MIND BLOWING: Rashida Tlaib’s Canceled Anti-Semitic Event Saved By… A Jew

An planned event at the Capitol organized by Rep. Rashida Tlaib to commemorate the “Nakba” or “catastrophe” of Israel’s founding 75 years ago was blocked by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, but Tlaib was bailed out by a Jew – Senator Bernie Sanders.

Sanders allowed the anti-Semitic Tlaib, Rep. Cori Bush, and supporters of the BDS movement – including individuals who support terrorism against Jewish civilians – hold their event in the hearing room of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.

Sen. Jacky Rosen, who co-chairs the Senate Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism, criticized the event, saying that “calling the establishment of the world’s only Jewish state a ‘catastrophe’ is deeply offensive, and I strongly disagree with allowing this event to be held on Capitol Hill.” Meanwhile, Sen. Bill Cassidy, the ranking member on the HELP Committee, disapproved of the majority permitting the use of the committee room for the event.

The event was held as Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired hundreds of rockets at Israel, following Israeli strikes that killed three PIJ leaders.

Tlaib accused Israeli police of a “sustained campaign of terror” against Muslim worshippers at the Temple Mount, called Israel an “apartheid state” and said that U.S. military aid to Israel supports “ethnic cleansing.”

Jewish groups and organizations condemned the event, and the Anti-Defamation League CEO called for the Senate to condemn it.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. As we know well from several woke posters on this site, there are mah-yafis Jews who believe that the Palestinian issue is “complicated”. They are always first to defend our enemies and criticize anyone who labels them as anti-Semitic. Such scum would have gladly volunteered as Kapos during the Holocaust and donated the extra crust of bread it earned them to the Nazi war effort.

  2. Now I can “Feel the Bern”.
    I’ll use the feeling for more kavona by “Ve Kol Haminim Meheiro Toivedu ve Kol Oivei Amcho Meheiro Ikoreisu”!
    Maybe Berni should try walking the streets of East Jerusalem without security detail.

  3. Bernie is an old time rasha merusha. The democrat party is the party of hate. They hate Jews like poison. Any Yid that votes for a democrat is a choteh who needs to have his head examined.

  4. 1. He is a JINO – Jew in name only; Jewish only in the respect that his mother was Jewish.
    2. This behavior is par for the course for the Left. Nothing surprising.
    3. This is what we learn in this week’s parshiot in the rebuke about being undermined from within the Jewish community.

  5. This is what happens when you are void of Torah. As Mesilat HaSharim brings down, “he sees a tree as a person and a person as a tree”.

  6. What an idiotic move! He doesn’t realize that the same people who hate Israel because it is considered “the Jewish State” hate him as well for being Jewish.

    Bernie, please do teshuva! Announce to the world that you were mistaken your entire life in ignoring your people and your G-d!
    We will accept you with open arms.
    The gates of teshuva are never closed.
    ישראל עושין תשובה ומיד הן נגאלין

  7. A traitor self-hating Jew and anti-American Democrat. This is mainstream Democrat today. If you vote Democrat, you’re on this side.

  8. remember the Senate majority leader MUST approve any room that is rented in the premises so therefore our long time shomer yisroel chuck schumer allowed this to go on.

  9. “An [sic] planned event at the Capitol organized by Rep. Rashida Tlaib to commemorate the “Nakba” or “catastrophe” of Israel’s founding 75 years ago was blocked by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, but Tlaib was bailed out by a Jew – Senator Bernie Sanders.”

    Obviously, Sanders didn’t do so for the right reason, but he happens to be right here.

    Maybe it’s “mind-blowing” to Zionist idolaters, but not to Jews.
    Quick recap: The Zionists have caused untold damage, both physically and spiritually – to JEWS – since before (and during) WW II.

    So, the truth is that as much as the Arabs call it a nakba, the true disaster – that is Zionism and its State – to Judaism and Jews, is infinitely greater.

  10. The Arabs don’t hate Israel for political reasons. They hate them because they’re Jewish. They had a chance to be sovereign in 47.

  11. HaKatan: Rav Meir Simcha ha-Kohen of Dvinsk זצ”ל wrote in a קונטרס (the title of which escapes me) that after the San Remo Conference in 1920 the ג’ שבועות are בטל ומבוטל.

    Out of his abundant mercy, Hashem has blessed us with our revived commonwealth in ארץ הקודש. I for one will not repudiate His blessing by condemning Jews who defend millions of our brethren because Israel is not yet a Torah state.

    מלכות יהודה will be established soon בע”ה. G-d has moved the proverbial pieces with wisdom and patience and has seen to it that an economically and militarily sound state is at the ready when משיח צדקנו finally reveals himself.

    We need to be patient and have שכל הישר.

  12. Ari Knobler:
    First of all, even if that were true, that doesn’t change the horrific disaster for Jews that is Zionism and its State.

    As to that alleged letter, it was a forgery, but, regardless, he did not write that the shevuos were batel. He wrote that the fear of violating them was removed since the British, who ruled in Palestine, had issued the Balfour Declaration. Those same British subsequently rescinded that declaration and also declared that the Zionists read much more into that declaration than they meant.

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