Target Backtracks After Refusing To Sell Conservative Heavyweight’s New Book In Stores

Conservative commentator Mark Levin revealed on Wednesday that retail giant Target initially planned to carry his new book exclusively online, citing concerns about potential polarization among customers. However, within a day, Levin disclosed that the company had reversed its decision.

Levin took to Twitter to express his disappointment with Target’s initial choice, calling it “pathetic.” Although pre-order sales for the book were available on Target’s website, physical copies were not going to be stocked in their stores. Levin’s book, titled “THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA,” is scheduled for release in September.

In his tweet, Levin criticized Target for allegedly avoiding the book to prevent offending Democrats. He encouraged his followers to purchase the book directly from Amazon, bypassing what he described as “Democrat-Party corporatists.” However, he expressed gratitude to Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and Books-A-Million for committing to carrying the book upon its release. Levin reiterated his views on his radio show, characterizing Target as fully aligned with the left.

On Thursday, Target reversed its decision, prompting Levin to share the news on Twitter. He thanked his followers for championing free speech, stating that Target would now stock his book in their stores upon its release. Levin expressed pride in his audience, referring to them as a powerful force for conservative authors and audiences, and emphasized their impact on the marketplace.

Levin also acknowledged that although this particular situation had been resolved, similar challenges would likely arise in the future. He praised his supporters for asserting their power and proclaimed that the silent majority was no longer silent. The Washington Examiner reported that Target released a statement addressing the “confusion” surrounding the decision. The statement clarified that the book had been available for pre-sale since mid-June and would be sold in their stores on its release date, as they have done with Levin’s previous works.

Target cited concerns related to the use of the word “hate” in the book’s title as the reason behind their initial decision. However, they regretted any confusion caused and affirmed their commitment to offering the book for sale as planned.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. He doesn’t sound like such a heavyweight. What person would put such a ridiculous title on a book?! Crazy! He sounds like a very reasonable and balanced person.

  2. I am a life-long registered Democrat and I love America. I hope I am somewhere in the footnotes of Levin’s book. My little bit of familiarity with Levin tells me he is a raving lunatic.

  3. Other titles and subtitles for the trash he calls a “book”.
    How I made millions brainwashing republicans.
    I am angry and full of loathing towards over half the citizens of the US. Please buy my Mein Kampf. Happy July 4th.
    Join the republican party where all we do is hate and lie. We do not want to help Americans and have no ideas that will help them.
    The constitution is to be followed only when I tell you to follow it. Since I am a constitutional scholar I know better then everybody else – even the Supreme Court.

  4. How do you fight cruelty and evil? The answer must be, every way you can; directly and indirectly. At this point who doesn’t recognize that the misplaced compassion of the radical left is cruelty. Democrats have created a disaster and ticking time bomb with the mass migration. Do you not see the articles on labor and other trafficking, terror suspects, disease revival that has resulted from the millions coming w/o vetting. And what about the economic costs? I believe in Hashem and our way is the way of true compassion and especially to the poor and downtrodden but under radical left policies crime victims are ignored and the perpetrators are coddled. Wake up and why don’t you read something by Levin before castigating and name calling?

  5. The point is not whether or not you agree with Mark Levin. Target is just one more outlet that doesn’t trust you to read the entire story and judge for yourself.

  6. This is just my idle speculation, but perhaps this kerfuffle may have been started by Levin or Target to help sell some of Levin’s books. Not bad.

  7. The Older Angry Republican commentaters are the reason America is where it is today. Every single show all he does is yell and complain, with vehemince scream at his political opponence. Then when his side does anything shady he defends them with the most kroom peshatim. The repulicans need to learn that angrily screaming the injustice that is being done to them or the instatutions is not going to garner any support or following. Mark Levin had so much publicity on so many platforms just like Sean Hannity and the rest of that Chevrah. It is far time for that lesson to be learnt.

  8. All you silly grumpy commentators..what a terrible title…repubs are grumpy….

    Oh so you want to be a liberal dem?

    The types that are pro baby killing and mishkav zachar, and hate Israel, and want more taxes, and want unqualified minorities in the colleges instead of merit based selection, who don’t like punishing criminals but hate police…

    But no, Mark Levin is angry…he should be! Churchill was hot against Nazis, oh he’s so mean….he’s so angry…you bet he should be!

    Grow up….the title of the book is fantastic. The Democrat Party Hates America.
    So true, so good, more power to you, Mark.

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