SUICIDE BANNED: Kim Jong Un Orders North Koreans To Stop Killing Themselves

(Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP)

This isn’t satire. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has issued a secret order to local authorities, aiming to ban suicides in response to a significant rise in numbers. The reclusive regime rarely discloses information about the country’s internal issues, making it challenging to ascertain the exact figures. However, according to the South Korean National Intelligence Service, suicides in North Korea have surged by approximately 40% compared to the previous year.

Kim Jong Un characterized suicide as an “act of treason against socialism” in the directive and emphasized that local government officials would be held jointly responsible for failing to prevent such incidents within their jurisdictions, as reported by Radio Free Asia.

During emergency meetings where the issue was discussed, data regarding the number of suicides was presented, and instances of entire families taking their own lives were highlighted, according to an official interviewed by Radio Free Asia. The disclosure of suicide notes that criticized the country and its social system left attendees shocked.

Another official told Radio Free Asia that suicide was affecting the community more than starvation. Despite the implementation of a suicide-prevention policy endorsed by the General Secretary, officials have struggled to find effective solutions. The prevailing causes of suicides were attributed to extreme poverty and starvation, making it difficult to develop immediate countermeasures.

Based on 2019 data from the World Health Organization, North Korea had an average of 8.2 suicides per 100,000 people, placing the country 45th in the global ranking of suicide rates.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Radio Free Asia is well known for distorted and untrue stories, especially about NK. DPRK is a hellhole in real life, there is no need to add untrue claims to make them seem even worse.

  2. Ummm, no. It’s actually a brutal plan, if you understand the penal system there. If someone commits a capital crime (which includes everything from trying to survive through the black market, to letting the Great Leader’s photo sit dusty and crooked where it’s mandatorily hanging on the wall), their entire family gets it in the worst way possible. Worst case, up to 3 generations of that person’s family are either executed or sent to a penal camp, which virtually no one gets out of alive anyway. Spouse, children, uncles, grandparents, all who had nothing to do with anything. And in this case the report said the local government officials will be held responsible. They’ll get the sentence for somehow not preventing desperate suicides.
    This is considered a crime deterrent.

  3. Anyone who it can be confirmed committed suicide, the entire family, including grandparents and children will be hanged in public to show the country that Kim ill Kong means business!

  4. The author of this article obviously didn’t bother doing his homework. If you Google the 2019 statistics quoted here you may happen to notice that while North Korea is 45th in suicide rates… South Korea is 4th! Not that I would give to mych credince to any statistics coming out of NK, but lo badi ela lhair ….

  5. They can stop committing suicide if you give international video of what jails they will go into if they do it always being so nice to his people of his fish belly kingdom and they wrote it down on paper the generals that won’t commit suicide for their prisoners

  6. How about letting some other people go on a free vacation by the border and ask America for big money not to make the nukes

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