INSANE FOOTAGE: How Many More Children Do We Need Injured This Summer?

An absolutely shocking video taken by a Rockland Hatzolah paramedic was submitted to YWN, showcasing a terrifying disregard for safety.

As you watch the video below, notice not one, not two, but THREE children dangerously hanging on to one scooter in the middle of a Monsey road. Even worse? Not ONE of them was wearing a helmet.

But it gets worse.

When confronted by the Hatzolah member – who identified himself – they laughed him off and proceeded to continue driving in middle of the road.

The number of accidents with people riding scooters has skyrocketed. Hatzolah members in all neighborhoods have been responding to incidents involving scooters every day. Many of those incidents resulted in serious and critical head injuries.

As the summer gets underway, YWN is pleading with all parents to make sure your children are wearing helmets, and are driving safely. The same goes for adults. Don’t think you are immune to injury. Just ask your local Hatzolah member about the latest horror story.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

37 Responses

  1. When I was a kid I got a spanking if I was caught riding my bike without a helmet. Even now as an adult, I wouldn’t dare ride without one. That’s what these kids need.

  2. When I was a kid, bicycle helmets hadn’t yet been invented. They were probably the idea of some helicopter mom terrified by the thought of her kids growing up normally. We climbed trees, too, and nissim of nissim, nobody got hurt, much less killed.

  3. Don’t be ridiculous! This is on a local road in the Monsey area. They are probably down the block or around the corner from their home. Also, since the chassidish women don’t drive, the driver is, of course, a man and they wouldn’t get into the car with a random man.

  4. @ohrchadash

    1. Yes, they should walk

    2. Besides the point. We shouldn’t be immediately pivoting to blaming the messenger. Even if you were right, and he should’ve offered them a lift, the reality is that this issue is brought up every year, in regards to safety surrounding pools, bikes, summer roads, atv’s, etc. and every year there is at least 1 death Rachmana Litzlan. And when I say rachmana litzlan, it’s with the tacit understanding that Hashem is trying to protect us and does, even fools. But ultimately, as the Gemara says, we are responsible for our health and can negatively affect it even though Hashem didn’t plan for us to get sick (See Kesuvos Daf 30 “Hakol Beyedei Shamayim, with the Machlokes of Rashi and Tosfos on Amud Bais about this topic as to whether someone can cause themselves to get a cold if they went outside without a coat in the winter for example). So t is important that people realize that it isn’t just “Hashem will help” but we need to be more proactive about safety.
    3. Most importantly, the fact that they are laughing at him is concerning. We as a community, especially in the Tri-State, tend to act this way. We laugh off rules, mock those who try fixing dangers, and then wonder why people get upset. This applies to “inzerer” as well as to Non-Jews. Everyone normal has cringed at behavior in theme parks or similar when you see frum people acting inappropriately and causing a chillul Hashem. I’ll say it, and I know it isn’t fashionable to say, but we’re in Galus and we should try acting that way.

  5. When the gemara says that a sign of mashiach is the young disrespecting their elders, I think this is a good video.

  6. we don’t have have to go back to the years we grew up and received spankings from our parents. just yesterday (sunday) my 11 year old was caught on a scooter without a helmet, (yes in our own private closed backyard) and she received a spanking on her open flesh with my husbands belt. i dont let my kids whatever they feel fit, its not a hefker velt. (she was also punished that she cant play outside for a week, must be in her room entire time)

  7. I think the hatzola member faulted by not asking the last name and address of these kids. Then gone and reprimanded the parents for their selfish unacceptable neglicence.

    Next time anyone spots such a scary situation. The parents MUST be contacted to take immediate resposibility.

  8. dont worry everyone. i am pretty sure these girls got what they deserve. i am positive that they cant sit straight, from their punishments they received. i am sure the mother of those girls had a long night yesterday to ensure that all of them were punished accordingly and properly, and they got a gezunteh spanking that they will forever remember

  9. As terrible as this story is, I’m horrified by poster @eishis chayil!
    She says her husband disciplined their 11 year old daughter on open skin with a BELT!
    She need the authorities called to report her!

  10. Children copy what they see, and what they see is parents driving while texting and distracted with total disregard for safety. This video was clearly take from the driver seat while driving. I understand the driver wanted to make a point but there should be zero tolerance for touching a cell phone while driving.

  11. This is does look a side street in monsey and any street in Monsey You have people zipping around turns.
    Thank to the Hazalach Member pointing this out.

    @eishis chayil ur Chinuch is less then desired…
    Plz join parenting classes b4 social services take your kids chalil’la. It sounds like you care alot about the safety for you children, learn proper ways to machnech with out hitting, Remember Parents main roll is to Michanech- Teach & instruct not Police & punish, with more teaching and love there is less policing and punishment.
    Children are our KING’S gift of responsibility to us. Treat them well.

  12. Family services, should have been notified immediately, any idiot parent who would let their 10 year old ride an electric scooter on the highways of Monsey, needs to be investigated if he or she can be trusted with children

  13. Safety Town is a program supported by police and fire in literally thousands of communities across the country. It is often integrated into public school programs (or after school programs and vacation programs). Safety Town addresses issues of personal safety, bikes and traffic rules. Safety Town classes begin at kindergarten. Its a pity that the frum community won’t take advantage of this program or craft a safety curriculum designed to protect their children.

    Again I will ask the rhetorical question, where are the parents when it comes to safety instruction?

  14. eishis chayil.
    Sorry, but spanking with your husband’s belt is abuse. You could do irrelevant harm with a belt. Spanking with the bare hand is way better. But abuse is unacceptable.

  15. eishis chayil are both sarcastic and culturally clueless from the tone of your comments… to these girls and their parents this is a normal way of doing stuff
    culturally you can tell where they belong ….they wont even know its on yeshiva world
    and of course they should be wearing helmets

  16. They didnt “laugh him off”
    When you confront someone and leave them with no options they will be stuck and not know the next step.
    Thats why most people use scorn/irony/derision in these instances.
    Its human nature.

    As an adult, we are expected to learn how to deal with this maturely (newsflash: most dont).
    But as a child, you really cant expect differently, and the appropriate thing would be to deal with this in a manner that takes that into account.

    Stop adultifying children, and youll be less outraged.

  17. Yes, we should make sure all children are chained to their desks, allowed outside only with a leash held by an adult, and preferably wrapped in bubblewrap.

    It should be noted that Ha-Shem created some species (many insects, some reptiles) such that newborns have most of the instincts and common sense to get through life, so from this we can conclude that the reason human children were not so endowed is that there is much to be gained by children needing to learn things from experience or teachers.

    So I suggest the author of the original posting should wrap their own kids in bubblewrap, and try to get less upset at other kids acting like kids have always acted.

  18. @ wishes chayil
    I don’t know about you, but as a mechanech, I know that spanking children doesn’t make things better. It will only make your kids want to not tell you things because they will be scared of you. If you love your kids, then why are you hitting them?

  19. Some of the commentors are talking as if this a one time occurrence. This is happening daily It may not be a kid on scooter. It can be a bike and even walking. While on this topic I feel its important to point out another similar dangerous situation. There are many shuls that have an extended Shalosh sudois, so while your inside shmoozing with your chavarim or listening to the ruv’s Torah what are your children doing? Since I live near a few of these types of shuls, I will tell you. In all likelihood your children are playing some form of tag and are running in between the cars, across the streets. So in case you didn’t realize there are many yidden that are driving before 72 minutes and there are many non jewish drivers around so for both situations I will ask DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE?

  20. Then when ywn headline reads ” children in monsey critical condition “, all you idiots want their name for tehillim.

  21. No kids should ever have an electric scooter. Period. They’re dangerous in of themselves.

    P. S. eishis chayil is yanking y’all’s chains.

  22. Al Daas Hamakom, of course we’ll want their names for tehillim.
    Avraham Avinu even davened for the people of Sedom.
    We can agree that what some people are doing is very wrong, and still be concerned about their welfare.
    In fact, I would suggest that if you’re not concerned about their welfare, you should refrain from criticizing, since your criticism is clearly not coming from a good place.
    When observing wrong/dangerous behavior such as this, first take the time to contemplate that these are our fellow Jews. Ask yourself how you would feel if it was your close relative or friend behaving like this.
    Then whisper a tefilla to Hashem, asking him to keep these people safe.
    Then you may rebuke them. Strongly. And you should.

  23. thanks for everyone who cares, I understand your concerns and fears, however, i would like to clarify a couple of things before you attack me for what i did.

    firstly (though i understand that its not an excuse for hitting, its just to understand where i come from), I grew up in a very ultra extreme strict home, and suffered severely from my mother (has had her issues), and i was punished in the most cruel ways possible. i was smacked on my open flesh (in front of sisters and their friends till bas mitzvah age, and in private only after that age) with leather belts, thick rods and electric cords and heavy duty extension wires, wooden spoons, wire hangers, thick plastic hangers and her bare hands. age was not a factor. I was smacked straight through high school and post high school and as a kallah too, in fact till i got married at age 21. I was usually smacked in the high quantity (typical was 2 or 3 strokes per age for the minor trouble, and even 100 lashes or much more (not often though) at times. the same quantity was administered if she had decided not to spank but slap her merciless smacks across my cheeks, often in front of any sibling, brother or sister, friend, family or neighbour, and siblings friends too, even when i was 17 and they were 10 or 12……..that was just the smacking part, (though happened almost daily or even twice or more in a day) the other punishments were by far more frequent, and on a typical day i was punished a couple of times between timeout (yes at age 15 or 19 just like a 2 year old), writing sentences (in the thousands, usually approx. 4-5 hours of work mimimum…… assignments, as if a boy in cheider), taking money (not a deposit…..a fine, never to get it back) kneeling on rice or pebbles, locked in your room for hours and hours with no entertainment such as book, phone, game, or even pen or paper. nothing. just going nuts from boredom. a few hours or days. or the dreaded and most hated corner time like a baby, in front of any person who may be in the house at the time. it was awful.
    that’s what i want through. i am a good mother. try to be. I am not cruel. my kids dont suffer like I did.

    anyway, back to clarifying myself. yes I did open up my daughter to her flesh (in private) and used a belt but it was more to scare her off so she learns and will not do it again. I did not smack so hard, and only 11 smacks-her age (not hard). and left no marks. she cried for a few minutes and thats it. i made sure not to smack so hard only light, but hard enough to hurt a bit so she cries, it was more the idea that she sees how I use a belt on her open skin, so she learns and sees how serious we are with it

    but again thanks for everyone who worries and is concerned. its very important that kids dont go through what i did. no one cared back then.
    i had no intentions of torturing my 11 year old like that. its just a punishment to scare her off. because it was just 11 weak smacks i punished her with something else too

    thank again for everyone.
    i believe like you do
    no kids deserve it (including myself and my siblings)
    please save kids from such pain

  24. Last week there were ten accidents in Monsey/SV that involved children running into the streets.

    1. I see girls over 12 on scooters. How is this more tznius than lady drivers in cars? If you can’t have ladies driving due to “tznius reasons” then surely the same communities would ban scooters for girls over 12! Scooters are open and truly not tznius for girls to drive. If it is not banned it is hypocrisy.

    2. I recently drove down a street where a child was hit a few day prior. A group of mothers from the neighborhood were gathered in group “lepuching” (yapping away) while a 2 year old child was standing standing mere inches away from the road and appearing to be ready to run into it. Non of these mothers, including the mother of the child who I’m sure was part of what appeared to be a very intense shmooze, even glanced at the child near the road.

    3. This video is on a quiet road which is becoming a rarity. Many of the stories of kids running into the road are on overcrowded streets where contractors build irresponsibly and irresponsible parents buy $1,000,000+ houses with no property and narrow sidewalks, without space for kids to run and play, and especially no place for little kids to ride their bikes, so the kids end up in middle of the street…People called me an anti-Semite once when I wrote against the overcrowding but it’s a fact; the overcrowding is not only terrible and disgusting, it is dangerous as well. Which leads to another issue

    4. Building numerous apartments on a too small property causes people to park on the roads due to lack of driveway space. This is very dangerous for the traffic as well as little kids darting out behind cars that block the driver’s view from kids running into the street.

    If you have a bit of seichel and value your children’s lives, think before you buy where exactly your children will play outdoors when the weather is nice, they will not stay cooped up in your playroom. It is dangerous for them to play in parking lots so don’t fool yourselves that it’s ok, it is even more dangerous if you have a tiny parking lot and 3 feet of grass until the edge of the road….

    The people who buy these overpriced apartments without any thought of their family’s safety have themselves to blame if anything happens c”v. And the same is when the parents don’t instill safety rules into their children or neglect to watch small children who need to be supervised.

  25. @eishes chayil
    You should be thrown into jail. You have no right Min Hatorah or legally to do that to your child. I wouldn’t be surprised if she never wants to talk to you ever again once she is at the age of understanding that you are insane. This is a disgusting thing that you do. It’s not right, and you better stop before people find out who you are.

  26. Boro Park is even WORST. I’ve seen kids, chassidishe bachurim riding in the middle of traffic like huligens. They not only not obey ANY traffic laws riding in the streets without helmets going 20-30miles an hours, one of these kids hit an elderly rebbetzin, breaking her rib, not even turning back to say I am sorry.

    Another time, I was driving and 2 chassidishe kids which beeped my horn to pointed the finger at me.

    The parents are beyond at fault giving their kids a quicker way to make a huge chillul hashem and put not just them selves in grave danger.

    How many more accidents do we need ?!?

  27. @moderator maybe monitor silly sarcastic comments like “eishes chayil”! No one should have to read silly comments.

    @arizona I know of a boy that fell out of a tree and died – so….. ונשמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם

  28. Another issue with these scooters that need to be acknowledged:
    I see so many young children who are already overweight. They are not getting proper exercise that they need. The scooters are contributing because no exercise is required to get around. Bike riding is a much better option as kids can still get around and it is good exercise.

  29. I find (almost) ALL these posts fascinating!
    Everyone (again , besides 1 or 2) is focused on the helmet issue but otherwise a scooter is peechy keen. Why? Because the GOYISHE authorities/media etc. say so.
    I’m sure terrible things happen to kids when in a scooter accident EVEN when wearing a helmet.
    So, if the “law” said you can’t drive scooters at all, we’d be seeing the same exact comments.

    A friend of mine once asked me a great question: why do I get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt but motorcycles are allowed to ride????

    I’m not here to Pasken what does or doesn’t constitute V’nishmartem Es Nafshsosechem, just pointing out how most of us are influenced by “outside “ opinions as opposed to Torah opinions.

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