WATCH THIS: Rand Paul Launches Blistering Attack On Dr. Fauci Over Covid Coverup

Senator Rand Paul launched a scathing attack on Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), during his appearance on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo. Paul accused Fauci of covering up the origins of Covid-19, adding to his previous allegations of wrongdoing regarding gain-of-function research and questioning the virus’s origins in a lab in Wuhan, China.

The interview commenced with Paul criticizing billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates for providing financial assistance to organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and accused Gates of funding gain-of-function research. Paul stated, “But this has largely been funded by Bill Gates, who he funds the WHO more than most countries do. So there’s a responsibility there… He’s inadvertently helped to create something… that the biggest danger to mankind right now is something that he’s been funding, and that is finding these viruses, taking them back to the lab, and manipulating them to make them more dangerous.”

However, Paul swiftly shifted his focus to Fauci, accusing the veteran health expert of orchestrating a cover-up of the Covid-19 origins. He claimed that Fauci was aware of the problem from the early days of the pandemic in January 2020, alleging that Fauci had allowed dangerous research to proceed without adequate scrutiny and went against regulatory protocols. Paul asserted, “So he knew this from the beginning and it was an active cover-up. He actively got papers placed that were not valid papers into large scientific journals… there was a cover-up from the very beginning, but a real judgment error.”

Supporting his claims, Paul referenced a report released earlier in the week by journalists Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and Alex Gutentag, who cited US government sources to suggest that the initial Covid-19 infections were among scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Dr Fauci invited the investigation about COVID.

    He has never had anything to hide.

    The Republicans promised investigations into all of their fishing expeditions after regaining just the House in 2022.

    Meanwhile, all their costly investigations have produced nothing except for congressmen grandstanding in front of cameras repeating the same accusations over and over.

    When are the Republicans going to actually do the job they were sent to Washington for? Never. They are too busy trying to lie on Fox news.

    Rand Paul is a non board certified opthalmologist and that tells you all you need to know about him.

  2. Mass murderer Anthony Fauci, is the Dr. Joseph Mengele of this generation.
    This filthy treasonous murderous rabies infected sewer rat, needs to be put on trial for the
    crime of mass murder, when found guilty ” hang the bastard”

  3. Do whatever it takes to impress & woe we American voters to vote for President Donald Trump שליט”א a 100% innocent man, and to send crooked joe biden, a 100% guilty miscreant, packing back to his Delaware basement. Then crooked joe biden can spend the rest of his days ranting “G-d Save the Queen”

  4. To the YWN editors: Have you checked chugibugi’s comment with your defamation counsel? Maybe Dr. Fauci made some honest mistakes (though I doubt it), but calling him Dr. Mengele is ghastly, if not actionably defamatory.

  5. @huju: the defamation standard is very high for public figures and there is a qualified right regarding public servants.
    That being said, even if it were open shut defamation, YWN could probably hide behind section 230 in a potential lawsuit arguing that the comment section is a forum and not a publication. This would theoretically protect them from any liability.

    Now regarding what chugibugi wrote, while distasteful, I would argue does not meet the standard applicable here of actual malice.
    Whereas the argument for a libel claim in this arena would be that comparing Fauci to Mengele is a malicious defamation, the two most obvious defenses would be:
    A) the truth (which is always a valid defense for defamation) ie; that his participation in unethical science is comparable in some way to dr Mengele’s horrific human experiments (not dissimilar to the outlets comparing Trump to Hitler, by pointing to one specific character trait)
    B) that it is not actual malice because he it is simply a comparison regardless of whether the comparison is incorrect. (Again analogous to the Trump-Hitler comparison)

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