NYC Unveils Voting Machines For The Disabled

vb.jpgThe city’s Board of Elections unveiled new ballot marking machines for disabled voters in the Flatiron District Wednesday.

The machine scans a paper ballot and gives options on how to cast a vote. There are even headphones for people who may have trouble reading the instructions.

“There’s various ways to make the selections,” said Mark Cederqvist of the City Board of Elections. “It could be on the touch screen. There’s also buttons that have Braille coding on it for people with visual disabilities. There’s a sip-and-puff device for people using actually a sipping and puffing motion to make selections that way.”

“It’s easy to learn — nothing hard. The speech was clear, the Braille was clear. And if you get stuck, there’s somebody there to help you,” said voter Zerline Johnson.

The Board of Elections said the machines should be in place at every polling station for the September primaries and the general election in November.

(Source: NY1)

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