Barak Orders Demolition of Merkaz Terrorist’s Home

bt.jpgDefense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered the demolition of the home of the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva terrorist.

On March 6, 2008, the Jabel Mukaber resident came to the yeshiva, located in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood. He ran through the building firing indiscriminately, murdering eight and leaving others wounded.

Despite his heinous act, the government has remained paralyzed, afraid to take action against the family of the terrorist, who was shot dead at the scene of the attack.

Barak on Wednesday ordered the demolition of the family home after 54 MKs signed a petition supporting the move, one that many believe will serve as a deterrent to future attacks. In addition, following the attack, family members and neighbors of the terrorist applauded his actions and there was dancing in the streets and sweets were distributed to the children. The bereaved family also established a mourning tent and they labeled their son a “Shahid” (holy martyr).

It appears that the bereaved families have finally succeeded in persuading lawmakers to take action months after the attack. Nevertheless, it will probably take a number of weeks at the very least until the order is actualized if at all, since the family will undoubtedly turn to the courts and there will be numerous appeals to the Supreme Court on their behalf in the hope of preventing the demolition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. STUPID STUPID STUPID. Whats it gonna help them. Do something to scare them from doing another attack in the future chas vsholom.

  2. This dead terrorist is part of a huge, wealthy and influential clan of Arabs who live and serve the entire Yerushayalim with shipping and trucking.

  3. When I first saw the article I thought that it was refering to Barack Hussein Obama. I was thinking why is B. commenting on this issue now?
    Then I realized that there is another important Barack in der velt. Ehud Barack.
    May Hashem continue to watch and protect yidden bechul mekomos sheheim verak besuros tovos.

  4. Hashem is in charge.
    The true essence of a person is the soul. Our innocents who are slaughtered by the gutter snipes and maggots who call themselves heroes.
    Their souls will cringe and singe from the burning coals of Gehenom’s ovens. Our innocents are already transplanted.
    The rishoim are celebrating our deaths but Hashem yinakem dimei acheinu.

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