SHAME: Biden Overwhelmingly Leads Trump 72%-22% Among Jews

In a recently published national survey, the non-partisan Jewish Electorate Institute (JEI) unveiled key insights into the attitudes and preferences of Jewish voters in 2023 – and surprisingly, they overwhelmingly support Joe Biden and Democrats’ policies.

One of the notable findings of the survey is that Jewish voters remain deeply engaged with the cultural issues that currently divide the nation. Issues such as democracy, abortion, guns, inflation, and climate change hold significant importance for them. In particular, abortion – which is assur in most cases – stands out as a defining issue, with a striking 88% of Jewish voters believing it should be legal, a sad commentary on the state of Jewish religiosity in the United States, as well as values like the sanctity of life.

In a political climate characterized by polarization, Jewish voters overwhelmingly align themselves with the Democratic Party. President Biden enjoys a high job approval rating of 67%, while former President Trump remains widely unpopular with a favorability rating of 19% and an unfavorable rating of 80%. Other Republican leaders also face negative perceptions among Jewish voters. Democrats are trusted more on major issues, and in a hypothetical presidential match-up, Biden leads Trump by a significant margin of 72% to 22%.

The emotional attachment to Israel remains strong among Jewish voters, with 72% reporting a sense of connection. However, Prime Minister Netanyahu receives mixed reviews, as 28% hold a favorable view of him while 62% express unfavorable opinions.

Regarding proposed judicial changes in Israel, the survey indicates that a substantial portion of Jewish voters are aware of the issue, with 34% having heard a lot and 36% having heard some. Among those informed, 61% believe these changes will weaken Israel’s democracy, while 24% believe they will have no impact, and 15% think they will strengthen democracy.

President Biden’s messages resonate strongly with Jewish voters, particularly his focus on infrastructure, job creation, and abortion. While his stance against antisemitism also garners support, it is less stark compared to the aforementioned issues, with 57% saying they think Democrats can better address the issue.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

34 Responses

  1. Shame?
    The shame are the 22% of Jews in America who would support, the thrice married, serial adulterer, leader of the insurrection, deadbeat, violator of laws for another term in the White House.

    This is not to say that President Biden is my first choice, by Trump will never get my vote

  2. Why is this a shame? This shows that Jewish people are normal and logical and don’t support an exreme narcissist who litterely only cares about his own interests. In addition, Trump may not personally be antisemitic, but he is supported by many antisemites and tolerates them way too much. There was even a pro Nazi who was suplosed to be speaking in Mar-A-Lago a few weeks ago. In addition, it’s good for Israel to have Biden, who is actually respected on the world stage and is supportive of Israel. Trump was probably more supportive of Israel but it may have backfired given how ridiculous he seemed to the rest of the world.

  3. What poll is this ?
    No one asked me ??
    Where are you getting these numbers from?
    Most Jews I know want trump over Biden.
    Fake poll

  4. Whats the shame? Although I was a huge Trump fan, the guy is dangerous for Jews.
    Who cares that he moved the embassy to Jerusalem? We’re American Jews for crying out loud! Why on earth shld a good American Jew be charged for stupid Israeli politics in general?
    For starters,we shld never be judged thru an Israeli lens.
    And shame? Yidden are sane people and want someone u can identify with. While Biden is too old and fragile to run, hes not a dangerous person.
    Let them poll these same
    “ungrateful Jews” asking if Biden shld pull out of the race. It wld be a resounding 100%.

  5. these are the same jews whose children and grandchildren will most likely all not be not jewish. the minority that support trump, they’re great great great grandchildren will still be jewish.

    what does that say about this stat?

    Sadly, assimilation affects even religious people in Shmootz Laaretz. So return again, retuuuuurn again, return to the land of your soul. 🇮🇱

  6. Biden will never get my vote, and I’ll vote for whomever the Republican party picks, even if it’s Trump, or maybe especially if its Trump. Who takes these polls anyway?

  7. Guaranteed that the poll mentioned was taken with LIBERAL jews. I am pretty sure if the poll was taken with frum JEWS it would be a landslide in Trumps favor.

  8. Trump deserves thanks for his pro-Israel moves and attitude as president, but that doesn’t change who he is – a narssacistic thin-skinned bully with the maturity of an eight-year-old. I can’t say I’d never vote for him again, but I’d have to think long and hard about it – and whom his opponent is – before doing so. The man is too unstable to whole-heartedly support.

    an Israeli Yid


  10. One of the the things this says to me is that American frum Jews should be reaching out a lot more to their non frum fellow Jews. Be as friendly as possible, show them that we’re nice, caring, agreeable people. Leave politics and anything that might put them off out of it, that’s the only way to get through to them. If possible invite them to see the beauty of Shabbos in a family setting, something that many of them may never have experienced.

  11. THE שוטים are not ashamed because the Gemara says שוטה אינו מרגיש. Och un vay we are holding by this!

  12. It has been said before and I will say it again.
    We are our own worst enemies.
    The Nazis, Yemach sh’mam and anti-Semites today and always, only need look at how many of us treat each other to learn evil ways of dealing with US.

  13. It’s silly to continually expect that Jews vote against their self interests. It is the republicans that want to cut back on safety net programs like HUD, SNAP, Medicaid etc.

  14. 1. How does the poll define “Jewish”? If you count anyone with Jewish ancestry, the numbers should be the same as general polls (since if you go back 4000 years, almost everyone is related to everyone else). A poll limited to halachic Jews would be impossible, because most non-frum persons of Jewish (on the mother’s side) don’t perceive themselves as Jews.

    2. If the poll is limited to those who are Shomer Shabbos and Shomer Kashrus, I suspect it would be about about 70% for Trump. One must remember that most Jews are assimilated, and to an assimilated Jew, most of the Republican agenda is highly problematic (e.g. opposition to abortion and non-support of LGFTQ, support of freedom and opposition to WOKE cancelling, parental rights, capitalism, etc.).

  15. To the liberals who are responding above. Keep in mind you align with the majority of Jews who believe intermarrying is acceptable, eating trief in a nightclub on Friday night is okay, and attend shul once a year is dandy. Liberal politically= liberal religiously. Just take a look at Kamala’s husband as to the type of Jews polled.

  16. America is a democracy not about just one person that is in the news more then China this is when we base our foreign policy on the personality of a person
    When Trump is accused of Russia interest it’s a witch hunt when Biden is accused of his son foreign bribes he is quit about it
    Although Biden is for gays and despicable human marriage
    There still are normal democratic candidates but the republican caucus is already about a dictator

  17. Astonishing. Simply astonishing.

    Not that people point out Trump’s innumerable faults and foibles.
    But that they are blind to Biden’s. He is, by many accounts, far more corrupt and dishonest that Trump.
    And he is unfortunately in far less command of his own faculties.
    Put aside their shared immorality and dishonesty and judge them by what effect they have had on the lives of the citizens of the United States.

    Does anyone really believe that daily life in this country has gotten better since Trump left office?
    The cost of living has skyrocketed. Cities have become havens for filth and crime. I work in midtown Manhattan. The stench from Penn Station to my office is horrible.

    The brand new Moynihan Train Hall next to Penn Station is trying valiantly to keep itself clean and appealing to tourists. Unfortunately it’s an uphill battle. The shiny brand new elevators already reek of urine. I’ve almost missed trains due to stoned “unhoused” people essentially taking over elevators and passageways making it impossible to pass.

    There are police and even National Guard visible in the station, so I guess the “unhoused” are well protected from terrorist attacks and from normal commuters.

    Major retail outlets are shutting down stores at alarming rates in blue cities because of shoplifting.

    The border crisis has increased exponentially, with so-called sanctuary cities bending over themselves and spending huge sums to move out unwanted illegal migrants.

    Purveyors of the woke religion are forcing horribly immoral and harmful ideas onto children, and the Federal, State and local governments are eagerly joining them to eradicate any remaining vestiges of sanity and morality.

    Does anyone here think that anything I said is not true?

    I’d honestly like to know what President Biden and his administration have done that has had a quantifiable positive result for Americans.

  18. Now forget about the love and glory of the land of Israel whether it has kedusha of tavah or chochma or semoi and that more Torah Jews are seen as enemy of Islam and scared of the dehumen Iran
    When Biden talks for a long time about having no anti semitism like that happened in the shul of Atlanta do you think the pro Israel Trump would stop that thing
    That’s a mistake he is only interested in himself and success if Israel is not succeeding its night time and sorry goodby
    So he put the embassy in Jerusalem from TelAviv and that is not in Palestine land and he said Israel could have a one state solution instead of the two state meaning they could have PALESTINE and they already do and he said the Golan belongs to Israel and was voted against in the UN as going against historic fact and he free Pollard and some other people
    from a very bad prison
    And he made the Abraham accord that was to stop Israel from going against the UN charter and annexing Palestine rather a two state solution that is but happening and causing only more anti semitism for torah Jews because of Gaza jail cell and j Palestine discrimination
    The fact is Palestinians are people and whether you make a one state or a two state you can not discrimination on them for another fifty years to come

  19. Ask Harav Avigdor Miller, zt’l.
    The Rov ID’d the issue decades ago as a shoichad cop out to programs over Torah Truths and Values.
    Definitely not the “Stiff-necked” appellation of Moshe Rabbeinu or original seed of Avraham…
    Stay tuned for handouts and deals to the rescue!

  20. While Trump trumpets all day and an alternative might be what people want and are just answering BIDEN so that they have their alternative, I question if anyone is thing about Jan. 21st. He will ne serve! He will pass it onto Harris and she’s more dangerous than anyone can imagine! That alone is a reason not to vote for Biden.

  21. r[e]t[ard]:
    “rt June 26, 2023 10:19 am at 10:19 am
    And what exactly is the “shame”? That it’s not 99%?”

    The shame is that they identify as Jews.
    Just as your trans friends identify as whatever.

  22. The shame os that it’s not a 100-0.

    Biden is not the best president. He’s horrible. But I’d take a second term of his over Trump any day.

    Hopefully the GOP will nominate someone sane. (No, that would never happen. Because the GOP and many frum yidden have been taken over by an insane Orange worshipping cult, ready to defend any and all behavior, no matter how despicable.)

  23. Shame!!! Most people in this poll are unfortunately frei self hating ppl who are intermarried and are really a shame to the Jewish people

  24. Only 20% of klal Yisroel were zoiche to go out of Mitzrayim!! Now I am not saying that supporting trump makes you a better Jew but I can tell you there will be a huge overlap between the people who will be zoiche to the Geulah and those supporting Trump: because the ppl backing Trump are generally proud frum Jews who are loyal to Torah and Mitzvos and the ppl who hate Trump are usually intermarried self hating antisemitic animals who hate Israel and also hate traditional American values. These people cause antisemitism with their left wing lunacy.

    They are a real chillul Hashem because they support late term abortion and wokeness. The only positive thing is that in our generation most of them aren’t even Jewish anymore they are the kids of shiksas some of which might have had some reform conversion and BH most of these ppl aren’t even Jewish anymore.

    How could any Jew who believes in Hashem vote for the party of wokeness?

  25. I’m Republican and a conservative. I hated Trumps behavior but appreciated his policy. Unfortunately, Trump did a lot of damage to the party and despite losing the election, he still won’t shut up.

    It would be a hard choice but I’d either sit it out or or vote for Biden. It’s not that I’m happy with Biden, it’s that Trump is a narcissistic child who is utterly irresponsible and has lost all respect from most Americans.

    Disclaimer: While this is true for Joe Biden, there are Democrats that I would have to “hold my nose” and vote for whomever is opposing; like any one of the squad.

  26. I recommend to the frum people to study T_rah, to davven and to always try to be a reflection by word and deed of Torah.

    HE is in command of all persons, groups, nations and Olam. I’m not entirely sure but somewhere it is written: “… my thoughts are not your thoughts….”

    My mentor (I am a goy ) was and is Rabbi Eli F. Beane zt’l said we can understand some of HaShem’s actions but not ALL of them.

    Rabbi Dovid Goren zt’l said to me “Gerry everything happens for the good. ”

    B’vah’chah’shah, increase your knowledge of T_rah and try to be an example by word, by deed and by appearance of all its do’s and dont’s —you will be rewarded, Israel will be rewarded and so will Olam.

    A goy,
    Gerry Mullen

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