MAILBAG: With Leaders Like These, We Are Doomed

On Monday night, I attended a local “Community Board” meeting in New York City. While the meetings are generally ho-hum, what I heard last night made me sick to my stomach.

The Board spent 15 minutes decrying a homeless shelter that had opened in their community after 3 years of rigorous planning, groundwork, getting approvals from the Department of Homeless Services, etc. They sat there blasting the shelter and all the services it will provide. They went on and on.

But then the most unbelievable thing happened. A guy got up to speak and announced that New York City had just moved around 100 illegal immigrants (I know, migrants, whatever) into a facility in the area. He spoke of their plight and their hardships and asked the crowd of more than 100 people at the Board meeting to help them. He urged everyone to provide them food, clothing, and of course, lawyers to help them stay in the country.

The response from the Board and the crowd was overwhelming. One after the next, they expressed their pity and love for the migrants, saying again and again how much they want to help them.

I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. Seconds before, these liberal malcontents were slamming a shelter that would help New York City’s own residents. Now, they were applauding people calling to help illegal immigrants with the same services that the city’s own homeless need!

The moment was enlightening for me and made several points crystal clear in my mind:

#1- The plan is obvious. Flood the county with these unknown migrants and coordinate a hostile takeover in a few years. It’s all part of the Marxist plan.

#2- These liberals couldn’t care less about another human being. Any services they provide to people, and any kindness they show to others, is all to advance their own agenda. If they actually cared, the homeless problem would be at the top of their list.

#3- The liberal degenerates don’t seem to recognize the calamity they are encouraging. Homeless shelters at least have people that we know. When a homeless person attacks a pedestrian, or throws someone in front of a train, we can identify them and hopefully take them off the streets. This isn’t so when it comes to illegal immigrants. We don’t know them, we don’t have their fingerprints or photos of them. Just wait until the rate of “assault” against these liberal women EXPLODES, and they have no idea who they are and have no way of bringing them to justice.

Folks, America is doomed.

P.S. I’m not in any way affiliated with a homeless shelter, nor do I know anyone who is homeless. I’m not affiliated with any immigration attorney, and I don’t provide any service for immigrants or the homeless.

Name withheld upon request

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. the liberals are shameless animals , HOWEVER migrants are hard working laborers doing jobs americans dont want to do , homeless ARE BUMS

  2. America is doing great. Thank you very much.

    “#1- The plan is obvious. Flood the county with these unknown migrants and coordinate a hostile takeover in a few years. It’s all part of the Marxist plan.”

    Disagree. If there was a marxist plan, it would never work. Maybe explain the plan ?
    Immigrants who love the democracy and freedom of living in the USA are definitely not part of it.
    Also, you cannot prove anything from one community meeting.

    “#2- These liberals couldn’t care less about another human being. Any services they provide to people, and any kindness they show to others, is all to advance their own agenda. If they actually cared, the homeless problem would be at the top of their list.”

    Agree that homeless are not on the top of the list. But they are on the liberal list of humans to help. The conservatives have the homeless next to the top of their list of people who they can be evil and act wickedly to. The very top is reserved for immigrants. Towards the bottom are kids killed with AR-15’s

    Re: #3 Maybe you should check into actual immigration policies and procedures. We do know many of them and ID them.
    “Just wait until the rate of “assault” against these liberal women EXPLODES.”
    That is a scare tactic and is unhelpful when conversing about immigration policy.

  3. CA,

    I can show you the hostile takeover by the Republicans on January 6th. They did it and will do it again.

    Saying that liberals plan on it is pure deflection.
    Show me the marxist playbook and the hostile liberal takeover that are planned.

  4. “It’s all part of the Marxist plan”

    It’s interesting how you equate American liberals with Marxists. They are quite far apart.

  5. Liberalism is a disease. There really isn’t a cure. Our task is to insure, to the best of our ablity, that these moral degenrates are not elected to public office. that is a formidable task, and requires us to be strong at the local, state, and federal levels.

    Jackk, to the best of our knowledge, is not a public official. And if he continues to entertain us here, that’s okay.

  6. Your premise is right but I have to disagree about a liberal plan. A liberal / wokist is the exact opposite of Daas Torah. If someone would ask three different rabbonim a question he may get three different answers but they can all be correct because a Rov has guiding principals that are set forth in the Torah. A liberal wokist first of all is self centered only thinks about what’s in it for them or their agenda. They usually have a warped sense of logic. And of corse couldn’t care less how their laws affect other people.

  7. I’m very confused by your letter. I thought it would highlight the board’s contradictory stands, and then decry leaders with stupidity. Then it digressed to how terrible illegal immigration is. So the problem is that the leaders fall for such liberal tactics? That they themselves have these Marxist motives? And why the need to start off with their condemnation of the shelter?

  8. I don’t want to hear about how hard working the illegals are. They are breaking the law to get here; and once here, overwhelm the emergency safety net services (yes, large segments of the citizen population permanently live off the emergency safety nets, but that’s a separate problem), plus the local schools and hospitals. Enforce the laws. Period

  9. It’s the Cloward-Piven Plan. You can look this up. There were a few intellectual elites pushing it, and tons and tons of Useful Idiots (that’s a formal term).

  10. “I can show you the hostile takeover by the Republicans on January 6th. They did it and will do it again.“

    You show me a bunch of nut jobs I’ll show you BLM protests and a Covid lockdown with masks that didn’t help

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