Harav Meir Tzvi Bergman Shlit”a, Chaver Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, To Headline Adirei Hatorah Gathering

Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlit”a, the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Rashbi and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, will soon fly to the United States to participate in the massive Adirei Hatorah event at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia on June 4th.

Rav Meir Tzvi shlit”a has not traveled outside of Eretz Yisroel for many years, but is making an exception for the mammoth upcoming maamad hatorah.

Adirei Hatorah organizers say that more than 80% of tickets have already sold out. Ticket sales through shuls will be ending this Wednesday.

To purchase tickets, visit AdireiHatorah.com.

7 Responses

  1. They got to first get him the best ticket they can and pick him up in a nice fancy accommodate car or van take him to a wealthy mansion with private quit rooms give him some nutrients and coffee a cuban cigar and then they got take him back

  2. I am searching for an answer to the following questions. R’ Aharon z”l and R’ Shnuer z”l never organized Adirei Hatorah events and I never heard that their talmidim felt like they were missing something. Now, all of a sudden it became important. What changed? Are Bnei Torah really less respected now than in their days? And if it is a fund raiser for the Lakewood Bnei Torah then why do the same Bnei Torah need to leave the Bais Medrash to attend, let the donors attend?

  3. Where do the organizers find these photos?? The Rav, shlita, definitely does not look happy about having to leave EY and fly to Philadelphia for this event.

  4. firstly to former see: rav gershon ribner #adirei hatorah: ushering in a new era. also to @Gadol hadorah youre a mevazeh talmid chacham enough said.

  5. Anonymous: Direct your comments to whoever chose this photo of the Rav; among hundreds of online photos of the Rav he always appears with a radiant smile

  6. Anonymous: Direct your comments to whoever chose this photo of the Rav; among hundreds of online photos of the Rav, he always appears with a radiant smile

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