Anthrax Suspect: Jews Are God’s Chosen People

ivins.jpgThe government scientist who killed himself as he faced arrest for the 2001 anthrax attacks was an evangelical who believed Jews were God’s chosen people. The Frederick (Md.) News Post republished letters from Bruce Ivins in the wake of his suicide last week. Ivins was an anthrax researcher at the government’s biological weapons research lab in Fort Detrick, Md. In one letter he praises a rabbi for refusing to engage in dialogue with a controversial local Muslim cleric.

“By blood and faith, Jews are God’s chosen, and have no need for ‘dialogue’ with any gentile,” Ivins wrote in 2006. Earlier letters suggest that he saw President Bush’s re-election as a victory for evangelicals. “You can get on board or get left behind, because that Christian Nation Express is pulling out of the station!” he wrote after the election.

Ivins killed himself as the U.S. Justice Department prepared to arrest him. Ivins’ beliefs are significant because the 2001 attacker in notes appeared to be a radical Islamist, writing “Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is Great.”

(Source: The Jewish Week)

6 Responses

  1. He was right about the chosen ones. HOWEVER,
    if he really killed the five people through Anthrax, he is of course 100% wrong.
    We don’t applaud death as we all know some people do.
    We don’t dance in the street when people are murdered. We all know who does.
    We don’t give children candy so they should remember how sweet murder is. We all know who does that.

  2. I tend to think Ivins was not guilty and that he cracked under the FBI’s pressure to bribe his family for evidence, which was not produced. I read something to the effect that his son was offered, by the FBI 2.5 million dollars and any sports car. His daughter too was harassed, but I forget those details.

    It seems the FBI is looking, by hook or by crook, to close this case and their PR people have put the word out ALL OVER as though the case is solved. I think it is not solved today anymore than they could have solved it all the days prior to this man committing suicide.

    The pressure and fear he was under was probably immense.

    I am not saying he did not do it, but the story as it sits now with the FBI going in for closure, as they were unable to do within the court system, seems fishy.

  3. veryinteresting — Indeed. The case presented against him is far from conclusive.

    And yes they harassed him immensely, including FBI agents walking up the Ivins wife, in front of Ivins, in a public mall and yelling your husband is the nathrax killer!

    Let us not forget this is the same DOJ that harassed and insinuated that Hatfill was the real Anthrax killer, until that case fell apart and they paid him $5M after harassing him like they did Ivins.

  4. let us not forget how the fbi harassed tenenbaum for 10 years and how pollard is being harassed daven and let moshiach come

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