10 Questions For Mayor Adams And The NYC Department Of Education

For the past several days, YWN has been trying to get to the bottom of the mystery of the City’s 14 letters to yeshivas recommending that they be deemed less than substantially equivalent to the local public schools. The New York Times was given copies of the letters early Friday afternoon, but as of this morning the City is still refusing to provide copies to the yeshivas that are the subjects of the letters.

The City’s refusal is extremely prejudicial to the yeshiva community.  The media has portrayed these yeshivas as total failures that do not teach at all.  That is a lie, but without copies of the letters the yeshivas can’t defend themselves.

In light of the City’s posture, YWN is posing these questions to Mayor Adams and the NYC Department of Education publicly.  Join YWN in demanding answers and in demanding fairness for yeshivas.

1.    Why wont New York City provide copies of its 14 recommendation letters to the yeshivas that are named in those letters?

2.    Why were copies of the letters provided to the New York Times?

3.    What did the City’s review of those yeshivas reveal about the instruction they offer in English, Math, Social Studies and Science?

4.    Were any of the 14 yeshivas given passing grades in English, Math, Social Studies and Science?

5.    If so, how many yeshivas were given passing grades in those subjects?

6.    If a yeshiva provides substantially equivalent instruction in English, Math, Social Studies and Science, can it still be deemed not substantially equivalent if it is found lacking in courses such as New York State history or constitution?

7.    To be deemed substantially equivalent by New York City, does a yeshiva have to get a perfect score in all courses listed on the State and City’s checklist?

8.    Does the City give more weight to English, Math and Social Studies, or are all classes listed on the State and City checklist given equal weight.

9.    The review of yeshivas was launched because an anti-yeshiva advocacy group alleged that yeshivas don’t teach any English at all.  Did the City’s review determine whether that complaint was valid or invalid?

10. When will Mayor Adams speak out to stem the tide of misinformation about yeshivas that was unleashed when the City provided those 14 letters to the media?

YWN is again asking Mayor Adams to release the 14 letters about yeshiva education that have been extensively reported on by the media but kept from the public.  That will allow everybody to get the full picture of yeshiva education and not just the distorted one being portrayed by the New York Times and others.

YWN Editorial Board

[A TALE OF TWO MAYORS: Bill de Blasio vs. Eric Adams on Yeshiva Education]

[CITY SECRETS: Where Are The NYC Letters About Yeshiva Education?]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. Be careful what you wish for. I read all 14 letters. Most of those Yeshivas are not even claiming to teach secular subjects with any seriousness. I’m not sure why YWN is on this warpath. Not a winning strategy.

  2. When will the Jews finally get it? NY is not interested in being friendly towards Jews. The entire facade is a shame intended to secure votes.

    It’s time Jews realize the NY governance and the democrats are using you. Leave New York. Move to New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Ohio, Michigan or other states which aren’t run by socialists.

  3. They are totally perplexed. They can see that our boys well behaved, settled and have normal family lives. But on the other hand they see that we have a very high ratio of young people who need financial government assistance. Then they see that most of the Chasidishe boys can not put together a grammatical correct English sentence. So they put two and two together.

  4. i think we can all agree he has been a MAJOR disappointment as mayor in general and he has used race as his deflector. For the frum crime is number 1 and he has not done anything on it. It also seems that the members of this “Jewish Council” are expected to defend him to the frum public and I am not sure they were even aware of this major anti frum event coming 3 days after their major “dialogue”. I surmise this was planned ahead to once again deflect. I would hope that a good chunk of them consider resigning as they are accomplishing nothing for the klal on this council. Thank you YWN once again for staying on top of this major issue. Remember what the Volozhiner yeshiva did when the government harrassed them.

  5. #2 veshama its not about the education its about the progressives WAR on yeshivas as we dont teach toeiva and the rest of the liberal agenda, they actually in NY TIMES put a picture of Yeshiva of Flatbush when they write how bad the English is in yeshivas, while YOF is not mainstream everyone agrees their English is superp. Adams knows the progressives dont like him especially after he passed the budget 1 day before this attack by his administration, since he knows they dont like him so he is earning points with them by going after the frum, whilst telling the frum I am your best friend with my Jewish council. Again I thank YWN for presenting facts and staying on top of this as the war on yeshivas is only getting started.

  6. lakewhut have you forgotten Eric adams has some of his biggest support amongst Hasidim and now he is literally throwing them under the bus.

  7. lakewhut
    You write Chasidish yeshivas openly reject English education. It’s not a total lie.
    What you write is a total lie. All the chasideshe yeshivos teach math and language arts. Not being able to speak English is a cultural issue not a school issue. As others have pointed out because of our wholesome limudai Kodesh our children have the skills to take any course or even college program when the time comes and they B”h become successful businessmen in all types of fields.

  8. Total shock they haven’t given ywn the letters….remind me again of ywn legitimacy in journalism…maybe stop adding opinions to factual news articles and people might take you seriously.

  9. the questions are very repetitive. They can be streamlined into 5 questions.

    “Join YWN in demanding answers and in demanding fairness for yeshivas.”
    How? Is this an official job offer?

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