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Senator Schumer Tours Concord, Discusses Plans For Route 17

schumer.jpgKiamisha, NY: As the Cappelli Concord Resort project continues to move forward, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, joined by developer Louis Cappelli and local officials, toured the future site of the world-class resort and announced his continued push to ease access for visitors to and from the region and resort.  The multi-million dollar project will provide a significant economic boost to Sullivan County and the entire Catskills region.

In an effort to revive the much-needed tourism industry and provide an economic shot in the arm to the county, Schumer detailed his continuing efforts to add a third lane to Route 17 and pledged his support for easing access to and from the region, including a new, high-speed EZ pass at the NYS Thruway, Route 17 interchange.

“A world-class resort is just what the doctor ordered for Sullivan County and this project will be a much-needed economic shot in the arm for the county and the entire Hudson Valley area,” Schumer said. “It is critical that Sullivan County gets the assistance it needs to make it an easily accessible vacation haven for visitors from New York and beyond. A high-speed EZ pass and widening Route 17 will provide crucial access. If a two-hour commute turns into a four hour traffic nightmare, you better believe it’s going to effect tourism.”

Developer Louis Cappelli is partnering with Empire Resorts to build a mega-resort in Monticello at the site of the Old Concord Hotel that would provide an enormous economic boost to Sullivan County. The site will have several hotels, golf courses, spas, shops, and national retailers. A project of this size needs much support both from the state and federal governments. An incentives package, signed into law by Governor Paterson, requires the developer to invest $1 billion, create 2,000 permanent jobs, generate $50 million in local tax revenues, and double education aide.

In light of the proposal’s potential to provide an economic boost to the region, Schumer today detailed his continuing efforts to expand Route 17 and pledged his support for making an easy access road for visitors to and from the region. Citing traffic bottlenecks and backups in Harriman, where the NYS Thruway meets Route 17, Schumer is additionally calling on the New York State Thruway Authority to establish a high-speed EZ Pass at the Harriman toll plaza.

In 2005, Schumer secured $1 million in the Transportation Reauthorization bill to begin the process for the expansion of Route 17. Schumer long led the effort to widen Route 17 to three lanes in both directions. The stretch of road in Sullivan County is notorious for back-ups that will worsen if the planned Catskill casino is constructed.

Schumer announced today that he would be making the expansion of Route 17 and the establishment of high-speed EZ passes priorities in the 2009 Transportation Bill. The legislation, entitled the Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU 2005), authorizes federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety, and transit every 5 years and is one of Congress’ largest funding vehicles for transportation and infrastructure investments.

“One of my biggest priorities in next year’s Transportation Bill will be to secure the dollars necessary to expand this vital corridor and make traveling to the Catskills as efficient and problem-free as possible. If we are going to bring economic development to the region and re-energize the tourism industry, we have got to make it accessible. Route 17 traffic is bad enough and I want to make sure that tourists from near and far flocking to this new world-class resort are able to travel with ease. We also need to make sure that local residents are free from traffic bottlenecks,” Schumer said. “By expanding Route 17, and putting in high-speed EZ Passes in Harriman we can kill two birds with one stone – protect Sullivan County residents from bumper-to-bumper traffic and allow the economic benefits of a new resort to be realized.”

Schumer’s proposal would create a third lane in both directions from Harriman in Orange County to Monticello in Sullivan County along the existing Route 17. While the upgrades to Route 17 under the Interstate 86 project are an important step forward, because they do not include widening Route 17 to handle greater traffic volume, they are insufficient, according to Schumer.

An expanded Route 17 would handle substantially more traffic and enhance the safety of drivers. The Hudson Valley is one of the most economically dynamic regions in the state and its population is among the fastest growing. Sullivan County is also growing and attracting visitors and weekend residents alike. At certain peak times, such as Friday afternoons and Sunday evenings, the combination of commuters and weekend traffic intensify congestion and force parts of Route 17 to a standstill.

In the 2005 Transportation Reauthorization Bill, Senators Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton secured $1 million toward the study and design of widening Route 17 from four lanes to six lanes from Harriman to Monticello in order to accommodate millions of new visitors and residents to the area. These upgrades are absolutely vital to continuing economic growth in the region, easing traffic congestion, and ensuring that this roadway remains safe for motorists. To date, the state has not spent the funding.

(Eli Rowe – YWN Sullivan County News Desk)

3 Responses

  1. Oh wow its chucky!

    Mr. Schumer,

    Can you please send a note to Nancy Pelosi and ask her why she went on vacation without voting on the House’s energy bill? Please ask her why she did that with about half the House members screaming at her not to – INCLUDING some members of her own party?

    Mr. Schumer, we dont like the high prices of gasoline and we all know that drilling here in the USA where it is known that we have oil in such places like ANWR, or Colorado, or even off the coast (dont worry its so far off the coast you need to be on a plane at 25000+ feet to see the rigs!), can you please explain to us why Mrs. Pelosi and members of your party just dont get it?

    I even went outside per Hussein’s proclamation to make sure my tires were properly inflated and I wanted to get a tune up to save the world but my dealer laughed at me saying thay my car was only a year old. Like most cars less than 10 years old, my car isnt due for a tune up till at least 100K miles!

    Mark Levin

  2. Does anyone else think the word “boost” was used to many times in this article… hope it doesnt “boost” chilul hashem in the catskills.

  3. The Concord was the place in the 60’s & 70’s, everyone would go to the snack bar for a cold drink and to shows on Sat and Sun night. Golf course was selective and affordable for the big buckers, beautiful landscaping and grounds. Nothing around like that now!!

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