ENRAGED: NYC Parents Furious As Migrants Are Lodged At Their Childrens’ School In Coney Island

Migrants are flooding into New York City, and with officials befuddled as to what to do with them, they are being placed in school buildings.

“We are in the midst of a humanitarian crisis,” said Mayor Eric Adams. “We are opening emergency shelters and respite centers daily, but we are out of space.”

Officials confirmed that at least 75 migrants will be put up inside the gym at PS 188 in Coney Island, a location which City Councilman Justin Brannan called “puzzling.”

The move is especially head scratching considering that school is still in session. Parents are not happy about it.

“I’m taking them home,” an irate parent of students at PS 188 told CBS after refusing to drop her kids off at the school.

CBS said most parents said they didn’t necessarily have an issue with asylum seekers taking shelter at their children’s school, but rather that their children were being forced to be around complete strangers.

“Why should they be in there with those adults? Those are men and women. We don’t know where these people come from,” a parent said. “It’s the mayor and the chancellor. I really blame the chancellor.”

Meanwhile, Mayor Adams says he wants to revoke the Big Apple’s status as a sanctuary city amid the steady stream of migrants.

“The law of sanctuary city was in place long before I became mayor. I’m following the law. As a law enforcement person, you know, we follow the law,” Adams said. “We are now in court now, today, asking the judge to revisit this law to deal with this humanitarian crisis because, even when they decided to put in place that law, no one thought they would be dealing with a humanitarian crisis of this proportion.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. The message is obvious, loud & clear:- 11/5/2024:- Vote for President Donald Trump שליט”א and send crooked joe biden packing to his Delaware basement & once & for all.

  2. Remember when immigrants were held at Ellis Island and shipped back to Europe if they had certain contagious diseases?
    Were these unfortunate migrants vetted for contagious diseases.? May HaShem have rachmonos!

  3. “Bleeding Hearts” … DeBlasio said NYC is a “sanctuary city ” !!! Easy to talk till it’s in your own back yard !!!!

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