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Spring Valley, NY: Former Yeshiva Worker Found Hanging Outside Yeshiva

1:30PM EST: Officers are investigating an apparent suicide on the property of the Noam Elimelech Yeshiva located at 100 South Central Avenue off Route 59, YWN has learned.

Sources tell YWN that the man was found by a student of the Yeshiva this morning hanging from a tree. Additionally, YWN has been infomred that the man is a former employee of the Yeshiva.

The Rockland County’s Medical Examiners Office, along with detectives are still investigating the incident.

YWN has no further information at this time.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / YW-782)

6 Responses

  1. Why is this story necessary? Just for the sensationalism and shock value? It doesnt matter that it occurred on Yeshiva property. This story does not need to be publicized by Yeshiva World and certainly not with the gruesome details or cause of death.

  2. Maybe reading this will put some feeling into the hearts of your neighbors and realize that we must beg Hashem to have mercy on us in our present hard times. These events are not random,they are messages from Above.During these 9 days,we should be sad,think about the churban.

  3. Bentch Kvetcher, was your comment thought out or just stam immature “kvetching”? My post was very serious and goes alot deeper than just this post. I guess some of us are so desensitized to tabloid garbage that this story doesnt even make us bat an eyelash. So sad.

  4. First off my heart goes out to the bochurim who found his body. Although we live in a generation that of which our youth have seen so much garbage, still this is a horrible event and those who saw first hand will be stuck with that image for the rest of their lives.

    Next, it is hard to say where the line is drawn of what we need to know and what we don’t. However, it is important to know what is happening in the world. There is a message being given. I’m not big enough to say but it is not coincidence.

  5. YWN is a news site. They report this the same way they report a Bank robbery or a hit & run accident.
    If you wish not to know the news then you NEED NOT come to this site.
    It looks like the only reason you commented on this post & not others is because you have Negius.
    YWN has an email address and contact information with which you can discuss the very important input that you have.

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