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WATCH: NYC Mayor Adams Tells Complaining Woman To Stop Treating Him Like Her Slave

A heated exchange between Mayor Eric Adams and a constituent unfolded at a community conversation event held at Gregorio Luperon High School for Science and Mathematics in Washington Heights. The confrontation stemmed from criticism of the city’s new rent increase rules, with the mayor likening the woman’s behavior to that of a plantation owner.

In video footage captured during the meeting, the woman interrupted Adams to accuse him of “raising the rent.” The mayor clarified that he does not have control over the Rent Guidelines Board, which recently faced backlash for approving rent hikes of up to 6 percent on New York City’s one million rent-stabilized apartments.

Undeterred, the woman continued her tirade into the microphone, repeatedly pointing her finger at Adams and insisting that he had expressed support for the rent increases. Remaining composed, Adams responded, “First, if you’re going to ask a question, don’t point at me and don’t be disrespectful to me. I’m the mayor of this city, and treat me with the respect that would deserve to be treated. I’m speaking to you as an adult.”

The mayor then delivered a stern rebuke, stating, “Don’t stand in front like you treated someone that’s on the plantation that you own.” His response garnered some applause from the audience.

Asserting his maturity and composure, Adams added, “I’m a grown man. I walked into this room as a grown man, and I’ll walk out of this room as a grown man. I answered your question – go to the next table.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. This affirmative action Mayor has got a big ego. Did he go into public office expecting, because he’s black, to be treated with kid gloves?
    I guess this Mayor is using a slavery reference because he’s still petrified of those dangerous out of control WHITE supremacists he rails against. Is his brother still protecting him from Whitey?

  2. Whenever Leftists like the mayor are challenged instead of fawned over they reveal themselves to be the most disgusting racists. Why is a constituent asking a legitimate question about his position on rent increases “acting like a plantation owner” or “treating him like a slave”? Because she pointed at him? If you’re that sensitive TV at you can’t handle the minor rudeness of someone pointing at you your shouldn’t be in politics. Actually, in a city like NY if you can’t handle minor rudeness you shouldn’t leave your house, let alone hold public office. You know of it were a black woman who did that he’d have to come up with a response that didn’t include “you’re racist”, which is how these people say “shut up and don’t question anything I say or do”.

  3. Whenever Leftists like the mayor are challenged instead of fawned over they reveal themselves to be the most disgusting racists. Why is a constituent asking a legitimate question about his position on rent increases “acting like a plantation owner” or “treating him like a slave”? Because she pointed at him? If you’re that sensitive that you can’t handle the minor rudeness of someone pointing at you you shouldn’t be in politics. Actually, in a city like NY if you can’t handle minor rudeness you shouldn’t leave your house, let alone hold public office. You know if it were a black woman who did that he’d have to come up with a response that didn’t include “you’re racist”, which is how these people say “shut up and don’t question anything I say or do”.

  4. Would NYC have the same violent crime stats if those with an excess of melanin were still on a plantation? That’s a rhetorical question.

  5. Good show by Adams, but playing victim, and bringing race in to it like that? C’mon now.

    I did some research online and learned that the NYC Mayor appoints all nine members of the rent control board. So it is not like he has no power in the matter generally.

  6. Adams is a slave….to stupidity. Surprised he didnt call her a “Cracka” like he did to all the white cops back in 2019.

  7. He is right!! Stupid freie liberal lady complaining about rightful owners of apartments raising the rent (yea that’s how it works in a free country)

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