HaRav Mendy Chitrik, the Rav of the Ashkenazi Jewish kehilla in Turkey and the chairman of the Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States, visited Djerba and Tunis last week following the tragic murder of two Jews in the shooting attack in Djerba on Lag B’Omer.
“What an emotional day it was!” Rav Chitrik wrote, saying that as a representative of the Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States, “I have come to Tunis and Djerba to show support and solidarity to this unique community, following the heinous attack on the La Ghriba Synagogue – and came out strengthened and full of hope.”
“The somber day started in Tunis [where the taharos for the niftarim took place before they were flown out of the country]. Together with Rabbi Levi Matusof, grandson of the legendary Rav Nisan Pinson, z’l, we joined the Chevra Kadisha to prepare the deceased הי”ד for burial in accordance with the unique Djerba custom. The pain and grief are just unbearable.”
“Shortly after the funeral, I had the chance to give a short Torah class at the local Yeshiva – founded by Rav Pinson z’l, some 60 years ago.”
“And then we traveled to Djerba, where despite pain there was strength. We were graciously hosted at the home of the legendary Chief Rabbi of Tunisia Rav Chaim Bitan שליט”א. We deeply felt his resilience, wisdom and pious determination, coupled with his humility and friendship.”
“Djerba is a small Jewish community, an oasis of bustling Jewish life and Jewish education – a vibrant, united, and deeply committed Jewish community with a 2000-year tradition of unwavering observance, led lovingly by Chief Rabbi Bitan.
“During our visit to Djerba, we were joined by our dear friend Imam Hassen Chalghoumi – together we visited the historic La Ghriba Synagogue and prayed for the souls of our brothers who have been murdered right at this spot.”
“We also thanked the local police authorities for their heroism – and prayed for the souls of the members of the police force who literally gave their lives to prevent what could have been a much bigger tragedy.”
“I also want to thank the French Embassy and the US Embassy in Tunis – as well as my friend HE EU Commissioner Oliver Várhelyi for his constant support and encouragement.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
2 Responses
What a Tzaddik, Rabbi Chitrug is, I stayed many times at his home in Nisantasi ,Istanbul, His wife is a true Eishes chayil, and so are his kids, The Courage and the 24/7 Chessed Rabbi Chtirig does is unfathomable !!! As the Chabad Rabbi and The Ashkenaz Rabbi In Istanbul The Mesirus Nefesh Reb Mendel has for another Yid Ahavas Chinam, As a person who has benefited from Him so much, would not take a dime from me!! I do know that financially it is very not easy for him, I had to use alternative ways to fund this pure Tzaddik, if anyone gives this Tzaddik Tzedaka , I do not know of anything bigger tzaddaka then his cause!! He relies on HaShem true Role model of what is the purpose of a Yis in this world Chessed true Chessed
Who is Rabbi Pinso ztl?