Lakewood Resident Issues Call To Action For Tesla Owners Over Unfiltered Web Access

(AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

There is a known problem with Teslas that every model is capable of connecting to Wi-Fi, which grants unrestricted access to anything on the internet.

While those who pay an extra fee for what is called “premium connectivity” can get Wi-Fi access at any time, even those who do not purchase this service are able to connect to Wi-Fi from any hotspot, which gives them unrestricted internet access that is unfilterable.

Some, more upscale models come equipped with a screen both in the front and back of the car. The screen in back, which is meant for child passengers, can be locked by the parents, but there currently is no way to disable the screen in the front.

One Lakewood resident, Yisroel D. Bender, took action by contacting Tesla several weeks ago about this issue and has been working with them to find a viable solution that will enable frum Yidden to drive without inherent ruchnius challenges.

When he first called Tesla, Yisroel was told that a solution may be possible if enough people call them and express interest.

He explained that it is not at all farfetched to think that they can easily come up with a solution, as they have done so for numerous other requests when the demand is high. Representatives of Tesla openly told him on the phone that if enough people call with this request, it is very likely that the pressure will lead to an outcome of something being worked out.

The representatives said that, in the past, Tesla has changed things like the design of the car and the software after people called in.

Furthermore, the recently changed the font to a larger size to accommodate older drivers who were having a hard time reading it after numerous calls with this request.

Tesla already has a feature known as “pin to drive”. When this feature is activated, the car cannot be driven until a pin is punched in. It would not be too difficult for a similar feature to be installed for internet usage, which would make it impossible to use the internet unless a pin is entered. The pin could be made by someone else and be left unknown to the driver, which would, in effect, disable the internet and remove the problem altogether.

Yisroel is asking Tesla owners to call them at 1-877-798-3752. After dialing this number, press option 5, and then dial extension 10007. The caller will then have to identify himself as a Tesla owner and provide his name, email odometer reading and Tesla nickname (if applicable). He can then request that the pin lock feature be added for the web browser.

The call will only take a couple of minutes and, hopefully, will bear results. The Tesla representatives reached on the phone were extremely positive about this idea and have said that this is a good way to going about getting this done.

The public awareness campaign was started just a few weeks ago and the Tesla representatives are telling callers that they have already received many calls. Yisroel has continued to be in contact with Tesla, and is being told that they are impressed with the number of callers and how important this issue is to the Jewish community. They say that the more calls they receive, the better chance they will accommodate the request.

If anyone has any other questions, they can call Yisroel D. Bender at 908-783-4220. Additionally, anyone who calls Tesla is asked to be in contact with him and let him know that they called so that he can keep a rough count of how many people have called them.

21 Responses

  1. LeToeles HaRabim
    Maybe it’s better to focus on a vehicle that’s a little less flashy. How about a vehicle that’s less attuned to gashmios. I’m sure that there are calls that are much more important to be made.

  2. I’m not really sure where this is going to go – but I do know it’s going to be funny.

    Here’s an idea, don’t surf when you’re driving. It’s like you’re saving someone’s life and not going on the internet, all by driving. You can even be machmir and drive all day so that you can be mekayem those mitzvis all day long!

  3. At some point, perhaps buy another electric car if this is really an issue for you. The objective of having web connectivity is to enable real time downloads of software updates, link the self-driving features to real-time changes in roadway configuration, traffic detours, emergency situations etc, track battery status and charging etc. No sane yid is going to be driving down the NJT at 65 mph erev shabbos watching pritzus on the 10 inch dashboard screen while still trying to arrive in Lakewood before shkiah.

  4. how about focusing on all the ponzi schemes coming out of lakewood and not be bust with the teslas
    last i checked
    losigzoil is a deoraisa

  5. Why should a frum jew be driving a Tesla in the first place? What kind of message does this send to our children? What do the Goyim think when they see us driving luxurious vehicles and living luxurious lifestyles? We’re putting the emphasis on the wrong place.

  6. Whybee, unfortunately that old fashioned concept is long gone. Today, everything must be upscale or you are a nerd. And Lakewood is the leader.

  7. You probably will have more clout if you join in and co-ordinate with some of the larger conservative christian groups and conservative parent organizations. These groups too are usually concerned about unfiltered children’s internet access. And then you’d have a much larger community reaching out to Tesla.
    These groups often share similar concerns

  8. Taking everyone’s comments into account, the fact of the matter is that there ARE people that drive Teslas, and frum Yidden shouldn’t have unfiltered browsers. No one’s talking about disabling the GPS and traffic system, this is about the browser and the movies. Kol hakavod to him for taking the initiative.

  9. I find these comments disgusting!
    Instead of being proud of people who are concerned about infiltered internet (whether or not you use it),
    many comments are complaining about fancy cars or unrelated incidents in Lakewood of crimes.
    Because he likes fancy cars and someone in Lakewood once stole money, he should let his children use internet unsupervised?
    How much jealousy can we foster?
    Whether a Tesla is a good purchase for a frum Jew or not has nothing to do with being careful with internet,
    on the contrary, if a person who succumbs to his love of fancy cars is careful, surely we should! (be careful with internet, not buy fancy cars)
    By the way, when rich people buy expensive things it helps support the workers at the car dealership, the car insurance company, the mechanic etc. So don’t be too jealous either.

  10. to beit

    not a question of jealousy
    but as important as internet filters are
    so too being mechanech a young generation that losigzoil is one of the aseres hadibrois
    and the culture in lakewood by some not all and not as you say someone in lakewood once stole money
    the stories are many and new ones every day
    and even the old ones are disproportionate to lakewood

  11. To all those commenting about not using a Tesla:
    1. This is a totally different discussion
    2. Some people need to drive a Tesla for work. I know many people whose bosses require that they drive a car in line with their position. It looks bad for the company if their CEO/CFO drives a yeshivishe car
    3. We need to get ahead of the game. Today it is Tesla, tomorrow it will be all EV’s, and the next it will be all vehicles. Once there is a precedent for the ability to restrict the internet access, it will hopefully be much smaller struggle later on.

  12. To all those claiming a Tesla is a flashy car or gashmios and so on.

    Contrary to your opinion, Tesla’s (model 3) were recently acquired for $350/month (taxes and all included).
    I know many people, Rebbe’s included, that needed an affordable car and took advantage of this offer and in today’s expensive car market that’s a decent price, especially considering the gas fuel savings, and also considering that the model 3 has one of the best resale values in the car market as well.

  13. Telling Jews not to spend big money and not show off is a waste of time. For years, big Rabbonim have begged Jews to not make flashy weddings or vorts but people don’t listen. We are an “Am K’Shei Oref”. The Rabbonim know they will buy Teslas anyway so they might as well try to tell them about the web access.

  14. To all those saying not to use a Tesla.
    SO, I actually KNOW who Yisroel D. Bender is, and he DOESNT have a tesla.
    He is doing this because of OTHERS who he CARES about that have a Tesla.

    And I will call out @Gadolhadorah
    For your usual out of touch derisive comments
    1. the pin would be to stop the browser
    it would have ZERO effect on CONNECTIVITY, gosh!
    2. No one is worried about “watching pritzus” going 65 miles an hour on the highway.
    But how about when your on a business trip, in the parking lot of your hotel, because you already filtered your phone?
    Or when you lend your son your car to chill, with his freinds, or without?!

    The idea that open internet is not a real issue is simply moronic and against all available evidence.

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