NYC mayor Adams Forms First-Ever Jewish Advisory Council [PHOTOS]

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has created the city’s first-ever Jewish Advisory Council. Members of the newly-formed council will focus on all issues affecting Jewish New Yorkers, including public safety, quality of life, and education, and will ensure Jewish communities across New York City are connected with all of the city’s resources and services available. Chaired by Joel Eisdorfer, senior advisor to Mayor Adams, the diverse council will be comprised of 37 members and will convene regularly to discuss issues affecting the city’s Jewish community.

“Our Jewish community — the largest in the world outside of Israel — is a critical part of New York City,” said Mayor Adams. “From the top of the Bronx to the bottom of Staten Island, the work and contributions of our Jewish brothers and sisters are felt across all five boroughs. With antisemitic crimes up across the nation, our newly-formed Jewish Advisory Council will ensure that Jewish New Yorkers in every community have a seat at the table and have access to the support and resources the city offers.”

“The Jewish community is extremely fortunate to have a mayor who has a deep understanding of the challenges facing the Jewish community,” said Senior Advisor to the Mayor Joel Eisdorfer. “While antisemitic hate crimes are rising around the world, Mayor Eric Adams proudly, vocally, and physically stands with the Jewish community at every opportunity. With the creation of this unprecedented council, the mayor is clearly showing that actions speak louder than words and that he leads from the front.”

Senior Advisor to Mayor Adams Joel Eisdorfer, Deputy Chief of Staff Menashe Shapiro, CAU Commissioner Fred Kreizman and NYPD Inspector Richie Taylor addressed the meeting and spoke of the strong working relationship between the Jewish community, the Mayor’s Administration and City agencies.

The members of the Mayor’s Jewish Advisory Council include:

Rabbi Rachel Ain, Rabbi, Sutton Place Synagogue

Rabbi Joseph Beyda, Principal, Yeshiva of Flatbush

Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove, Rabbi, Park Avenue Synagouge

Rabbi Joshua Davidson, Rabbi, Congregation Emanu-El

Abe Eisner, President, HASC

Danielle Ellman, President & CEO, Commonpoint Queens

Rabbi Efraim Fink, Rabbi, Bnos Chaya

Shia Friedman, Der Yid

Rabbi Diana Gerson, Associate Executive Vice President, New York Board of Rabbis

David Greenfield, CEO, Met Council

Amy Guss, Dwaine Morris Law Firm

Devorah Halberstam, Founder & Director, Jewish Children’s Museum

Rabbi Moshe Indig, President, Williamsburg JCC

Yossi Itzkowitz, Executive Board Member, Borough Park JCC

Rabbi Yechiel Kalish, CEO of Chevra Hatzalah

Jack Klieg, President & CEO, Museum of Jewish Heritage

Rabbi Bini Kraus, Principal, SAR Academy

Rabbi Yossi Levine, Jewish Center of the Upper West Side

Ruth Lichtenstein, Founder & Director, Project Witness

Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, Vice President, Rabbinical Alliance of America & Executive Vice President, Staten Island COJO

Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov, Kehilat Sephardim

Shimi Pelman, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York

Howard Pollack, Jewish Affairs Director, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, Executive Vice President, New York Board of Rabbis

Hindy Poupko, Deputy Chief Planning Officer, UJA Federation

Alex Rapaport, Executive Director, Masbia

Rabbi Boruch Rothman, Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Joanna Sammuels, CEO, JCC Manhattan

Joe Shamie, Sephardic Community Liaison

Rabbi Daniel Sherman, Head Rabbi, Westside Institutional Synagogue

Rabbi Chanina Sperlin, Executive Vice President, Crown Heights JCC

Mina Sputz, Director, Yeled V’Yalda

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz, Senior Rabbi, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun

Rabbi Yaakov Tesser, Yeshiva Ohavei

Steve Weill, Executive Board Member, Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition

Rabbi Itzak Yehoshua, Chief Rabbi, Bukharian Jewish Community

Rabbi Dovid Zirkind, Senior Rabbi, Riverdale Jewish Center

Community leaders who were also in attendance include:

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President, Agudath Israel of America

Yaacov Behrman, Lubavitch International

Sydney Altfield, Executive Director, Teach NYSt

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. More useless phot ops coming. It’s not that difficult to solve the problems facing the Jews of NYC if they actually cared to fix them (spoiler alert: they don’t care to)

  2. I am not attacking YWN as I support your outlet, HOWEVE there is no such thing as a “female rabbi” or a “reform rabbi” i know this press release was sent to all, but I disappointed that a frum outlet would allow for such a title to be ever used.

  3. Same mayor that just pulled the racist card on the Holocaust survivor? Is anyone on the panel going to call him out on that?? I doubt it.

  4. As long as the police are not protecting Jews on the streets of NY, Jews shouldn’t participate in this obviously blatant political kabuki theatre.

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