MK Yogev Calls to Cut Ties with Yesh Atid

lapBayit Yehudi MK Moti Yogev is calling to end the party’s agreement with Yesh Atid.

In an open letter the MK calls for a ‘cheshbon nefesh’ in the party regarding the ongoing relationship with the Yesh Atid party. He adds ‘לך כנוס את כל היהודים’ , a call to achdus in the dati leumi camp.

“There are those who posit there is no common ground in the various dati leumi camps – what is there is common in the chareidi dati leumi and the dati leumi light for example. I feel there is more than unites us than divides us. My rebbe, HaRav Moshe Tzvi Neria ZT”L said regarding machlokes in the dati leumi community said “יחי הטשטוש המאחד”.

Regarding the chareidim he explains that which divides goes to the core of hashkafa regarding the State of Israel and IDF service but adds “We are partners with them in recognizing limud Torah is the foundation of your path with a desire that the character of the State of Israel should first and foremost be Jewish, chessed and tefilla. In addition, regarding Eretz Yisrael, since the expulsion [from Gaza in 2005], the chareidi tzibur have come closer to our position and on the eve of the expulsion they joined us at the tefilos at the Kosel and felt the pain with us, and are concerned with the rehabilitation process for the expellee families and even the right-wing bloc in Knesset.”

“Regarding the legislation, the ousting of the chareidim from the government, the cutting of yeshiva budgets and child allowance budgets, legislation that to my sorrow we were a part of, in addition to all the attempts at anti-religious legislation, all of this has significantly offended the chareidi community and they are now turning away in anger which is manifest in chutzpah and a lack of hakoras hatov, primarily towards us. All of this does not necessarily contribute to an atmosphere that will encourage chareidim to wish to serve in the IDF.”

He points out that today in Knesset, the right-wing nationalist camp is only 40 MKs and this is problematic and permits an opening for a left-wing government. He feels that regarding agreements that may be signed in the future as well as additional anti-religious legislation. He warns of Yesh Atid’s agenda and plans to deliver additional blows, both regarding anti-religious legislation and the future of yishuvim.

He calls for cutting the union with Yesh Atid and building a union with those willing to work to preserve the Jewish character of the state and concern regarding a Greater Israel, even amid a realization there is machlokes on other matters, but there is an understanding all concerned want what is best for Am Yisrael. He calls on party officials to convene the faction to sit and discuss the future and how to best accomplish the party’s goals.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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