AMAZING: Liberals Suffer TOTAL MELTDOWN Over Trump’s CNN Town Hall

Liberals are losing their minds after CNN hosted a town hall with Donald Trump on Wednesday night, which progressives are now calling “appalling,” “brutal,” and an “[expletive] disgrace.”

During the town hall, Trump repeatedly steamrolled and mocked host Kaitlin Collins in a brutal beat-down of mainstream media talking points.

“CNN should be ashamed of themselves. They have lost total control of this “town hall,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez complained on Twitter.

CNN insiders told Rolling Stone that the event was “appalling,” and that the network shouldn’t have given Trump “a huge platform to spew his lies.”

Another insider told the magazine that it was a “disgrace” and “1000 percent a mistake. No one [at CNN] is happy.”

Meanwhile, CNN CEO Chris Licht defended the network’s decision to host the event.

“I absolutely unequivocally believe America was served very well by what we did last night,” Licht said.

But CNN’s own media reporter, Oliver Darcy, didn’t seem quite as enamored by the town hall as Licht.

“It’s hard to see how America was served by the spectacle of lies that aired on CNN Wednesday evening,” Darcy wrote in a newsletter.

Meanwhile, Trump’s camp is ecstatic over how well it went for the former president.

“We want to thank CNN for their generous donation to President Trump’s campaign!” a Trump adviser told Rolling Stone.

“Trump should literally do this every night. Nightly CNN hits!” another said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. The bigger question is
    How can the United States be proud of itself as a room full of people laugh and applaud as he describes how he assaults woman and he gets away with it?
    What a disgrace for our country.

  2. The man did great things as president, but as a person he leaves a lot to be desired. It’s time for the Republicans to thank him for his service and move on with another candidate.

  3. This is not the correct description of what happened at the town hall with Trump and it is not the correct description of what upsets liberals about CNN allowing him to lie every time he opened his mouth.

  4. I am a liberal. I was doubled over with laughter at how ignorant and illogical Trump is. He really is pathetic.

  5. @huju, I am a conservative and I get so upset at how ignorant, illogical and pathetic Trump is and always was. I can’t believe that this is the best we conservatives can come up with! Unfortunately, this ignorant, illogical and pathetic person has been good to the Jews and Israel. I have been in a bind about whether or not to support him. But at this point, he must step down. He had his day.

  6. I’m a frum person and I am appalled that a frum writer could lick his chops with glee at the way that the disgusting menuval conducted himself in this interview.

    An ehriche yid has even more reason than “liberals” do to call the menuval’s conduct in this interview “appalling,” “brutal,” and an “[expletive] disgrace.”

  7. It was an outstanding performance. Basically destroyed Biden without firing a shot. Anyone in the country believe he could stand before crowd and be a normal candidate. There must be feverish activity going on at the dnc.

  8. Chavadaas. Agreed, outstanding performance in the role of a vile, ignorant and misogynistic menuval. Also, outstanding performance in supporting roles for some in the audience who laughed and applauded some of his most disgusting remarks.

  9. The RBS”O should have rachmanus on klal Yisroel and the USA and have Trump reelected. He was the best thing that happened to the country – militarily, economically, socially, etc. You do like his style, you hate his style…. it doesn’t matter. The president is not a mashpia. JFK was a philanderer. LBJ was a philanderer. Clinton was a philanderer. For a goy to be a philanderer as long as it’s not an eishes ish is not the end of the world and everyone knows it. To play this ridiculous double standard is so pathetic.
    To push same gender marriages is immoral. To teach children about gender change and all the sick perversions the left pushes is beyond despicable. And some of the people responding have a problem with Trump’s style? Are you out of your minds? Abortion, homosexuality, kfira, destroying the country by bringing in millions of illegal aliens, runaway inflation, making the country a laughingstock in front of its enemies, etc. – and you have a problem with Trump? If you do, you need to see a doctor quickly. Never mind, it probably won’t help.

  10. To explain a little bit of the phenomena called Trump: Obama swung the pendelum far left. He broke all the unwritten rules, and acted with little or no regard to all the unwritten rules of gov’t. The conservatives pushed back hard and elected someone who would break all the rules in the opposite direction. It’s the reaction to Obama. Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr. etc., the difference between them was a few percentage points in taxes, and other moderate differences. It wasn’t ideas that look like they’re leading the country to civil war.
    The situation needed a Trump. Not a RINO and not a moderate conservative. And as long as you have gov’t agencies acting as far left wing radical operatives, you’re going to have the same opposite reaction on the right. Calm, rational, logical conservative voices will get drowned out by the insane screaming of liberal pushing their insanities. So along comes Donald Trump – a person who says what many people on the right are thinking, and actually does something about it. Opens up drilling, closes the border, knocks off an Iranian top terrorist, etc. never mind what he did for Israel. No president, no matter how friendly towards Israel, would even consider it. Trump just did it. Same for pardoning Rubashkin. [Rubashkin doesn’t even have to be a “siba” per se; let it be a “siman”. He just does what he perceives is right. He doesn’t make all the politically correct cheshbonos. You ever saw a politician like that? They don’t exist]. He rammed through three conservative Supreme Court justices. Who does that without bending to the media? That’s why they hate him with such unbridled hatred. He’s not goreis them. And Bez”H in his second term, he’ll be goreis them even less.
    That’s the situation folks; like it or not, the age of reason, normal dialogue, agreeing to disagree and accepting the rules of the game, does not exist anymore. We are in an insane period of history and hopefully the RBS”O will be send Moshiach soon and the world will know the truth. Meanwhile, hang on for a crazy ride. It doesn’t look like it’s getting normal anytime soon.

  11. That was actually said with seichel yashar. He wasn’t about politics and that’s what we need. Get things done. Love Israel.
    You can hate him but I have many points where he showed a great heart. Do you know (heard though others if im wrong its me wrong, think I read it too) r heshy ten who started Bucher cholim LA. When his son was sick lo aleinu trump leant his private jet to get him to the medical treatment. When he passed, trump called him weekly eruv shabos for a year after to check in and wish him good shabos . It pained him. Long before he was in politics. Just one example. Not saying he is a hero but not such a #$%*

  12. i dont care about who he is in private. He is a gr8 president. period. He is Hashems gift to America. TYH.

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