MAILBAG: Stop Belittling And Mocking The People Who Lead Us

The position of President of the U.S. is deserving of kavod. So too, our Torah enjoins us to give honor to the elderly, and certainly not to mock and belittle them.

I see it as unbecoming for a publication associated with frum jews like YWN to make fun of and belittle President Biden. This has nothing to do with his policies or his political affiliation. I have no objection to articles that challenge the substance of his policies. I do, however, feel it is very wrong to belittle the man.

I would be shocked if any authorities would support your editorial ad hominem attacks, especially ones that belittle him for his stutter (remember Moshe Rabeinu?) or his age. We are all called to account for our actions.

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

40 Responses

  1. This is such disingenuous democrat talking points. His “ stutter “… Right. Lehavdil Moshe rabenu! Good grief! The dems have been trying to cover his dementia with his old stutter issue but it’s more revealing about the author of the comment. How absurd ! Comparing and demented corrupt politician to Moshe rabenu. WOW

  2. In the United States, the power to govern is vested in this people. If you look in a mirror and self-criticize, you are being critical of those who lead you.

    People like Biden and Trump, and all the rest of the elected and appointed officials, are our servants. Sometimes they think they are the leaders or rulers, but they aren’t. They are the ones we hire, and fire, to do our bidding.

    In the British system, the king is the legal rules and in his person all power of the state are centered, though in fact he respects the elected representatives, and appoints the most popular (among his fellow legislators) to be prime minister. Thus the British make a point of being respectful to their king.

    In the American system of government, the equivalent of King Charles are “the people”.

  3. HAHAHA NICE PURIM TOIRAH. If it is real then you are spreading anti-Torah hashkofos because you are defending a rosho and a mushchis who together with his party promotes retzicha and mishkav zachur on a daily basis. Reb Avigdor Miller ZATZAL said that it is an issur d’oiraiso to vote Democrat. Kol hanitfal b’Oivrei Aveirah nidun kayoitzeh bahem!

    DESANTIS 2024!!!!!!!!!! I wonder how anyone who calls themselves a frum Yid can support the shoiteh who runs the show now…

  4. I specifically signed up to comment on this article. Whoever wrote this article – in order to justify his comment I have to say he’s either Joe Biden or someone that’s hanging out to much with his son hunter. Are you seriously comparing a complete moron/dimensia, can’t walk up a flight of stairs recession leading person as our leader? Are you comparing him to moshe rabeinnu? Do you realize there is a war under his rulership? Insane interest rates? People cannot buy eggs at the supermarket? Immagrants are flooding the US? The taliban stole billions of dollars worth of warfare from our tax money? Where exactly does your definition of leader fall under? Even if you don’t like Trump I can understand that, but to call Biden a. “leader” or to deserve respect like moshe rabeinnu is next level.

  5. You are totally off your rocker.
    Honest journalism is not mocking.
    The liberals and woke society – anti-Torah- have hidden behind the facade of a quote unquote respectable president. I think we have learned otherwise. Just look at his support for his sons antics.
    We pray for our President and host country but that doesnt make us blind to his weaknesses and failings. Nor should we cover truths that should make all of us think twice before voting Harris, I mean Biden/Harris in the next elections.
    Biden doesnt represent Torah.

  6. I have no idea where to begin with this one. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

    But anyway for me it’s very simple, since I firmly believe he’s not really the President.

  7. Finally somebody who’s talking about not mocking someone for his ageing and/or frailty! You can disagree with his policies-but criticism of him losing his balance or fumbling for the right word is very offensive and unjewish!!

  8. This idiot, and his harry friends, said the same thing about Obama. I remember it to this day.
    “”He’s a Nasi!””
    But Trump?
    He’s a etc… Etc…
    Same people…

    Nasi bAMCHA lo taor

  9. I think you forgot that Hashem-king of kings ruler of the entire world-is the king and everything that happens with these acting political messengers from Mayors to senators and governors etc…. Are actually coming directly from Hashem.
    Did you forget about the true fact “Lev melochim vsorim byad Hashem”…..?

    Make sure you start to remind yourself from now on before you ever go vote for elections that Hashem is really running the country and city your voting for and these people running for government politics are just middlemen messengers of Hashem.

  10. I thought this was going to be about defending our Rabbonim. Nope. It’s about defending the bumbling demented fool sitting in the oval office.

  11. A lot of torah can written on and about this subject but only want to write that this president doesn’t respect himself with his main achievement gays in the military

  12. The writer, at an overview look, seems to be 100% right but this man’s utter haterd and the disgust he displays for the plight of our brethren in Israel and their need to protect themselves from the jaws of hungry alligators and grizzly bears, to me, changes the plateau of your otherwise good point!

  13. Firstly, before continuing with your silly boich sevaros, know the Halacha of Mipnei Seiva & V’hadarta on a Gentile is like Issi Ben Yehuda’s opinion ONLY on one who keeps 7 Nohadie laws including Giluy Arayos. Thus he cannot be promoting homosexuality (the male form which is d’Oraysa. I’ll mention his previous female immorality below*. The recent whistleblower revelations [were Biden was on the-take] by the DoJ & IRS are also a Gneiva disqualifier). Promoting abortions is also Shefichas Damim for a gentile, according to ALL opinions. (The Jews have the rabbinic Ubber Yerech Imo dispensation over Shofech Adam b’Addam).
    We honor an older stranger on bus or plane since we give him the benefit of the doubt, which can no longer be said here.

    Second, many of us consider Biden an illegitimate president, as the left considered Trump. (I scorn Trump for many other valid reasons.) Even if you believe there was no voter fraud, there’s no way in the world he’d be president had the media not covered for him in a joint effort for all the women accusing him of past rape or his Chinese & Ukranian bribes – especially when in came to the suppressed NYP Hunter’s laptop story, now proven to be true.

  14. The author is right. Unfortunately, many people here in this have been brainwashed by propoganda and have no idea what’s going on (and yes, the President of the United States does not have dementia and Trump slipped on the stairs once too).

  15. Also, unless you think it’s razton Hashem to be a racist, I would recommend not quoting Rav Avigdor Miller on political issues since he has made a number of extraordinary racist remarks.

  16. I agree. I am no fan of President Biden, but the poor Midos displayed by this site are sickening. Name one Gadol or Rav who speaks this way about – anyone, really.

  17. Why would YWN publish this ridiculous letter? and place the greatest person to walk the face of this planet with this bumbling fool in the same article?
    This is Blasphemy!

  18. This view is terrible! Who leads your Hashkafos, probably Biden. But as Jews we are led by Hashem and his Torah, or Torah Scholars. Not by Paroah, not by any goy, let alone an anti Israel politician like biden. Try finding a real leader or Rebbe for yourself before you preach to us who to compare to Moshe Rabeinu, l’havdil. If you knew how much biden underminds Israel in there fight against terrorism, against Iran, and against the anti Torah left extremists, you would realize that he doesnt lead Jews. Just look what he has done to America, with crime, immorality, inflation…. its a big aveirah to compare him to a Torah leader let alone Moshe Rabeinu! Oy!

  19. I understand where you’re coming from. Years ago, I must have said something disrespectful about Carter, and my Dad z”l gave me a talking to. “Even if you don’t agree with the President, you should still respect the office and title. You are always free to disagree, but you should always do it in a respectful way.”

  20. He puts trans advocates in our education and health departments. What’s there to look up to? No one’s buying it. Do better, ywn .

  21. Adults debate the merits of a position. Children, those who dont know much about a given topic and those looking to attract both groups, resort to name calling and insults.

  22. He’s evil condoning chopping off children’s organs. He has no clue what he’s doing, where he’s going, and what he’s saying. I totally believe he was not elected by the majority of American citizens, I believe the elections were fraudulent. He’s not a leader, he’s a meshuggener. He’s getting no respect from me.

  23. “I totally believe he was not elected by the majority of American citizens, I believe the elections were fraudulent”.

    It’s fascinating, from a socio-cultural perspective, how people can asert things which they haven’t the inkling of knowledge or evidence about. Really?! Are you actually serious?!

  24. Also, he was just saying that people can be great leaders and have a stutter, like Moshe Rabbeinu or the Duke of York (who became the King of England). It was just an example, not a comparison. It’s ridiculous to read it that way! Why can’t we bring examples from Tanach? I know a very famous Rabbi who in 1998 compared Bill Clinton to Dovid Hamelech and Jimmy Carter to Shaul Hamelech using the distinction of the Sefer HaIkurim that Shaul was punished because he made a POLITICAL mistake, while Dovid was personal. He obviously wasn’t saying that Clinton was like Dovid Hamelech, but he was drawing lessons from the Tanach.

  25. danny boy,

    What a sad little worm you are to always defend the anti-Semites who hate Torah and those who observe it. You’re the one who’s been brainwashed, by the woke religion you belong to. Now you have the gall to publicly criticize R. Avigdor Miller, zt”l? You’re a vile creature, deserving of severe punishment until you request heartfelt forgiveness at his kever.

  26. Who is the dan boy full of kefira? You and the author sound more similar to reform Jewry than religous Torah Jewry! Don’t boast your ignorance of political world affairs, and try to sound like a tsaddik while defending a rosha. Chazal say that in the times of Mashiach the government will turn to miynos-kefira. So don’t try to sell us that the Torah wants us to respect this miserable president. You remind me of the 80 percent of yidden that died in mitsrayim because they assimilated into the culture. Stop with your nonsense, Hashem is listening!

  27. “Also, unless you think it’s razton Hashem to be a racist, I would recommend not quoting Rav Avigdor Miller on political issues since he has made a number of extraordinary racist remarks.“

    You are an idiot! You call a gadol a racist?!?

    I would take Rabbi Miller זצ״ל over your rabbi any day

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