DON’T MISS A SECOND: Full Coverage Of Adirei Hatorah 2023

As Adirei Hatorah puts the final touches on its massive maamad hatorah taking place on Sunday night, a team of 15 Lakewood Alerts reporters and editors has assembled to bring you live coverage of the evening’s events.

Providing photos and videos, real-time updates, and key moments from every inch of the Wells Fargo Center, Lakewood Alerts is the ONLY media outlet offering comprehensive, blanket coverage of the most momentous gathering of the year.

Don’t miss a moment of the historic maamad! Follow Lakewood Alerts’ coverage by clicking here!

8 Responses

  1. Yossies,

    The point of this event is to give you chizuk that you should continue supporting the bnei torah as you have so beautifully done in the past and even perhaps increase your commitment to them financially, all at the same time as you are learning for yourself in a kvius’dika way.

  2. @YOSSIES – This event IS for just such a person (and for everyone else); It is meant to instill a greater appreciation for those who are learning full time AND for those who are supporting them (whether that be the wives, the parents, the in-laws, or the chashuveh baalei batim.

    Having said that: It is precisely lines like that – as well meaning as they are – that can sometimes make the fulltimes – those who are the Aron who are carrying the nosei ha’aron – feel as if they are not so appreciated. I am sure every morning and every night as you close your Gemora or Shulchan Aruch after a grueling one or two hour seder of intense learning you wonder how anyone can do this for three or four hours “straight” (I am sure the busiest businessman takes a coffee break), and do that two or three times a day and THEN go home and help with the children since most of these homes do not have regular paid help. Then, after homework, bedtime, and shopping, there is the night seder, or the preparing for shiur.

    Of course your help is greatly appreciated. It truly is. But if anyone feels what they are doing is supporting otherwise lazy individuals who have to come on to hard working fellows as yourself, then this even is for everyone!

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