WHERE ARE THE PROTESTS? Elderly Man Placed In Chokehold, Punched In Face In Williamsburg Robbery

The NYPD is searching for a violent suspect who reportedly placed a 73-year-old man in a chokehold and then punched him in the face before throwing him to the ground.

Police said the incident occurred on Sunday afternoon in the vicinity of Hooper Street and S. Fifth Street in Williamsburg. After violently throwing the elderly man to the floor, the suspect then went through his pockets and removed his wallet, which had a debit card and $60 inside.

Despite the horrific nature of the crime, there have been no calls for protests, in stark contrast to the death of Jordan Neely, a homeless and mentally ill man who died after being placed in a chokehold after threatening subway riders.

Do only mentally ill people who are uncared for by their own liberals-led city deserve to be defended?

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Time for crooked joe biden & hochul to be placed in a choke hold:- After tasting their won medicine, response shall swift, or are they too brazen & far gone to be able to taste their own medicine?

  2. Duh. It has to fit the narrative. WHITE Republican straight male suspect, BLACK choir boy “victim”. Anything less doesn’t matter. Mayorkas, Garland, Wray, Biden, Harris, Hochul, James, Bragg, Gonzalez, etc etc etc couldn’t care less!

  3. huju,

    Does a choke-hold on an elderly man who was robbed matter to you as much as one on a mentally unstable vagrant? Is it all the same according to your woke, kapo religion or do you feel that this victim should have just “moved away from them when they erupted”?

  4. In order to baselessly fan the flames of hatred YWN presents false outrage instead of real news

    The protests for James Neely were due to the fact that police did not press charges against the marine that put him in a chokehold and let him go without any consequence. In the case in Williamsburg police are actively looking for the perpetrator so that they can hold him accountable. Hence their is no double standard or favoritism for homeless people. Thr two cases are hardly comparable and the lack of protest is full understandable.

  5. Crazykanoi is back with his craziness!

    “The protests for James Neely were due to the fact that police did not press charges against the marine that put him in a chokehold and let him go without any consequence“

    The reason for the chokehold was to save people who he thought were in danger because neily was threatening them

    Over here the chokehold was unprovoked and even when they find the perp they’re going to release him without bail because he “didn’t really do anything”

  6. huju,

    So after you and your woke coreligionists have ensured the police can no longer do their jobs, you pretend to support Shomrim? How disingenuous of you. As the resident kapo-in-chief, you’d be the first to decry them laying a finger on the poor criminal.

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