groups for the Covid-19 vaccine injured.

    📡 React19. org
    — Financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from long-term Covid-19 vaccine adverse events globally.

    📡 UKCVFamily. org
    — UK-based community for those injured by the Covid-19 vaccines.

    WCH Resources:

    📝 SpikeProteinDetoxGuide. com
    — The latest emerging information on how doctors are clearing viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body.

    📝 A Practical Approach to Keeping Healthy After Your C19 Jab
    — What you need to know about the types of illnesses associated with the Covid-19 jab and how doctors are managing them.

  5. The cause of these symptoms is due to their worry. Yes, it’s 100% psychological. The covid vaccines are safe, effective, and have saved millions of lives.

  6. It’s still a mystery why fau-Xi and his minions stopped their “annual booster shots for everyone” campaign. Seemed like a solid idea. Definitely in everyone’s best interest.

  7. I’m still waiting for the retraction video from all the communal leaders who told us we all need to get this clot shot because ruba d’ruba of the doctors said we needed it. The fact that you were duped by medical professionals is understable. Why there’s been no retraction with a major apology is not.

  8. While I’m sure the intentions of the communal leaders were noble, their PSAs no doubt led to the deaths of numerous young people. The silence now along with the coverup is shameful.

  9. That’s what happens always.
    The few foolish idiots who are called so for using their common sense instead of following like sheep say something, everyone laughs and mocks them.
    But, somewhere down the line the rest realize that “anti-vaxxers” where/are not such “conspiracy” minded wazoks, they’re not so stupid, they had a point.
    But obviously the big fat murderers sitting at the top raking in the money couldn’t care a hoot, in fact they’re laughing at you how you managed to fall for their tricks.
    Don’t think this is the last time.
    There will be another global i don’t know what (no conspiracies i am not “in the know” what they are planning i am just looking at history and making sensical analysis based on so), and everyone will be told they need to such-and-such, there will be the few that shout out, they’ll get shunned, mocked and derided, down the line once the making money off that so called “savior” product will dwindle, suddenly you’ll have politicians, media (YWN included) running to decry the calamity (i.e. רצחתם וגם ירשתם), and then jut play replay. that’s how it goes…

  10. Have you been keeping tabs on the number of young people dying within one year of Turbo cancer, young mothers and fathers in Israel leaving behind Yesomim? Babies born with tumors on their spine and brains? Babies being born to vaccinated mothers in respiratory distress due to undeveloped lungs? This vaccine was tested on 8 mice and millions of people. Time will tell the real effects of this vaccine in years to come R”L.

  11. ShomerShabbat, can you enlighten us as to what precisely “turbo cancer” is because I and the medical professionals in my family are unfamiliar with the term?

  12. Jewyorker, I agree with you. Many of us will never forget the Hatzolah frenzy to receive the experimental injection, nor the nonstop bombardments and shaming from Ami, Mishpocha, and other magazines. Where are the apologies?

    Yaakov Doe, look up Dr. Ryan Cole, M.D. so you can gain some insight into what a “turbo cancer” is.

  13. Yaakov Doe:
    ShomerShabbat would not have made his claims based on WhatsApp anecdotes.

    For sure he has hard data, collected methodically and systematically.

    Didn’t you read that he’s been keeping tabs on the numbers?

    And that he can demonstrate causation?

    Only reason he hasn’t published his study is that prestigious peer reviewed journals are competing with each other for the rights to publish his blockbuster article.

    Movie rights to “Turbo Cancer: What they don’t want you to know” are being negotiated as well.

    You expect him to ruin all that by sharing his studies in the comments section here?

  14. The data is out there, the studies are being done in counties such as Australia and England. America is slow to admit their lies and bribery but the truth will come out.

  15. I have had 5 Moderna vaccinations, and have absolute Zero of any of these symptoms, & likewise had no symptoms immediately after vaccination & all 5 times went to work the very next day.
    Could it be that these symptoms are:-
    1) Only people who are weak & health compromised?
    2) Only from Pfizer & Johnson & Astra Zeneca & Sputnick vaccinations?

  16. @147 That’s like saying: I drove all my life and never experienced car engine failure.

    Every person’s physiology is different and reacts differently to Medical interventions. While my symptoms above were from Pfizer, someone in our family Tinnitus (and still suffers from it) less than 48 hours after the first Moderna shot.

  17. @yaakov doe
    “Turbo Cancer” there’s nothing more then a coined phrase from oncologists of the way more than usual rapid progression from cancerous cells detection to full spread metastasis. This phenomena was noticed in 2021 which leads many to believe it has to do with Spike protein poisoning (be it virus inhaled or injected from vax).

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