BATTLE OF THE POLLS: New Yahoo! News Poll Shows Biden In The Lead

(AP Photo/File)

Yahoo! News has released a new poll that contradicts the recent shock poll that showed ex-President Donald Trump beating President Joe Biden. According to the new poll, Biden is still leading Trump, and he has a much better approval rating than the previous poll indicated.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Sunday got intense media coverage because it showed Trump with a seven-point lead over Biden in a general election head-to-head. It also showed a Biden approval rating that was the lowest of his presidency in that poll at just 36 percent.

However, the new Yahoo News/YouGov poll released on Wednesday suggests that the Washington Post/ABC News survey may be an outlier. The survey of 1,584 U.S. adults, which was conducted from May 5 to 8, shortly after Biden announced his reelection bid, shows that Biden is still leading Trump.

In contrast to the Washington Post/ABC News poll, which showed Biden’s approval rating underwater by 20 percentage points, Yahoo News and YouGov found that 43% of Americans currently approve of the president’s performance in office, while 48% disapprove. This represents a negative margin of just 5 points.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. I guess people prefer the rapist who doesn’t approve of insurrections and and hang out with antisemites.

  2. Yahoo fake news and the Washington compost. Does anyone think this is a real poll? I wonder what the samples were? Probably 95% Democrat.

  3. Yahoo fake news and the Washington compost. Does anyone think this is a real poll? I wonder what the samples were? Probably 95% Democrat..

  4. Yes, I believe Biden will win again. The young adults were being bought up with movies and games that killed their brain cells and they were brainwashed in school that caused their brain activity outside social media to become fully dead. So yes, together with election fraud, I can see Biden winning again. The US government is not functioning at this point.

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