IS IT OVER? Trump Ally Says He Wrapped Up 2024 Nomination At CNN Town Hall

(AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

Trump sycophant and conservative commentator Dan Bongino declared the Republican primary “over” after the former president gave CNN and anchor Kaitlin Collins a shellacking at a network-hosted town hall featuring The Donald.

“I’m going to say after last night, I don’t know what you guys think, the primary is over,” Bongino said on his Thursday podcast episode. “It’s over man. … Trump was in rare form last night and just lit CNN on fire to the point where CNN was questioning CNN at the end of the night.”

Bongino also said that the town hall was “an absolute disaster” for liberals in general.

“Last night, CNN thought it was going to be the kill shot for Donald Trump,” he said. “It turned out to be the kill shot for CNN. Absolutely body-bagged the CNN audience last night. Absolutely hapless [town hall host] Kaitlan Collins. Just hapless.

“CNN, of course, wanted to have Trump on because of the ratings. They thought they could ‘control’ Donald Trump. I think we’ve learned for the last seven years now that no one is going to control Donald Trump.”

He also said that he’s completely behind Trump in 2024, despite liking the other candidates.

“I say this with a lot of love. I think I’ve been very fair to all candidates in the race,” he said. “I genuinely like, as people, a lot of people in there. I don’t have a relationship with Nikki Haley at all, but I love the Vik [Vivek Ramaswamy], I’m an investor in one of his funds. I love the Vik.

“I think Tim Scott is a good guy. I don’t know how conservative he is, but I think his story is amazing. And I’m in Florida, and I can tell you right now we’ve never had a better governor [in Ron DeSantis]. You’re never going to get me to say otherwise. I don’t care who says what.

“But I’m a Trump guy. I’ve always been a Trump guy. I don’t think that’s a mystery. I think after last night, it’s over.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Yes ! Trump 2024.
    We need to make a movement called TOFN!(pronounced toughen., like toughen up & stop believing them )
    Stands for – Tune out fake news !
    The only reason some of the world hates him is because of all the medias lies! If you clearly pay attention and think for your own self you’ll realize he is the person that we need to fix up this country!

  2. Biden hopes so. Nothing rallies his base more than Trump.

    Also advocates of a “third party” hope so (more time to get on the ballot and pick a centrist ticket).

    Trump coming out against opposing China and Russia almost guarantees that the “neo-cons” will be anxious for an option other than Biden’s wishy-washy foreign and defense policies, or Trump’s isolationism.

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